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Everything posted by jynxxxedangel

  1. A really long handled push broom, to get the fuckin' snow off my roof where it's leaking!!!!!!!
  2. FREAKING OUT!!!!!! Both places where I patched my roof during the summer have begun to leak, again!!!!! I NEED to get this snow off my roof! HALP!
  3. Kvetching the fact that I didn't buy any barbecue sauce while I was at Kroger's, earlier! I don't have any ketchup to make any with, either. I have tomato juice I could simmer down, but I'm afraid the resulting reduction would be too bitter and acidic to use as a base for a sauce.. I really want to cook these lovely country ribs I bought earlier!
  4. An evening and another week's worth of split hardwood. A fire would be SO nice!! I would also like for everyone else's problems to dissolve the way mine have.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEYStRRBCes Hero worship-- he deserves it, I PRESERVE IT!!
  6. Feeling much better than yesterday. I picked up an unexpected retirement party this afternoon, and now I can pay most of my outstanding bills. Now, to come up with my internet and cellphone payments (only about a hundred bucks), and I'm good until around the 10th of next month. I got things sorted out with my ex. He is speaking to me again, so that's a huge weight off my heart. I still miss my Papa Joe, though.
  7. LMFAO at my weird red cat. He actually likes hummus! This cat will eat just about anything I'm eating (except for the things he can't have, like chocolate). He even likes Jameson (only a few licks from my fingers allowed), sticky buns, and green beans.
  8. I love the snow, as well-- but I'd love it a LOT more, if I had a butler to shovel for me!
  9. FUCK ME! I just woke up, only to hear snow pelting the windows! I'm almost afraid to look out there..
  10. Maybe we can create a sort of mnemonic musical collective consciousness..
  11. Tender Is The Night--Jackson Browne Between the darkness on the street And the houses filling up with light Between the stillness in my heart And the roar of the approaching night Somebody's calling after somebody Somebody turns the corner out of sight Looking for somebody Somewhere in the night Tender is the night When you hold your baby tight Tender are the motions, tender is the night Between a life that we expected And the way it's always been I can't walk back in again After the way we fight When just outside there are people laughing Living lives we used to lead Chasing down the love they need Somewhere in the night Tender is the night And the benediction of the neon light Tender are the hunters, tender is the night You're gonna want me tonight When you're ready to surrender Forget about who's right When you're ready to remember It's another world at night When you're ready to be tender Tender, tender tender... And in the hard light of an angry sun No one remembers what was said or done Tender are the words they choose You win, I win, we lose Tender Tender is the night Tender The benediction of the neon light Tender Tender are the hunters Tender is the night When they hold each other tight Tender Tender are the undercover Tender The stranger and the secret lover Tender Tender are the motions Tender is the night When you hold your baby tight Tender, tender tender...
  12. OMFG--- Get ready for a real corker, kidz: I've been trying to find this song for about 15 years! How absolutely serendipitous..
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GylirgHFqeQ
  14. Awesomeness!! This is my fave Thin Lizzy tune, though-- and one I still often use in sets: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B435SzgfRk This is one of my very, very, very favourite songs ever, because I can relate so much to it.
  15. I just remembered a good one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbPPKnY1tuU I would give up dick forever for this woman-- even if she were covered in hot dog mustard (and I hate mustard).
  16. Massively confused. Bored. Hungry. Tired. Blah.
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