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Everything posted by jynxxxedangel

  1. You have GOT to be kidding. Doesn't she have enough of her own life to worry about?! FFS!
  2. Would this organ happen to be a liver?! I could sure use a new one!
  3. Too bad you're so far away! I'd be more than happy to watch your young'uns.
  4. Christ on a cracker.... I've heard roaming hordes of liquored-up American divorcees on a Canadian karaoke bar bender sing WAYYYYYYYYY better than that. Sorry folks-- DEADCAT PWNS this thread.
  5. Bubble skirts. They make women look like figs. There is no less-flattering hemline to me, than these ugly things. The model looks like she's tucked her skirt into her pantyhose. Whoever invented this cut of clothing, should be taken out behind the barn, and larruped soundly.
  6. Try a few thousand miles, and add to it a bunch of red tape. That REALLY sucks!
  7. People who try to pick fights with complete strangers, having no idea of said strangers' physical or mental capabilities. DUMB. Is that you, or the twenty Jagerbombs you just drank talkin', hunny? *smooch* Awwww...you don't want a kiss from me? How about a visit to the dentist-- because that's what you'll get.
  8. Yep. They hear the zombie drums being played at CC, and they have no choice but to obey.
  9. Holy mackerel! I've never seen one that extended all the way down to the ground, before! I'm surprised that the ground around it isn't littered with the remains of hapless woodland creatures.
  10. I discovered years ago, purely by accident, that the baby monitor I was using at night to listen to the old lady I took care of, was picking up either the cordless or cellular phone conversations from around the neighbourhood. It became so annoying, that I actually went to Radio Shack and picked up different crystals for the devices, and changed them! Who knows who can hear what, these days? I notice a lot of clicking sounds when HW and I are talking on the phone. I suspect the line is tapped over there.
  11. Is the wire coated? I'm one of those people whose bodies have an odd reaction to copper. It always turns majorly green on me.
  12. Eeesh. Not nearly as gory as a video of a cliff diving accident I've seen, though. I'll bet just about every bone in that guy's body was either fractured or broken. Probably died of closed head injury/spinal injury/massive hemorrhaging. Does anyone know whether he died instantly or not? I certainly hope so.
  13. Too heartbroken and disappointed to think of any further words.
  14. So nice to see that this topic is still rollin' on! Keep posting, pretty gothlings! It's always nice to experience what's going on inside everyone else's cluttered minds.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HONXAKYyai8 (the sound is crappy, but it's LIVE Cooper!!!! What more could you ask for?!)
  15. "A naked blond walks into a bar, with a poodle under one arm and a two foot salami under the other. She lays the poodle on the table. Bartender says: "I suppose you won't be needing a drink." The naked lady says..." ..and then, Judd Nelson (Bender) falls through the ceiling.
  16. I read a news story awhile ago, about a guy who got sick of hearing his neighbour's dog's incessant barking (apparently, it was left outside quite often); he took the dog into a vet, had it debarked, and returned it to the neighbour's yard! I'm a huge fan of critters, and I totally feel his pain...but I would never even think of doing such a thing. My neighbours have a nuisance barker. I've actually contemplated buying a dog whistle to blow, to try and curb it. I have also contemplated walking over there, and feeding it a big spoonful of peanut butter. If I were to debark anything, it would be my neighbour's rambunctious, rude, noisy children. I don't think either of them possess an "indoor voice."
  17. Here's the basic pattern...just add some crocheted lace to the hem. http://sew-n-sewpatterns.mybisi.com/product/69506/Butterick-3836-Western-Horse-Riding-Equestrian-Skirt-PATTERN_296598.html
  18. There used to be a boutique of the same name in downtown Walled Lake, that sold similar clothing and accessories. I wonder if it's the same one?
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