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About fallennon

  • Birthday 11/24/1980

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  • Location
    New Baltimore
  • Interests
    um...darkness and despair???? lol

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  1. I'm not ready to share that either. But I will say that there really isn't a day that goes by when I don't think of it...
  2. A private FORUM would be nice, but a private board...hmmm...maybe just one part of the forum that regulars get a password too or something...
  3. Reagrding the elite board, I have to agree with the Devil's Advocate. Do we really want to make snobs of ourselves? And would it really change anything?
  4. As the resident whiner, I have no problem sharing my problems. A lot of the time it's because I don't have anyone else to share it with. I do understand that there are always reprecussions for doing so and that I am being judged, getting bad advice, etc. But as someone who is fascinated with sociology and why people are the way that they are, I love to hear ALL of the responses and then try to figure out why that person took the approach that they did. It helps me to not only better understand myself, but other people as well.
  5. Fettuceni Alfredo and stove top stuffing
  6. LOL every time I read this thread...
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