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Troy Spiral

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Everything posted by Troy Spiral

  1. The Gathering 12 Pre-Show The old channel got nuked. This is the only quality (SD) that remains. Extensive re-editing from Shannon (on discord and Twitter I'm not sure what her DGN name is. The first appearance of @TronRP The re-Release of all the content will be every Wednesday with extensive editing.
  2. Thanks for keeping up with this. @TronRP I'm literally spending every day in "stay alive" mode. I'm still a workaholic its just focused on things that aren't visible from the outside. Its a bizarre existence. I am actively working on all sorts of house spiral "stuff" its just hard to find enough hours in the day to do anything when all I have total is like 4 hours to get everything that is not "survival" done. I'm not giving up that's for sure.
  3. That is one of the (several) reasons DGN has become so inactive. /sniffles. Back in the day everyone used a computer. The code isn't super well optimized for mobile even now. It could be more optimized but its a mountain of work to do so unfortunately. 😞 I do hope we can get it "better for mobile" at some point. But when that will be is very hard. Every waking moment of my time is focused on staying alive or other higher priority house spiral things. Tron does her best, but really we just need more total bodies. I don't mean anyone reading this. I mean more total people even if that is only say 5 more. Which is doable eventually. Just not quickly.
  4. The xeophobia is extra strong in the Christian community. Not that we all don't have some small measure of it. I do know LOTS of Christians that are very helpful and generous. It is shocking how many "good Christians" are so lacking in empathy or even just basic critical thinking skills. They are STILL supporting en mass for the most immoral ex president in history? /case closed. Its what happens when "faith" is replaced with "thinking." Now does that meant that ALL Christians are bigoted , closed minded clueless morons? No it doesn't. There are plenty that are thoughtful, kind and helpful. But, it should be obvious to any clear-eyed viewer that Christianity as a whole has been a net loss for humanity.
  5. "Hey If I don't like it I just ignore it." Then... reply to something you don't like with this sort of comment that you JUST SAID you would just ignore. If you aren't open to criticism public spaces are not the place for you. You have to expect actually critically minded comments or wise-ass remarks anywhere you post in public. Do many of us "like" wise-ass remarks or things critical of our ideas? Some do, but not many. Its part of being in public or at least semi public. Now if there are direct person-to-person insults over and over again by the same person after multiple warnings then that would be addressed. But, this is not that sort of situation.
  6. No you aren't. Fox news is one of the worst most closed minded organizations in the country and is the Number 1 most popular cable "news" channel. Popularity never equated to "good" or "correct."
  7. The same complaint has been leveled by every generation about the previous generation. The older generation has always been the oppressors'. The older generation has always viewed the younger as crybaby slackers as well. Ageism in both directions. Casting an entire demographic or group in the same light as its worst members. There was no golden age when older people were as "woke" as younger people. They've always ben cast as the devil. Its similar to any other sort of bigotry. We cast a whole demographic based on the actions of a minority within that demographic. Ageism is the last socially acceptable form of bigotry. We don't have any "real" minorities to hate anymore , at least not publicly. So they are the last group. Although hating men as a whole has always been fun. I don't think that will ever actually change. Just too many men behaving in a way that is outside the modern social contract more than women tend to. I can't picture that ever fully going away. If we didn't have older or younger people to hate I'm not sure who we could pick to hate next. I try to actively work on myself internally every day but we just can't help casting "group" nets. Its to hard to make sense of the world by viewing every single person as an individual. We need to continue to TRY , but humans are inherently xenophobes. Its a hard thing to fight. Its a key thing that most primates have in their evolutionary history. One of the things that kept us on top of the food chain for 300K+ years Its very difficult to make sense of the huge groups we now have to deal with as opposed to our 100 people or less tribes for all of human history. So we revert to this sort of shorthand despite our best efforts not to.
