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Troy Spiral

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Everything posted by Troy Spiral

  1. Thanks to everyone that took the time to respond. If you know anyone that likes the cards but does not know that we might run out if I don't have some kind of count here. Please let them know. (In case you didn't know there are various ways to respond with hearts or trophies with people's posts I'd encourage you to use that feature) Also big thanks to tron for posting these regularly. Lets me focus on other things.... like making the cards which I'm just finishing up. hah.
  2. FIGHT! 😁 I'm starting a thing on my vlog with a running tally of votes. To give anything other than cats a chance: Assume +100 years in the future , and the earth isn't dead due to climate change. They aren't real , these are all imaginary so you aren't voting for YOUR cat. I'm thinking cats win hands down in the "cute battle". Robots win in sheer power. Dragons are somewhere in the middle between power and popularity. What is the correct criteria? There isn't any. The votes via the comments on my youtube videos (that ask for a vote) count as 1 point. Votes here count as 2 points. The first person to properly time-tag the dragon, cat and robot (all three) in the YT channel is +10. I'll use this here to keep the running score though. ☠️🌹👁
  3. Looks really cool. Hardcore trekkies ahem excuse me.... trekkers! Starts May 11th. hrmmm. Thanks for posting this.
  4. Comments / Suggestions / Likes welcomed.
  5. I read the first three. They are pretty interesting. Feeling like an asshole half the time because I figure I should be able to read all all of this stuff. Just between being sick so much, o along with many other issues that pull at my time, not the least of which is : I just have SO MUCH stuff to read and I don't read fast despite having been a reader since I was a child. Even just my "bathroom reading" pile is 3 magazines deep perpetually. (Big fan of paper magazines and they are often dirt cheap or free it's pretty interesting once you look into it) I have a hard time reading fiction in general for various reasons I won't write a novel about. It's interesting, more so since I 'have read some other things with the same character. Probably would be a LOT more interesting if I had any real grasp of supernatural. I've also watched some Lucifer which... heretic that I am feels like a better show *hides from the wrath of jesse* lol Trying to offer something of value rather than just saying "thats nice" the end. I know these things take plenty of time to write. A desire to encourage people or even just appreciate the time they took on things is important, especially with people we care a lot about. One thing I'd try to avoid is something that I unintentionally do all the time is using the same words too often. Articles and prepositions along with other small words not in the same sentence. More bulky words like adjectives, verbs or proper nouns not in the same paragraph. I notice it when reading big authors they almost always seem to find a new way to describe something before they go back to the original way, sometimes it can be several pages before they do. Like "Steven wasn't the first to do it nor would he be the last. Scary as it was, "the young man" wasn't overly afraid. Odd for his age, he took things very seriously. This sometimes got him into trouble. "S" as most of his close friends referred to him, thought the flippancy that many of his peers had about seemingly everything was not a net gain. Instead of saying just "Steven" in each instance above. You could google "how to animate on a PC" and turn these into animated series. That is a crapton of work, but I'm guessing the would get a lot of attention.
  6. Yep still awake. MUST... FINISH... VIDEO. Not a huge deal I end up doing this every saturday night for the last 2 months. FOUR HOURS just making this dang thing. (YT vid Thumbnail) lol. Anal is spelt.. the way it's spelt.
  7. Every time i hear (and now read) "the boy" .... lol. Holy damn though 5am. God is still snoozing at 5am. That is a good practice though to keep the sleep schedule the same across the whole week. Goes for all of us unless we have something special to do. You know... going to the club, binge watching my little pony... the usual.
  8. Stream on Twitch. Thats where youll get the easiest following for gaming and twitch has some epic tools for doing everything live stream. Kills youtube. But you can double duty that live stream via both YT and Twitch at the same time (and after it ends you'll have a video on YT) but that is pretty involved to set up. What the big kids do is live stream on twitch and then make "highlight videos" from that stream and post them to youtube. When you spend so much time making something you want to give it the maximum chance for people to see it.
