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Troy Spiral

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Everything posted by Troy Spiral

  1. That i actually MISS ? I mean yeah I mildly miss say Kresge. But not really 'the place" its the memories. Just another corporation out for your money at any cost. Hudson's Department Store in downtown Detroit <--- a landmark for generations. Cobb Phramacy <- Last old fashion soda fountain drug store in the lower peninsula. It was always SPOTLESS inside. They took the time to make it look "pretty" too. Unlike say 7 / 11 or some such that is "functional". Couldn't find a link. Carl's Chop House - The oldest steakhouse in Detroit. Old fashion red velvet & wood grain interior "1950s rich" style. Built in a nice area originally slowly like many plaecs declined until it was mostly surrounded by fear. Car's managed to survive for a generation after the surrounding neighborhood was in decline. The sort of place were there are no prices on the menu, valet parking required. Partly due to the security fence they had to put up around the place and the very tight parking. They actually DID NOT want to put up a security fence as it made the place look less appealing but insurance required it. My old boss used to take me to this place regularly and he was friendly with the staff and asked about the history of the place. Closed in 2008. After a lukewarm effort to save the place it was DEMOLISHED in 2010. QUO VADIS movie theater- The last old-style movie theater anywhere around here (Wayne / Wetland) It assumed culture over the masses. Had an art gallery, really neat double-bar area and "The 21 club" inside. This is where I saw the majority of movies until late high school. The Mai Kai Theater - Even better. Large theater for the times also was a stage performance venue Saw George Burns there before he died. Waited in line for 3 hours to see Return of the Jedi when I wasn't even old enough to buy lube. Good times.
  2. Executive Decsion has been made. The virtual gatherings will just be indicated with a Z. (For Zombie obviously 🐙) Too much visual clutter and people have no clue what say 205.xxx would mean for an 'event' anyway. Card is a reference to the Hellriser series of films.
  3. Insane exasperation. Stayed up for two days. Ocessed over the new video. Finished it a few hours ago. Fell asleep. Yay. Woke up 40 mins later. 👎👎💔 Freaking nightmares!! Screw PTSD. Medicare should cover medical MJ. 10 years and it's the only thing that stops them. I mean like 90% of the time!
  4. Also you have to agree to a couple clicks too. It's not like 'click and you are on'. Also, maybe just poking around on it might be helpful when no one is on it.... Which is 99.9% of the time. As far as I can tell it's 'always on. At least mine is. There are a ton of ways to set a room up.
  5. Oh, the places you'll boldly go! Yes, I do like the virtual gathering mam. Also green eggs and ham! 💚🖖 Of course, you needed at star trek the motion picture / Dr. Suess crossover card! @TronRP lol. @Stu @Draco1958 Virtual Gathering info: https://www.detroitgothic.net/topic/39976-the-virtual-hs-gathering-info/
  6. It was sort of sardonic humor. But, that was based on the fact that I'd not even noticed she posted. Doh. Literally forgot my own name earlier today. The insomnia. Grrr.
  7. Thanks to everyone above for posting / requesting. Thanks to @TronRP for everything.
  8. It's every week. Didn't really expect you to see it super fast. 😁
  9. Hello! Thanks for saying hello! Do I know you by another name on YouTube? Just curious! Welcome regardless
  10. @TronRP you can just listen in if you want. Nothing to install. You just click that link. I try to have it live a bit before 7:30. 😁
  11. Well you could get Sling which has live cable stations so does YouTube TV.
  12. @TronRP @ Any Other Person That Happens By This Post If you are thinking about checking this out that would be cool. I'd leave this post un-pinned and if anyone asks where the link to the virtual gathering is send them here. This way they see what is expected rather than "just the link". If that makes sense..
  13. Thanks to @TronRP for posting this as usual and everything else. Apparently the only people that care enough about the cards are patreons. Which is fine. Making cards for people that can't take 90 seconds a week to ask here isn't something I want to bother with anyway. I always DID plan on having extras for people that show up at the gathering. But they often run out. Which is also fine. Thanks to @BadKitty and @TronRP for posting. I just printed the cards but haven't "made" them yet.
  14. The Virtual Gathering Until COVID Ends A good way to practice your pro-social skills. Conversations don't always include you. Conversation can sometimes be about subjects we don't care about. Showing up regularly can take EFFORT. Also CATS! (Current Nerd Vote: Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Star Trek, Magic The Gathering) Join Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82046862654 7:30 - 10:00 Saturday as of April 3rd 2021 House Spiral is: Prosocial (Courageous, Kind, Truthful and community minded.) Sexpositive (LGBTQAI / BDSM friendly) Goth friendly Everyone Likes Hugs if you don't GTFOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A Social Club for some, a family for others. All the "Subjects" are just what you can't be hateful toward and it would be nice if you took some minimal interest in but actually being "into" anything other than Hugs, Prosocial Behavior, and Sexpositivity (loosely) are not required at all. The last Thursday in October is "House Spiral Gathering Day" make a special effort to show up if possible @TronRP @kat You have 7 months to plan. lol "House Spiral Day" similar to H.S. Christmas. "Happy House Spiral Day!" What doe 'Celebrate' mean? It means show up. Bonus points for dressing up. Presents? Sure. But not necessary at all. Just your body being at the gathering is the priority.
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