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Troy Spiral

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Everything posted by Troy Spiral

  1. >pictures painting a wall for instance And for me in particular the hair coloring seems to fade out in like 10 days (which is really irrirating) grrr. heh
  2. For us non professionals that use boxed hair color.... In the two different kinds i used(ed) in the instructions it says, and has said for years something like: - Before applying color make sure hair is dry and unshampooed I've been assuming this to mean, "dont color your hair right after you washed it and dried it, wait until later". Is that what they are saying? If your hair is dry, and clean , is that the best time to dye it? Or is it just a wierd way of them saying "make sure its dry , and doesnt have any shampoo in it" (as if somehow you'd let your hair dry yet still have shampoo in it. ) In either case it seems odd. Not that its a big deal either way or i'd not have waited like 5 years to ask this question. :laughing:
  3. unfortunately theres a laundry list of reasons why enabling HTML for general-usage on message boards is usually strongly advised against. Its one of the reasons things like BB code and such exist, HTML is just to powerful a tool. Sort of a one bad person spoils it for the rest type thing. Jarod if you go into the ACP you'll see all (well it should be all , if its not its only any oversight) forums have "HTML enabled when group permissions allow". So in a sense it IS inabled for all forums, just not all groups.
  4. Omg free booze offers. >turns on Mrs Maldoror homing beacon:happy:
  5. =( I was looking for ya all night actualyl bro. The ONE senario i didnt think of was "hrmm... i guess wolves could have got em'" damn. :laughing:
  6. Which is (one of the several) reasons i dont go out anymore without a DA. To stressful / scarry , even if not really "getting drunk" dead tired 2:30 in the morning.... 45 minute + drive home... ugh. Although last night i think i would have been safer driving myself home.
  7. I generally walk in the door to most clubs i go to around 11-12 ish. Been that way for ages. When i was at luna last week i think we got there sometime after 11 and it was fairly busy. I went saw (among others)... Lady Jarod Disenchanted Don Darko Lulu Vox ....no MsMalordor or DetroitTomCat? :unhappy:
  8. I'll likely be at luna tonight. Hope to see a few friendly faces. Health issues be damned.
  9. 1024 X 768 usually accounts for, by most stat sites anywhere from 40-60% "users" (how to define that is a debateable subject) 800 X 600 is the old standard and usually is listed as second place. 1280x1024 is assumed to be the "up and comming new standard". Since message board users generally are considered "more computer literate" (and thus likely to have better hardware software etc) than the average web surfer, i'd guess we'll have more of a bent toward the 1280 X 1024 than the net population at large.
  10. bah damnit. guess ill have to make a new account and build back up to 666 again.
  11. I also own an offical DGN Troy Your Spelling Sucks Hat ™ © that i refuse to give up. (at least until IPB releases its long awaited spellchecker addon to mask my ownership of said hat)
  12. Sooth you sure you dont want the poopy hat? Its limted edition. I wore it myself for a long time the last time the board went down due to my credit card info not being updated. Its pretty sweet, i've wore it for a long long time. (and earned it) oh and whoever thinks they can pick phee out of a lineup based on that picture needs to let me borrow their crack pipe. Please!!? Im kinda down i could use a pick me up. :laughing: >added later:tongue:
  13. Marblez your avatar doesnt fall under my comentary about pictures that your refering to, at least not much. Your AV is pretty acurate, much more than mine is thats for sure. People will tend to vote i think , for who they feel they are most "qualified" to vote for, meaning, who they feel they "know for real what they look like" Jarod and Marblez having been seein in real life around DGN folk a lot, and Brenda just having a lot of different neat pics so as to give many people at least a "fairly clear generalized idea of what she looks like. I dont think it matters how large i make the "what they look like IRL is not relevant to this poll" commentary , people wont read it hehe. And , yes , yes you do suck for screwing up my poll , and the fact that you destroyed the idea that i wanted the person that made the poll not to be a choice IN the poll, god damnit. : And any of you scamps voting for the "best looking" picture get an Offical DGN Poopy-Hat ™© Read the descrption again. :whistling: :doh: :smiling:
  14. In a previous post, i had covered subjects highlighted in red, that where then, brought up after my post, and since i'd already covered them, i figured i'd just quote my own commentary again, rather than re-write the same comentary (which was still relevant) in different words. Bad job of quoting on my part, wasnt clear in my intent.
  15. Basicly its all there and you interpritated it correctly, except for the spin that might suggest im saying "you should not take a stand for what you belive in". That part of it, would be better stated "feel free to take a stand but dont be so rigid in that stand that you no longer seek "the truth"" The idea that "ive thought it all through , and it is not possible that my conclusion could be wrong" is what i belive to be an error that many people may have made. Also , oddly, i tend to often value kindness and politeness over unvarnished truth which is a bit of a psudo-paradox. :ermm:
  16. I like "the subject" of politics. But, in practice, often it can turn to an angry argument, rather than a discussion, which , often leads nowhere. I like to sort of look for "the truth" over the course of a discussion, but i'd say 90% of the time when i start on a political subject with somone, they aready have sort of entrenched in a certian viewpoint and pull up the drawbridge and pour down the boiling oil lest they be invaded by a forgien concept. I try to keep the drawbridge (nearly) always open for business. I honestly , activly try to keep an open mind, you'll hear people say they are open minded endlessly, but its fairly rare to actually find somone that is active at it. Its about impossible to be fully unbiased, that only exists in some sort of fairy-land story, but often i think its not even attempted, its just something people say so as to not sound like ogres. Which tends to lead to heated "fights" rather than discussion, which then can sour me to the act of discussing politics.
  17. No, MINE! And if you try to get is ill go hide out with him in the Tower of Song (girls cant get to us there or so i tell myself)
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