Flood Pants - OMG this drives me crazy. I have learned one thing from Richard Blackwell over the years... wear pants that are long enough. For a man, your pants, when standing, should bunch on the top of your shoe slightly but not touch the ground at your heel. Nothing else about your pants matters if they are too short or to long. Too short being the worst. People discount everything else about your looks as soon as they see those flood pants... most don't even realize they do it.
I saw a lady at the gas station yesterday.. maybe the day before... I'm married, not dead... an attractive woman will turn my head... and she was pretty of face and had a rather attractive body... and when she walked away I naturally looked at her ass.... and then looked away in disgust... in big bold red letters were the words "Apple Bottom" I must admit... it was a finely shaped ass... but i really don;t think it needed a sign to announce itself.