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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2024 in all areas

  1. I’m not even joking when I tell you this: I was poor, growing up. I wanted to be know everything. I wanted to know shit about other shit that I didn’t know anything about. One year, my parents bought the World Book Encylopedias. I went through each and every book from front to back, several times. I miss that encyclopedia set. It was literally my most favorite thing. It inspired me to write a book report in the second grade on tornadoes. I’ve been fascinated with tornadoes for the longest time. All natural disasters, really. But World Book was just the shit, for me.
    1 point
  2. Holy shit, I've been busy sorry happy birthday!!! I'm late as all hell on this. I hope you have an amazing one!
    1 point
  3. oXMiahGraceXo


    Weirdly enough, Barbie contributed to a makeup for me XD Something about realizing that being two individuals in a relationship is an option as opposed to being a CoupleTM and doing Couple ThingsTM As it turns out being an individual first and foremost makes dating fun and not scary XD
    1 point
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