Laughing, Being a kind listener, Being Sarcastic/funny, Going for walks, Art, Astronomy, Cosmology, Psychology, Science Fiction, Reading, Quality Film/TV especially with someone I care about, Gaming (of all sorts tabletop/video etc) , going for walks, Rational Thought, Religious studies, history, fresh air, discussions about the big things in life/the universe, may different types of music... this list could go on forever.
Friendly people and cuddling probably more important than any of this bullshit. =)
TROY! I'm FINALLY back online. It took me a long time to get settled from my move. I am currently trying to update all my pages and profiles and shit. Give me a bit of time, and I'll be right back in there.. And NO, I have not seen my HUGE birthday thingie..where do I find it? What topic heading?