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Gaf The Horse With Tears

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Everything posted by Gaf The Horse With Tears

  1. It, to me, is another government take over of an industry that doesn't need government take over. Yes, I know the internet was created by the government, but it has never been regulated by them. This will add Cost that doesn't need to be added. This Cost will be transfered to you and I. Do you need a larger internet bill? Does DGN need to be a pay site so that it can get enough bandwidth to be workable? and the reason you can discern why Beck is opposed to this is you are reading a real hack job of an article. It is written to make Beck look worse than he is. It's snippits and outtakes... not thw whole argument that Beck put forth. and the Cable companies and hardware manufacturers are the ones that are going to be raking in the bucks... they don't stand to loose money on this. Net Nuetrality means paying for internet based on bandwidth usage.
  2. I was trying to not accuse people of being hypocrits on the issue... hence asking questions before I stated the problem I saw. I didn't post a one word reply, that gave the reader no idea what the poster was thinking, to the thread as others had done.. I asked a thought out question that was directly related to the topic. What do I get... attacked by a mod. but fine... I'll answer the question given to me.. I am opposed to Net Nuetraility. I see it as a power grab, the same as I did 4 years ago. I see the same hand reaching out to grab that power... Democratic thought police acting on thier unfulfilled need to control every aspect of our lives. I see it as another step the democrats are taking to make Obama the new Supreme Leader for life. They have taken over the banks, the auto industry, health care and now.. while YOUR President is telling people they should not read or watch the news anymore... because it's a distraction, they are pushing hard to take over the most free source of information the people have...
  3. Excuse me? WTF is your problem? I don't see you attacking anyone else for thier short answers. You missed my point anyway. People were all against Net neutrality when they thought Bush and his crew were for it... now that it's Obama and his minions... anyone speaking against it is speaking gibberish. Wake the hell up and put the Koolaid down.
  4. http://www.detroitgothic.net/index.php?showtopic=9683&st=0&p=224260&hl=net%20nuetrality&fromsearch=1&#entry224260 Theres my answer
  5. So, you are for or against net neutrality as it is proposed? And where do you stand on Obama's statements that people should avoid reading multiple news sources because we might get confused by all the information?
  6. Um... Perhaps I am reading about a different oil rig blowing up. Since when did anyone say this rig didn't have a blow back preventor or emergancy shut off system? They were talking about the failure of the blow back preventor for the last two days in the Congressional hearings. What it didn't have, and what was actually made optional by the 2005 bill, was a a secondary back up shut off valve. What that article also fails to mention is the Acoustic systems fail more often than they work which is why it has never been required.
  7. omg you need to log on... I have this horrible feeling you're formating/reinstalling when you don't need to.
  8. I wanted to add... Right now there are various fake anti-virus programs that are infecting peoples computers. They account for 15% of all infections by malicious software. One of the things they do is "shutoff" your internet access. How they do this, is that they act like a proxy server running on the local host. Window's connection settings are changed to point back at the fake AV program. Just do as I instructed above and you will be fine... that is if you have not already formatted your drive...
  9. Open IE. go to the Tools Menu Choose Internet Options Click the Connections Tab Click the LAN Settings button near the bottom In the Lower half "Proxy Settings" Uncheck everything. Click OK twice... you're online again
  10. Do you know why those incentives are in place if they get things done by 2011? I'll tell you. Congress waited 10 years to approve a contractor to do the work. It wasn;t until the Military (In Decemter of 2009) reported to that GPS satilites will start falling out of sky, litterally, sometime in 2012 and system failures will start in 2010 (which they have) that Congress finally did something.
  11. I think of them as a crutch I don't need that is starting to fail because no one is maintaining the satilites that make it work. So, why start using the crutch thats just going to get swept from under me within the next few years?
