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Troy Spiral

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Troy Spiral last won the day on January 7 2024

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About Troy Spiral

  • Birthday 01/18/1974

Contact Methods

  • AIM
    734 637 3883 (txts , calls, whatever)
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    734 637 3883 (txts whatever) Hangouts suggested
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    734 637 3883 (txts whatever) Hangouts suggested
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    Troy Crayson on FB
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    Troy Crayson on FB
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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Relationship Status
    In a Relationship
  • Location
    Westland, MI
  • Interests
    Laughing, Being a kind listener, Being Sarcastic/funny, Going for walks, Art, Astronomy, Cosmology, Psychology, Science Fiction, Reading, Quality Film/TV especially with someone I care about, Gaming (of all sorts tabletop/video etc) , going for walks, Rational Thought, Religious studies, history, fresh air, discussions about the big things in life/the universe, may different types of music... this list could go on forever.

    Friendly people and cuddling probably more important than any of this bullshit. =)
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  1. Merry Late Christmas Such a long day. Spent most of it in the hospital with mom. But in worked out in the end. Psychologicaly anyway. Friend of mine bough me a PS6 but my TV is so old it looks like a Sega genesis. Ha. I hope you and the family are doing well.
  2. Mom's In the hospital maybe for the last time it's pretty scary. Bonus is they canceled my food stamps. Mom is almost always like a stiff upper lip type person it's x10 times as un settling to hear her say something totally out of character like 'Troy I'm really scared.'
  3. Info for nerds: - 'The Gathering has been weekly for 6+ years. - House Spiral Day is only once a Year. The last gathering in October. - Every 100 gatherings (300, 400 etc. And House Spiral Day are the only days we really try to get a few people that think kindle on the gathering but don't normally come to come. - Last Year October 2021 was 'House Spiral Day Zero - Year zero and year one are a time where we are figuring out the details of 'House Spiral' as a club. - We started this whole 'be friendly' thing in jan 2001 very informally on DGN (Detroitgothic . net )
  4. Every Card, In Order Back all the way to the end of the heaviest covid restrictions. 'The Gathering Reborn' day. (Prior to that my mind is mush so I'll call this the full 'gathering reborn' set. Mailing soon.
  5. As a much younger man, this inspired me to try and live this way. I continue to aspire and fail. Then aspire again to try and live up to. (VERY short, worth 2 minites of your time ) 👆
  6. These are shortened re-edited versions of older videos. Every wed going on 7 (?) months now. I personally am not a fan of the "6th grade humor" images that my friend uses to make jokes but, among the whole 10 people that actually watch the channel they are popular. I did the 20 hours of editing in the first place, its being edited for free (and I don't have the original files for most of the videos anymore) so I can't complain about the "style." too much. These would all be gone if Shannon_Atx hadn't saved them. On a phone the difference won't matter much but on a larger screen its obvious these arent the original files. She had saved them for herself and my own backup went poof.
  7. Its doubtful that most people are thinking about the earth "for the earth's sake." Which is fair. The earth as far as we know doesn't have feelings in the sense of human feelings. We are thinking about the earth in the sense of its suitability for human habitation. Bonus points for non-human life. Most humans have a negativity bias that pushes us to ignore the positive and only see what we dislike. 99.99999999999999999999999+ % of the universe is deadly, in most cases near instant death for human life and all life that we are aware of. We have a livable earth and even the most dire predictions have it still being livable a century from now. Is the earth being treated badly? Yes. Should we be doing something other than just complaining or hoping someone or something else will improve it? Yes. Regardless, the earth exists as it does today. The only location we know of that won't kill us. One could be forgiven in thinking the ENTIRE universe will kill us near instantly. The entire earth could disappear tomorrow and the universe wouldn't notice. The earth IS as it is. Probably one of THE most positive things. We couldn't even do what we are doing without it. That in itself, is a positive thing for us little specks that live on it.
  8. Tried to make a homemade 'glitch' effefect as that's a fabtasy/asisn/cyberpunk universe. (Kamagawa: Neon Dynasty)
  9. What the cards should look like: (Printer finally died after 5+ years of getting beat up. Poor lil budget printer. *rattles tin cup for chip on on replacement*) What they actually look like: (IOU Cards) Yes... Anime and Deathnote in particular are very close to becoming "official house spiral shared interest subjects."
  10. Yeah we have been talking about ot in the council meetings for momths but this is the first week it mattered. It was just.vaporware at the time of the last HS day. Beth / (Bound to Serve).was dressed to the 9s but couldnt.leave her hotel due to bongo (her dog) losing his mind.
  11. Thank you very much! Sorry this reply is so late. With the 100+ messages a day from elsewhere in the dgn diaspora and zero of them coming from dgn usually its rough. Try as I might and wishing it wasnt ture...(almost) no one wants to use a bespoke, slow message board to communicate. I had to just stop banging my head against a brick wall begging people to swim upstream. 🤕🤕 Most everyone is now on discord. Not that DGN is going away. It's just 10,000 messages to 1. Makes it very hard to check 100 days in a row for no messages. I do try but it's always really slow. Just doing the best I have with what I have. 🫂🐉✊️
  12. Of the House Spiral subjects 'Cosplay' is the one farthest outside my comfort zone. But being that it's sort if implied 'high protocol' every 100 gatherings and HS day.... Largest turnout post covid. There are a LOT more pics and such but I dont have them. (Discord)
  13. This is one of the core reasons I started DGN without explicitly stating it and partly without realizing it.
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