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Everything posted by jynxxxedangel

  1. OMFG!! It's my long-lost bro! <3

  2. A fattoush salad, some extra-spicy kibbeh nyeh-- with bread and toom, and some extra-garlicky, lemony hommus. Why am I craving Lebanese food at seven in the morning?? *scratches head*
  3. There are so many people I miss-- this time of year, especially..
  4. I absolutely love this song. So beautiful, so relaxing. One of the best voices, ever. RIP, Ms. Kaur.
  5. I've heard rumours of a dispensary opening soon! This is great news, because a good friend of mine has MS, and it alleviates her tremors.
  6. Remember these guys? Another of my fave 80s bands..
  7. An interesting fact: Spiders' blood is blue!! Blood called hemolymphe transports nutrients, hormones, oxygen and cells. The blood also serves another purpose. It is used locally to raise the blood pressure during moulting (shedding of old skin) and stretching the legs. In mammals, haemoglobin molecules (present in the red blood cells) transport oxygen. The spider uses a more complicated protein called hemocyanin. Unlike hemoglobin, hemocyanin is not stored in a cell, but flows freely in the blood of a spider. Hemocyanin is a protein that is made up of 24 sub-units, with a molecular mass of 1.704.000-- compared to the molecular mass of oxygen, which is only 32. Human haemoglobin is made up of 4 sub-units, with a molecular mass of 64.500. Haemoglobin is a molecular disc, made of nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen and an iron atom at the centre. The oxidized iron gives the molecule its characteristic red colour. Hemocyanin also contains nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen-- but has a copper atom at the centre instead of an iron atom. The oxidized copper gives the molecule a blue colour. Hemocyanin binds oxygen, but only releases it after it receives the right chemical signal. For every one of the 24 sub-units, there is special chemical signal. Depending on the need for oxygen, a cell can give many or less signals. Beside these signals, the release of oxygen is also controlled by temperature. Every sub-unit has a specific temperature optimum. Spiders have an open blood circulation system. Blood vessels do transport the blood to a specific place, but thereafter, the blood flows freely in the open spaces between the organs. --Ed Nieuwenhuys, March 1999
  8. Sitting awake with this crummy toothache, trying to concentrate enough to watch a movie. Also wondering what two of my spiders are doing awake, and crawling around, this late at night.
  9. OK. This has to be one of the weirdest things that's ever happened to me: When I was about 16 years old, my best friend was dating an older guy. Needless to say, we all ended up going on many drunken adventures together, because he had a car and could buy. One time, it seems like it was winter, her boyfriend and his buddy decided they wanted to drive down to the Cobo-- to the Super Sale that used to go on every year. They asked if we wanted to ride along. Of course we wanted to! It was quite a long drive-- all the way from White Lake to Detroit! On the way, we had him stop and buy a pint of Canadian Club whisky for us. We rode in the back seat, getting absolutely HAMMERED. By the time we got there, she and I were entirely too inebriated to mingle with the general public-- so we were instructed to stay in the car. Of course, we drank the rest of the bottle before they returned-- and by the time they did, we both had to pee BADLY! So anyways, we were fairly bursting, and whined and pissed about it, until we got the guy to stop at a gas station. This place was not in the greatest part of town. I could tell we had crossed over into the wastelands. It was one of those places where one has to go inside the station and get the key from the attendant. This particular key was chained to a fucking BROOM. I swear on my life. We finally got inside the bathroom, and she took the loo, while I was stuck with the sink (she was too chubby to share the seat with). In our haste, we forgot to lock the door behind us. Here's where it gets weird. The door bursts open, and in walks this wild-looking trio-- straight out of Starsky and Hutch, or Beretta!! It was a black guy and two black ladies. The man was wearing a hat with a long feather, a long fur coat, and alligator shoes. The women looked like San Francisco streetwalkers-- with more makeup, sequins and feathers than I've ever seen on anyone, before or since, in real life. All my friend and I could do was stare at them, and each other, in disbelief! The guy hollered gruffly, "Hurry up, we gotta use the bathroom!" and they exited, slamming the door behind them. We were almost afraid to come out, because we'd never seen anything like that before!!!! When we finally did come out, the odd trio was not there. We went back into the station and gave the attendant back the key, got into the car, and got the hell out of there! The guys were having fits laughing, because they saw the entire thing from outside.
  10. I'm pretty sure I posted something very similar to this last week.
  11. Rebel Rouser-Duane Eddy Telstar-The Ventures
  12. My tooth still hurts, even after taking enough Vicodin to drop a bull African elephant. Restless, in pain, needing some sort of distraction-- like that falling anvil I keep wishing for.
  13. Must have for my intergalactic bounty hunter costume:
  14. You young gals need to remember to break in your new shoes, before wearing them out! Wear 'em around the house for a week or so, before you go steppin'!
  15. Not well. I just woke up with a helluva toothache. I think I cracked my lower left wisdom tooth (which should have come out years ago, but I can't afford it), by gritting my teeth in my sleep. My kingdom for some Demerol. Or a fucking anvil. Or a shotgun. Help.
  16. Sadly, this band gets very little airplay. They're best to see live, anyway
  17. We mustn't forget about K.C.'s big comeback song, either :
  18. You did not just go to disco! Well, I guess since you did, I'll post this rarely played classic : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wP_kUzaRlY
  19. Quaker Snack Mix, Baked Cheddar flavour. This stuff is SO good-- so much better than Chex Mix!
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