A bit lonesome and bored; feeling the need for my ego to be stroked, or to be touched by warm hands, or have the pleasures of my body taken advantage of, but otherwise OK.
Yes, I am a bit high-maintenance, as a lover or friend. Go ahead and rub it in. I'm being emo.
Screwing around with a few things. Bored out of my gourd. This day has been much more dutiful than fun. Just finishing up with work, and getting ready to watch a movie or listen to some radio shows.
Quite naughty..the waxing Moon does it every time.
*looks around at the multitude of red candles (anointed with rose absolute, ravensara, rosemarinus, and petitgrain) burning*
It's that same old toothache for me, again. I have nothing for it, either, and liquid benzocaine and acetaminophen aren't even touching it. I'm about ready to scream. If I say or do anything snarky within the next few hours, blame it on this evil fuckin' tooth.