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Everything posted by jynxxxedangel

  1. I won't even say what I heard happened to nasssty creepy crawlies, who did things to children, where I come from... OK, I will. They got taken out into the deep woods, and something was nailed to a stump with a railroad spike..and the stump was set on fire. Whether they wandered back into town or not, was based upon what they left behind. 'Nuff said.
  2. I feel that the nurses who aren't in the nursing field to TAKE CARE OF PATIENTS, should have their asses LAID OUT by the nurses who ARE. What I have read in those last few posts, is an outrage...and as someone who has been mortally ill, this really bothers me.
  3. Why is my hot water not hot enough?! I didn't have this problem during the previous winters! There's something really wrong, when I have the hot water faucet on full blast (with no cold mixed in), and I'm shivering!
  4. This is just crazy enough for me to do...! Yes, I'll DO IT! Curtain up! Light the lights! You got nothing to hit but the heights!
  5. Brainstorming with an internet horror host friend of mine...this could be BIG.
  6. Trying to get my friend Curt to join the board.
  7. I want to sleep for two weeks, until Chris gets here. That is all.
  8. I would also be willing to host...that is, if anyone feels like driving to Outer Mongolia!
  9. Still sticking with my benders, combined with obsessive housecleaning. At least there is a good final result to it.
  10. Slightly buzzed, and obsessive-compulsive.
  11. My kitchen floor looks 100% better, since I mopped it.
  12. "How do I loathe thee? Let me count the ways..."
  13. I really, REALLY miss my husband, right now.
  14. Takes one to know one. Add "irony" to your list of things that either piss you off, or strike you as funny!
  15. Thank you for the explanation. I was only curious.
  16. Why are there all of these necro'd, LOCKED topics cluttering up the board?! And why did they get locked, in the first place? Please 'splain, mods.
  17. I don't want to face the day, today... My dreams last night wore me out.
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