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Everything posted by jynxxxedangel

  1. Cabin fever and stir-crazy. *goes about the house meowing and presenting*
  2. *bounces in, and coerces all the ladies at the bar to do the "Harley Salute."*
  3. A bit lonesome and bored; feeling the need for my ego to be stroked, or to be touched by warm hands, or have the pleasures of my body taken advantage of, but otherwise OK. Yes, I am a bit high-maintenance, as a lover or friend. Go ahead and rub it in. I'm being emo.
  4. Screwing around with a few things. Bored out of my gourd. This day has been much more dutiful than fun. Just finishing up with work, and getting ready to watch a movie or listen to some radio shows.
  5. 'Sup, lady? :p You going out pillaging tonight, or is the world safe?

  6. Quite naughty..the waxing Moon does it every time. *looks around at the multitude of red candles (anointed with rose absolute, ravensara, rosemarinus, and petitgrain) burning*
  7. *snogs the wind outta ya*

  8. I have the perfect place for that tattoo.. Add it to the chapbook I wear on my hide, luv.
  9. It's amazing what this kid will do, with a bit of extra bribery..
  10. See? He has the correct mindset, already. MINE. All MINE. *draws a line in the dirt*
  11. It's that same old toothache for me, again. I have nothing for it, either, and liquid benzocaine and acetaminophen aren't even touching it. I'm about ready to scream. If I say or do anything snarky within the next few hours, blame it on this evil fuckin' tooth.
  12. No one will see him until a couple of days after he gets here, though-- trust me. I'm greedy.
  13. Cher and I won those bragging rights, fair and square, without doctored up photos.
  14. It's either that, or figure out how to get my cats and spiders through customs.
  15. Isn't it yayness, though????????? I know..I'm being smarmy. I'll stop making everyone sick, now..
  16. Ah thinks Ah gawts me wun..aind he ain't a-skeert uv mah spahdurs, neether.
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