  9. This is going to be another sleepless night working on the newest video. Its grueling but strangely it makes me feel mostly pretty good. In about 12 hours when my eyes are bleeding I'll have a different take on it but that is only the last 3-4 hours which is in a sense more important than any other time. I can make a video but if no one sees it it defeats the purpose. A rule of thumb is 20% of the total time/resources it took to make a video should be spent (in addition) on "marketing" (in my case that just means sharing, asking for help sharing or liking and optimizing for the Youtube algorithm (a real headache)) which I tend to skimp on as I have some idiotic idea that people should be mind readers and just find me or help without me having to ask. That is a huge error. What i should do is get the people that (might) complain that I'm "spamming" them out of my head. One, I will remember who they are and be very unlikely to bother them again... like ever. Two if I don't do my best to try and promote a whole lot of people that might have had even a minor interest in things I'm making or trying to make will never see them just due to my concern over rubbing someone the wrong way. I'm also just scared I'll have to stop. I really hope that doesn't happen. Motivation wise I'm in this YouTube thing for life in whatever form that takes. (or at least like 10 years) only brass-tacks problems with the reality of what you need to make (decent) videos would stop me. I am all-in on this. Its a good feeling honestly. It really does feel like a positive "mission" that gives me direction.
  10. You probably just have a better grasp of how much you remember and feel like its bad / odd. Almost everyone's memory is piss poor compared to what they THINK their memory is. 90% (reasonably clear) memories from age 5 to current is probably about all any of us get. You just are probably much more self-aware than others. From a study on memory I found: "In the 2-8 year range [participants] forgot 16% to 94% of new information. The obvious conclusion here is that learning varies widely (and wildly) and cannot be predetermined (except perhaps by deities, of whom, I think, we have not even a few in the field of memory/learning psychology). To be specific, when we hear statements like, “People will forget 60% of what they learned within 7 days,” we should ignore such advice and instead reflect on our own superiority and good looks until we are decidedly pleased with ourselves."
  11. Hi Again, Cool nickname. From the time I saw "the golden mean" drawn out in that spiral shape, then was for a time fascinated with weather and the various spirals that exist there I just decided I "liked spirals" when we had a school play I just left my first name the same and changed the last name to spiral. It's remained the same through my short lived fine art career, DJing on 89.3FM , and several other things. Interesting degree. (I'm a huge fan of virtually all sciences. I self-describe as an "academic nerd") Have you been able to turn that into a job? Just curious. I have an associates in graphic design and a bachelors in Science (IT/MIS focus) Which I totally did not need, have never had an employer in the IT field ask me about a degree. Just at one point when I was wanting to move up the management ladder they basically required me to finish ANY degree, so i finished the IT focus degree I didn't need. I LIKE college if i could be a full time student (which I guess I am but not formally) that would be great. "Michigan Exile" haha =D Where is your property ? Just curious. I used to be big into the outdoors. Way too far up in the U.P. west of Marquette our family has long had a very roughing-it cabin (no electricity and you hand pump the well water nearest hospital is an hour away). But have not done any nature stuff really in years. My experience with lansing is limited but we have people on this board from europe so that isn't remotely an issue. heh. I have "youtube friends" from lansing (I make youtube videos and this couple make videos to, all the time it takes can be pretty isolating due to all the time it takes and the technical aspects that no one but YouTubers would care about but can be very important (and often emotional) which has caused "content creators" to form an informal social network). From watching their videos I feel like I've been all around that area like 20 times. Hah. DIY stuff is something I have a lot of respect for. Despite the widespread availability of info on how to make things we have now, working with one's hands seems to be on a massive decline. What kinda stuff do you prefer to do? Xbox hehe. This board is literally if I could rename it Id call it "All Nerds". I'm not sure there is anyone that wouldn't be some variation of a nerd. I'm a huge gamer but I've in very recent times been trying hard to cut down on my video gaming. I'm still open to it just with all the stuff I want to get done, (the biggest two being improving my health and in whatever small degree I can, improving the world even if it's just my tiny corner of it) video games are just (for me) something I have a hard time doing in moderation and thus turn into a massive time waste. If i could get a solid group of REAL LIFE friends playing the same video or board games that would be awesome but I'm done being the gaming "leader". lol Been having to teach other people to play various games for 30+ years, so tired of it. Having said that I am dying to play the game of thrones card game. (Also an embarrassingly huge GoT fan). Omg /end novel
  12. Started as a LGBT support card to go along with a video I'm working on but became less obvious the more I edited.
  13. Hiya, I'll refrain from replying in any detail until i know you are actually alive. (We get so many people that post an introduction and then that's it poof they are gone) Hope you stick around.
