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Everything posted by jynxxxedangel

  1. You mean THESE awful things?! Yeah, I was thinking of them, too.
  2. My husband just read it. I'll make sure he sees this thread, and replies.
  3. Did you catch their comeback album, back in the late 80s-early 90s? *Poke*-ing Deadcat, since FB is broke.
  4. Facebook is being ghey, again. What else could they possibly be doing with it now, at this time of day?! Ffs! The house is nearly "homey" enough, for when bubu comes home. Just a few more finishing touches.. I need to sleep, dammit! I sure hope this diphenhydramine hcl kicks in, soon. Debussy is so relaxing. I loves my new furry blanket/housecoat/sleeping bag thingy. So does the Fionn. I haz kitteh tumah. I hope this movie is loaded, since I can't f*ck off on FB, at the moment.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2dJtnucKUo
  6. Excited (total understatement!) As of midnight, only 5 more days left of waiting, until HW is here!
  7. I know the feeling, believe me. Just be thankful for your gift of glamour, so that you are able to move amongst them.
  8. The condition of the roads, here in my town. It's keeping me from going out to stock up on groceries.
  9. Well...they are standing there, in the same places, day after day. It's not so odd that the cameras caught them. Now, be on the lookout for large, suspicious-looking rubbish bags laying on the side of the roads, where a large percentage of these women will most likely (and sadly) end up. At least the Dutch ladies, pictured in one of those photographs, have the right idea. Working on the street is so very dangerous, and I have often wondered how women end up there-- when they could be working for a nice agency, or whatnot. Speaking of interesting things caught on Google street view, this one has always cracked me up:
  10. I wish I could have just ONE holiday, where I'm not looking for a job. I wish I could get out of this country, and go on with my life! So many plans for my future, and there is nothing I can do, until I'm out of here. Great. I feel like I'm going to have a seizure, now. I haven't had one in months.
  11. That really hurt my feelings, earlier. I'm still feeling sore over it, no matter how many times he's apologised. I'm not the only fool in this crappy state, who's having no luck finding work. This is no fault of my own. I have a great resume, great references, plenty of job experience...it just HAS to be my age, that is putting people off. Sorry I'm not a vacant, easy, 18 year-old bimbo-- and unfortunately, mostly middle-aged men own the bars and restaurants in this area. Why they want to hire some bint, who won't be able to handle the pressure (and will most likely quit in a week or two), is beyond me...who cares how good she looks? FB is really pissing me off.
  12. Sorry about your little buddy. Have you been misting the tank? Any moulting arthropod needs quite a bit of moisture. Otherwise, the moult can turn out "bad"-- meaning the animal has trouble freeing itself from the old exoskeleton. I have seen tarantulas and crabs break their still-soft limbs off, trying to escape from their old shells. This usually results in the animal bleeding out or infection, and ultimately, death. If you find that your animal has broken off an appendage, dab the broken end with some clear nail polish, IMMEDIATELY. Sometimes, it can be tricky, getting the moisture balance correct-- too much, and the enclosure will mould..too little, and your critters will dry up. What have you been using as substrate? My old matriarch jumping spider passed last week. She was well over three years old, which is almost unheard of. They usually only live for one year, in the wild. I am heartbroken over her death.
  13. Well, for one thing, a restroom attendant would keep the slobbish people from turning the loo into a Jackson Pollock painting. An attendant would also keep the crap out of the sink, the shit tickets stocked up, the hand towels filled, the piss off the seats, the toilets flushed, etc. Apparently the pigs (i.e. "ladies and gents") need a babysitter, when they go to the bog, in that place...from what I've seen.
  14. I'm thinking that my homegirl has lost her rabid-ass mind-- bringing up the name of one of the few people on the face of this green earth, whom I would like to turn into boot sauce.
  15. Why, oh WHY, did you resurrect this thread, of all threads? Most of us would like to forget about this person. This post has been edited, for better choice of vernacular.
  17. Thanks for the suggestion, Poppet...but that's just a bit out of our price range, this year. Yeah, Cherny...I had thought of having a shindig here, as well-- but I'm also sure nobody would show up, because it is club night, and I am so far away from most of the gang.
  18. Nobody else knows of anyplace? I find it hard to believe!
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