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Troy Spiral

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Everything posted by Troy Spiral

  1. My ride situation was a bit iffy for a few days there but it looks like its now something aproaching 99-100% chance of me going now. Since my new "health issues be damned" mission statement has been enacted. :laughing
  2. Ok that whole name-confusion thing is not good. Since is spent like 5 minutes memorizing my orignial version, in hopes of not making a total ass of myself and getting the names all mixed up next time i see you all (as if) all in one place at the same time. Now i have Dressed's version mix up with my older version..... ugh... then thers all this collars and pet and booty talk(which is good! heh) >massive confusion sets in:ohmy:
  3. I've always been confused why they suggest to get your animals fixed (dogs cats mostly) yet, at the pet store , pets are EXPENSIVE. If they needed to be fixed, (for a lot of reasons but the main one being overpopulation) why are they so dang expensive? You'd think if there was some sort of pan-america pet overpopulation problem, thatn pets would be dirt cheap no?
  4. Whos going to CC friday night? (note theres a seprate thread , purposly for saturday pinned at the top of the forum) http://www.detroitgothic.net/index.php?showtopic=1727
  5. Yeah it is confusing leme see if i can break it down properly its 3 different people:(thinks really hard) WishesSheWasDead -- a.k.a. Lindsey, Lin-Lin DressedLikeMe -- a.k.a Elle , Gabby, Grab- Me Dark Juggulet -- a.k.a Crystal , Lick-Me Did i get that all right ? If i did i want a cookie!! Now!!!
  6. Careful what you wish for. :devil Glad your comming though seriously, anyone that doesnt know LW , she is cool. =)
  7. Well good work! When you say very very late what time are we talking about? My ride usually try to drag me out of there around 3:30-4 ish. If we dont hook up im sure ill see you at some point , somehwere else, or i can figure out who is staying till close and give them to them, to give em to you.
  8. We dont but we should. I been sending mike business for 10+ years. I used to pimp out CC on westland public access TV back before dirt was invented.
  9. Nevermind my previous post Rivet answered it already here: http://www.detroitgothic.net/index.php?showtopic=1148
  10. Music to my ears. I'll start bringing more of them whenever i go out, maybe we can convince some other folks to help us with the pimpin too.
  11. "if they go" bah. Get u ass down there , all of ya. :laughing: And the lick-me , grab-me, different DGN names, and then different signature than the DGN names sometimes does get confusing. I've had it explained to me like 3 times now and i still get confused. :doh:
  12. The only thing that will stop me from being there is possible transportation issues. Unless im in a coma, and theres wheels around, ill be there.
  13. I was feeling a bit sick Saturday night and my ride was a bit wishy-washy about wanting to go or not, so i has assumed around 7pm or so that i wasn't going to make it then out of the blue at about 11pm ... ring ring ring... "hey lets go now!" So off i went. Was very low on energy when i got there, spent at least part of the time just hiding out at random spots on the dance floor, deciding if i should suggest that we just go home (a bit sick) or not. Started feeling better later on though. =) Finding tomcat helping out with promoting DGN was great. Cheered me up right as a low point of the evening was sinking in. Was a bit too out of it to do a proper breakdown of who i saw/talked to and I'll probably mix it up with the week before if i try so ill discreetly bow out of the breakdown this week. :laughing: I know i saw a ton of people but didn't talk to very many due to being out of it a bit. Had fun regardless, focus on the good stuff and try not to whine about the bad stuff and i almost always have a good time. :
  14. DGN @ City Club, Saturday, April 9th Come. Join us. Meet us. Hang out. We're not that scary in person, really. Leland City Club 400 Bagley Street Downtown Detroit You enter by going through an unmarked door on the First Street side of the Ramada Hotel building, located at 400 Bagley Street in downtown Detroit. The club is at the top of the stairwell. (see picture in the link above in the DGN calendar entry) All are welcome. Come meet some of us weirdos. Saturday nights from 10:00 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. Alcoholic drinks until 2:00 a.m., pop and juices served all night. Admission is $4 18 and up, 21 to drink with proper ID (no exceptions). No drugs, weapons, chains, spikes or cell phones. Zoomable map to City Club. MDOT lane closures (The map isn't quite exact. The Ramada is located within the Bagley, 1st, Cass, Plaza Dr. block.) Hope to see you there =) Note: This thread is about CITY CLUB ON SATURDAY, want talk about some other club or going to LCC on some other night, or some other place or some other subject? Make a new thread.
  15. I added a link to users profile information called "gallery" , that is , a link to all their pubilcly uploaded image files. If you click on a user profile (mine for instance) there is a link on the bottom left called "gallery" then on the right there is a listing of all (if any) a users created albums , and a link that says "posted in forum" which will display all uploaded attachements and such. I make little changes like this all the time but this one is potentially a bug-fest. I tested it quite a bit with a regular user account and with this account, cant seem to break it, hopefully that means its fairly bug-free.
  16. Rivet have you been posting under this same account name the whole time ?
  17. After talking to you i keep thinking aobut that mini-coversation we had about the state of gramar courses. Was good to see you and your lady again. =) Should come around more often.
  18. ah. Now i gets it. Damn them. >slaps chemists asseschecks ebay for time machine prices
  19. Yeah i've been following the directions for years, just becasue i figure the guys that wrote the instructions know better what to do than i do. Now im just sort of wondering were the logic of letting dirt and grease get inbetween your hair and the dye, helps the dye work better is. /ponder Hrmm maybe the dye is sticking to the dirt and grease and it gels up and gives you a nice dyed, dirt & grease film for your , now, permanently dirty and greasy hair? :laughing:
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