  14. Thanks for taking the time to type that all up I appreciate the feedback. I've yet to have any dicks show up on my youtube channel but I've long been anticipating them. hah. I think you can (or at least could) use frames in IPB , not sure if you still can or not. Not by default obviously. I am aware of the views being fairly joke-level until my subscriber count and more importantly longer term the watchtime count which youtube now values over almost everything else in terms of helping you grow your channel. It doesn't count subs for any other reason than to "unlock features". The algorithm now doesn't see "subscribe" without the bell as being anything more than a large "like this a lot" button and it doesn't mean "i like this channel a lot" it means "I like what type of content youtube thinks this channel is about a lot". Bell >Watch Time > Sub> Like ( Like sounds strange but with youtube's video-specific algorithm it doesn't care that much that you hit subscribe, it tries to figure out what this video is about, and shows you other things like it, not necessarily anything by that content creator) Not that anyone I know of has the inside info on that, but they have done tests and apparently that is the way it works. Subscribe doesn't mean subscribe (hitting the bell means subscribe) thanks for changing the definition of subscribe! lol The title of this video is 100% tag baiting, the way the new incarnations of youtube's algorithm work until you have 1000+ subscribers and 4,000+ hours of watch time (In the last 12 months) good luck getting any views without doing that tag game playing =( . Welcome to being a tiny youtuber. Its a huge complaint but its how youtube works. 70% of your views come from "suggested videos" , which only get suggested to people that youtube thinks would be interested in what the video is about. Small youtubers have no "authority" to their tags so the tags just have to be all very targeted and make for awkward use. To make that crystal clear (and fight the competition for that same space)... we are reduced to this, and even then the competition is so rough for people below 1000 subscribers it still doesn't work very well. That particular video has the most views of any of my less than a year old videos. Unfortunately that one being the prime example of tag baiting , it works. =/ My other videos with 1 exception are less egregious. lol Youtube ignores you unless your Title, First 3 lines of the description, hashtags and "real" tags (you can't see them) aren't all just perfect in terms of what it wants. Even then it still mostly ignores you until you miraculously get to the 1K subs 4k hours watch time threshold. Which from things I've watched has also been tested and shown to be true. One thing that is hurting me is I don't have a clear "niche" (another thing youtube now wants). The reason that is so hard is my brain doesn't have a niche. Doing videos about the same damn subject every week... basically forever is a hard sell for me.
  15. This is a 55+ hour worth of work video. I was up from friday until sunday editing it. I was so tired I feel asleep walking to bed. Its longer than my usual videos mainly because after my initial skepticism about even the idea, I started to feel like this was, despite any superior negativity about kiss... This is pretty much a historic event. Like it or not. Kiss is the only mega-celebrity sized band that has pushed detroit into mainstream rock over >five decades<. Yes that would be a LONG FUCKIN TIME. Long before eminem and kid rock and other white people half-assedly pushed detroit, kiss embraced the city and the city embraced them. YOU WOULD BE IN SHOCK how many fans Kiss has in detroit. Just a random glance at the Kiss official facebook page when I was researching them: Out of 400 FB friends... >47 of them < follow the main kiss page. That is JUST the people that bothered to like that page. A guesstimate of how many actual kiss fans there are is that number times at least 3. That is insane. Also the concert was PACKED and guess what? 25% of all the tickets were finally sold at at least TWICE their original (already even the nosebleed seats were almost 100 bucks) Yes scalping tickets right on ticketmaster is now a thing. Welcome to the post-regan america. It's not America First its Money First... but I digress. Like i quote in the video Kiss has publicly pushed Detroit in interviews and on a personal level specifically Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley have both stated that despite being a "New York Band" KISS's official stance on the matter is of all the "rock cities" in america. Detroit is THE rock city. Period. Full stop. They have said it over and over from 1974 all the way until just a few weeks ago in the free press. Despite all the time I spent on this, I'm very much unhappy with the end result. Don't get me wrong, I'm very glad I made it. But i'm extremely bummed out that I could not document the concert itself properly. In hindsight I would have figured out a way to at least borrow a real camera (and a decent external microphone) In that kind of changing and low-light and difficult to capture sound the phone just flat out fails. I could have charged about $250 and gotten a pretty god dang good camera setup, not perfect but far far better than the phone. But, I'm already in far too much debt (all due to the various House Spiral endeavours) and am going to have to quit altogether doing the videos by about June if I can't figure out a way to stop the $ bleeding. I'm determined to not have that happen. But i'm not sure if ROCK-SOLID determination itself is enough. It might just be unrealistic. Just trying to justify why the video isn't better if I wanted it to be better. 'Troy just STFU and do a better job' Honestly I did the best I could with what I had, that in no small part also includes the logistics of not feeling very good 90% of the time and staying motivated AND trying to get healthier every day. Just sucking down air can be an effort in a way that is hard to comprehend if you have not experienced it. Please take a look. Feedback appreciated.