  12. Judge orders release of 9 Hutaree militia members A federal judge in Detroit today ordered the release of nine members of a Lenawee County Christian militia group freed on bond over the objections of federal prosecutors. “The United States is correct that it need not wait until people are killed before it arrests conspirators,” U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts said in a 36-page decision. “But, the Defendants are also correct: their right to engage in hate-filled, venomous speech, is a right that deserves First Amendment protection.” She said federal prosecutors failed to persuade her that the defendants must be jailed until trial. It is unclear whether the U.S. Attorney’s Office will appeal the decision. "We will be reviewing and weighing all of our options," said spokeswoman Susan Plochinski of the U.S. Attorney's Office. Roberts said the defendants could be freed under house arrest on electronic tethers. They must surrender their concealed weapons permits, cannot apply for a license to purchase or carry guns and cannot drink alcohol or take drugs. She said they must continue to work and report to pretrial services on a weekly basis. Robert said the defendants also must provide a list of names, addresses, and phone numbers for all Hutaree members and members of any other militia groups they associated with. Roberts put more than two dozen restrictions on the group, altogether. The defendants are David Stone, 45, Tina Stone, 44, and Joshua Stone, 21, all of Clayton; another son, David Stone Jr., 19, of Adrian; Joshua Clough, 28, of Blissfield; Michael Meeks, 40, of Manchester; Kristopher Sickles, 27, of Sandusky, Ohio, Jacob Ward, 33, of Huron, Ohio; and Thomas Piatek, 46, of Whiting, Ind. <BR itxtvisited="1"> A federal indictment says the defendants, led by the elder David Stone, belonged to the Hutaree, a Christian militia that planned to attack local, state and federal law enforcement officers, among other officials.<BR itxtvisited="1"> All nine are charged with seditious conspiracy, attempting to use weapons of mass destruction and possession of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence. David Stone and David Stone Jr. also are charged with teaching/demonstrating use of explosive materials.<BR itxtvisited="1"> The weapons of mass destruction charge, the most serious, carries a maximum penalty of life in prison.<BR itxtvisited="1"> Absent an appeal and request for a stay from the judge, authorities said the nine would be brought to the U.S. Courthouse in Detroit on Tuesday for release.<BR itxtvisited="1"> "We're excited but I haven't digested the order yet," said William Swor of Detroit, who represents David Stone, the alleged leader of the group. Another defense attorney, Michael Rataj, said defense lawyers are waiting to see if the U.S. Attorney's office decides to appeal Roberts' order and ask her to delay implementing the decision.<BR itxtvisited="1"> But Rataj said Roberts indicated in the decision that she wasn't interested in granting a stay.<BR itxtvisited="1"> The defendants are being held in jails in several counties, including Sanilac, St. Clair and Wayne. <BR itxtvisited="1">
  13. Thank you all... it's been a fine birthday so far... 9 hours on the open sea fishing with friends... now for cake and sodomy...
  14. They are not large enough. I just watched a special on the History channel about Tesla. A reserach group tried building a large scale Tesla coil to generate power.. thier findings were that it requires a tower as large as the one from the 32 Worlds Fair to actually work like Tesla invisioned. I didn;t cach the name of the research group.. wishI had.. they need more funding.
  15. I don't think we are ever going to have an Electric solution for cross country driving. Batteries just don;t work like that. Now, if some were to design a "quick change" Battery system we might just have a plan. and ya, I know it's based off the Elise.
  16. Oh! You need to pack in the family... 0-60 5.6 seconds Top Speed: 120Mph Seats 7 300 Miles per Charge 45min Quick Charge
  17. 0-60 3.9 seconds Top speed: 125Mph 244 Miles per Charge Charge Time: 3.5 Hours Can it get more perfect?
  18. They changed the ratings system. On top of that, people want to get places in a reasonable amount fo time. Like out of the way... 72HP doesn't cut it.
  19. You forgot to factor in all the Doctors who will no longer do those procedures, tests and screenings because they no longer get reimbursed enough to cover thier costs.
  20. eternal, it's not like you to be so snarky. Maybe you should go count to 10 or something. I do enjoy my freedom. I enjoy my freedom to CHOOSE to live within my countrys Laws. I love that I have a choice to not be part of the system even if my only option to not be part of it is some extreme measure that I would never commit to. It's still my choice. Choice sometimes mean sacrifice. Poor is just as much a frame of mind as it is a finacial measure of wealth. Poor does not have to equal government dependancy. Poor does not have to mean that that government comes in and takes care of you. Poor does not have to mean envy of or anger at those who have more than me. I just don't understand the Liberal mind set. I know whats really bothering you. Pelosi said it best "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it..." Now that people are analizing it, you are starting to realize that the Republicans were right when they said this was going to kill our economy.
  21. Taxes only if you have income or purchase things. I can go homestead some land in Alaska, live off the land and end up never paying taxes of any kind. It's dificult, but it can be done. Registered Birth Certificate/Proof of citizenship... Neither are required to live. you need them to get certain benefits or to get a job.. but there is no jail time or inprisonment for not having them. Now, as an adult male, you can be detained if you cant show ID to a Police officer.. but only until you can prove who you are. Still no prison or fines.
  22. Crossing the street is. So is walking. and clothes are not required unless you go in public. Try to name something that the government requires you to have/do from birth that if you don't you can get fined or inprisonned for not doing/having.
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