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Gaf The Horse With Tears

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Everything posted by Gaf The Horse With Tears

  1. I have been hesitant to post. I'm terminally skinny, so normally get shouted down with any view I have on weight gain or lose. But I am 40. Things are changing. I would think a number is useless. When I am looking in the mirror and trying to convince myself that I am still sexy.. I don't think in numbers... I think in terms of "I have miniature love handles? When did I get those?" and "My boobs are sagging a bit. I need to tone up."
  2. Sledding. Snow ball fights. Walks in the woods. Hanging out with friends playing video games. Volenteer at a homeless shelter...
  3. OMG, no it doesn't. There is not enough over-site. There are far too many people who are on it that do not need to be.
  4. Read the proposed plans for National Health Care. Private Insurance will still exist. The poor pay nothing, those above the poverty line pay extra income tax to pay for healh care for the poor.. under Hillary, they don;t qualify for the national Plan so must get Private insurance.. Hillary would force them to buy it with a garnishment to thier wages. That fucks the Middle class with about a 60% cut in take home wages. OK, I'm done.
  5. What if you would rather die than burden your family? What if that 20-30% taken out of your paycheck, because thats the amount that they would take if not more, was the difference between eating or not? If you have a family, this would mean going on Food Stamps and other aide. Another drain on the tax pool. How do you live if your paying around 45% Income Tax for Nationalized Health Care that because your base income is too high for, you can't get. Then the Government Garnishes your wages to pay for Private Health Insurance in the amount of another 20-30% of your base income. What is the point of being healthy if you are living on the street and starving? Really read Hillary's nationalized health care. Think about what it's going to do to everyone and not just how it will benefit yourself. I would love Universal health care, but I am unwilling to fuck the country to get it.
  6. At the current rate of epic fail that Hillary is going through at the ballet box... and the fact that polls show her loosing to McCain in the general election... I don;t have to worry about voting for Hillary... that leaves Obama and McCain. I'm not confortable with McCain. He too freely signed on to legislation to limit free speech and he supported amnisty of illegal aliens. Obama is for Hope and Change. If pressed on what kinda change and what exactly is he hoping for... things get very vague. His staff has been directed to always deflect questions about details. He has said he would never garnish my wages to pay for health care... thats one detail I like. I don't know.
  7. Thank you for telling me what I think. I will be sure to scrub all thoughts I have that don't put their jack boots on and step into your line... to get out of my head. pfft. I am going to keep reading history from every point of view I can find and try to come to some conclusions that take, if not all, at least most factors into consideration. I will even take into account those factors that don't support my world view. You can carry on cherry picking facts you want and drawing thin lines to connect them.
  8. I'm not sure whats wrong with me. Why don;t you go off on another of your insulting rants and tell me? You never mentioned OAPEC. Read your posts. And again, the embargo of 1973, not 1972, was in responce to the West's support of Israel. Both OPEC and OAPEC imposed the Embargo. Though OPEC gives it's reason to be the failure of negotiations with the Seven Sisters over pricing. It had nothing to do with dropping the Gold standard.
  9. It was used as a weapon because thats the only thing that OPEC had to use against the West. The Embargo was against all Western countries, not just the USA, in protest to our (The West) support of Israel. It wasn't devastating to American industry directly. It was devastating to the common man and his ability to get to work. It was devastating to the trucking company's that had to pay for fuel to get the factory's supply's. We also at that time were going through the adjustment to the collapse of the Breton Woods system. Ditching the Gold standard was one response to that collapse. The whole damn world was going through hard times because the system used for valuing EVERYONES money didn't work anymore. We in Michigan had it pretty tough for other reasons. The Governor of the time was a socialist reformer. He really believed the rich company's needed to pay way more in taxes. So, he removed most tax breaks for cooperations in the manufacturing business. Thats why all the motor and mobile home factory's that at one time covered central Michigan all moved to Indiana within a 6 month period. My point is, your trying to blame everything on one economic change (that was actually a response to a problem) rather than look at all the factors that lead up to it and happened after it.
  10. The Oil Embargo was in 1973 and was a response to the Yom Kippur War. The huge recession we had during the 1970's (and into the early 80's) was due to the fact that the Bretton Woods system collapsed. Please try not to rewrite history to support your ideas. Every President we have had going back to Nixon has tried to get a good energy policy in place. Nothing the current set of candidates is saying about Energy policy is new.
  11. What do I look for when getting ready to cast my vote? I completly ignore everything they say on the campaign and research thier actuall voting record.. what bills they proposed... Are they upholding the Constitution? Have they tried to infringe on my Rights? Have the lived a life that give me any indication that they will make sound decisions? The actuall issues? National Defense The Economy The Ecosystem Tort Reform Campaign Finiance Reform
  12. Thats sexy as long as you can forget the bunny ears.
  13. Sixx:AM - Life is beautiful You can’t quit until you try You can’t live until you die You can’t learn to tell the truth Until you learn to lie You can’t breathe until you choke You gotta laugh when you’re the joke There’s nothing like a funeral to make you feel alive Just open your eyes Just open your eyes And see that life is beautiful. Will you swear on your life, That no one will cry at my funeral? I know some things that you don’t I’ve done things that you won’t There’s nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home I was waiting for my hearse What came next was so much worse It took a funeral to make me feel alive Just open your eyes Just open your eyes And see that life is beautiful. Will you swear on your life, That no one will cry at my funeral? Just open your eyes Just open your eyes And see that life is beautiful. Will you swear on your life, That no one will cry at my funeral? Just open your eyes Just open your eyes And see that life is beautiful. Will you swear on your life, That no one will cry at my funeral? Just open your eyes Just open your eyes And see that life is beautiful. Will you swear on your life, That no one will cry at my funeral?
  14. I'm not putting underwear on so you can feel all special inside. I dress for my comfort.
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