  16. I have to admit despite being "into that sort of thing" since I was a teenager and the IMAX looming large in my life, I'm largely ignorant of the whole Henry Ford GV thing. I know its heavily historical, I know its not ONLY historical. I have snuck onto the henry ford estate (not part of the village but you'd think I'd at least done some homework) next to U of M (awesome romantic secret spot with a man made lake and waterfall) plus a little known secret place to get a really good view of the dearborn fire works... but anyway... I'm interested but totally lacking in $ and understanding of the place. I'll have to take some time and read about it more at some point. I do plan on beefing up my entire michigan history (especially SE michigan) education. On my list of now over 600 (yes really) video ideas I'd say 10% of them are some sort of Detroit or Michigan related idea. Often based around seeing something historic or at least semi historic.
  17. There are civil war days???? (huge civil war buff) Also... *random hug* I know they are horrible. =D
  18. For these types of symbols / images there is really high quality clip art that will not cost you hardly anything in comparison to getting something custom made that likely will be the same quality, if even as good as most quality clip art at the big clip houses (Shutterstock being the largest) have some of the highest quality artwork, especially in the positive/negative style you'll probably want. (Been around similar blocks to this many, MANY times). Plus , once you take that clip art and put it into a card configuration it is then something you can copyright if you wish. As a side note I love specialized card decks. I used to have a ton of them, downsized at some point and only have like 5 now.
  19. Never was much of a fan. But they are the ONLY huge act to give detroit real respect. 45 years. 1974 - 2019. Game Over. Really this was for bobbi, but i figured I should take some time to learn about the band rather than just blindly walk into the concert I had to rob peter to pay paul for (so bobbi could go who is even more poor than I am) I had zero real interest. But I knew she would be sad FOREVER if she didn't get to go. Ended up dropping the cynicism about KISS and just enjoy it for what it is. A throwback to an earlier time when rock music was transtioning from one form to another. These guys pioneered a lot of what we have now. But, themselves kept their style and did not change with the times to sell records. Strangely that WORKED. I've never seen such a diverse crowd. 70 year olds in the same hallway with packs of 16 year old girls dressed in full kiss makeup? That is how you rake in the C A S H. lol They are good musicians (sorry if you don't agree you have never played an instrument seriously) Paul Stanley (usually the lead singer) is also a trained in Opera singer. They have this whole other aspect to them that is either embraced or ridiculed, that is they are old-school leave-it-all-on-stage OG rock god style showmen. The pyrotechnics the hydro (complicated lifts) and various other aspects take a ton of prep work and practice beyond the years and years of musical practice. Is that good? Well it's a extremely high skill bar, even if it isn't your cup of tea. Takes serious dedication to pull off. Especially on a grueling schedule, and every member of the band hovering around 60+ years old. I'm doing this while I wait for the HOUR DAMN LONG video to process / backup / upload. Been waiting almost 2 hours.
  20. Oh yeah the video is done... not even gonna bother to make a separate link to it: I thought the last two were a lot of work. HO LEE CRAP did this take forever. Like/Bell/Jump/Skip/Hop/Do The Hokey Pokey thank you.
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