  8. If I was just risking my own life I wouldn't give a fuck. But it's never been about me personally. I hated zoom from day 1. I didn't even want to do it at all but was talked into it by people that don't even bother to show up. Despite the government ignoring science due to politics, I'd rather be safe than sorry. The current estimate is all restrictions will be lifted on July 1st. That doesn't mean all is well. It means... let's play a calculated game of roulette. Since forever 70% was the number of vaccinated people they had said was required. That won't happen in Michigan by that time. Tentatively, I'm thinking late July early August just as a guesstimate.
  9. God had jack shit to do with it... and if he IS involved that bastard has a lot to answer for. "Thank god for the million plus dead people." How about that? Non-Consensual sadists are criminals, not divine morality examples. Create a whole race of beings for the purpose of kissing your ass? What kind of egomaniacal insanity is that? Willing to commit all sorts of the most evil acts as "showing faith in the lord?" The belief in fairy tales is starting to not be something I'm even willing to tolerate much anymore. We are about to >destroy the planet< >destroy democracy< primarily because of this mystical thinking bullshit. This is the only time a dictatorship would be a benefit. Fuck you anti-reality morons... your getting the shot like it or not. The intentional suspension of critical thinking is not a virtue. It is as close to a literal sin against humanity as I can think of.
  10. I got the second Pfizer shot 9(?) days ago. I still feel a bit more tired than I'd think i would normally and i have this odd cold-sweat thing but thats near gone now. Everyone that doesn't need an EpiPen or some CRAZY SERIOUS risk factors should get the shot. No bullshit excuses. Just tell them to STFU and get it. Even my super high risk mother who borders on an anti-vax person knew she should get it. Thank scientists.
  11. Now i'm locked in combat with two houses that my mother needs constant slave labor to help sell. We just have to get rid of them. Its sad since they are good money making rentals but we just cannot keep up with all the labor. I'm trying to help her get the best deal she can because after they are sold she has no income except that joke called social security to last her the rest of her life.
  12. Thanks for keeping up with these tron and everyone for posting. @TronRP @Nitewolf @BadKitty @sekhmet2002 i'm way... way behind on the cards. Between my health and my mothers health and the lack of a real-life gathering for people to bug me about the cards has made it really difficult to keep on track with them. The reason I was willing to sort of just "power through" it was when I got to the gathering in real life i knew at least a few people would sort of light up about the cards. Now, its really hard that the insomnia has taken over my life to even just survive. Don't get me wrong, I'll be back on card duty at some point. I might just have to declare a retreat for some of the missing cards durring covid and just start at whatever number it is when I re-start and once I can get my life back in order fill in the gaps. I probably wouldn't even bother if this topic wasn't still going. This gives me hope. My health has gotten a TINY bit better in the last few weeks but now.... guess what...
  13. Awe hell. The cost to send there... ugh. I'd actually do it if i was still working. We used to have people from all over the world on here when it was rocking but lately everyone has been super local. I wonder how much it actually does cost to send basically just an oversized envelope to Australia *googles*
  14. Topic post updated. Will have to make a more "clean" explanation (reasonably) soon but all the info and what house spiral is can be found in the topic post.
  15. The first week in April the gathering moves to Saturday. New Time / Date Saturday Apirl 3rd Saturday is far and away the day the vast majority of people are available.
  16. Hi Rev! Happy Late Birthday. Its good to see you online. I didn't know you were in Colorado. What is in Colorado that draws you there? Just curious. I remember head wreck used to post from Whales and I thought "you were born there is what brings you to wales." Ha. (Thats what brought me to Michigan) I'm pulled in so many directions I end up just not getting on here as much as I'd like. Im trying to keep the dogs of broke as a joke away myself. The insomnia leaves me with so little time its not funny. Bobbi is so broke its not even funny. She does visit up here often (just randomly giving context.) Plus location wise she has almost no space. Although vape is so much less of a hassle and is unrealistic to make ourselves. /ponders
  17. One of Madame Tron's many hats. 😃
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