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Everything posted by jynxxxedangel

  1. Tearing my hair out, because of people who bail at the last minute!!!! Is it so DIFFICULT to make a timely phone call???? Grrrrrrrr!!!!!!
  2. MUCH better, now that I have some banking issues squared away.. A load has been lifted!!! Now, onto phase two for the day-- business-related stuff. I'm not out of the water, yet.
  3. Mwahahahaha! :p

    I saw it on another website, and stole it..I thought it was pretty funny, but then again, I have a sense of humor about as black as a piece of charcoal.

  4. Groggy and a bit drained, yet somehow I remain ambitious about my goals for the day. I had weird dreams all night last night, and they wore me out.
  5. Thinking about how many posts all of our "day-shifters" will have to catch up on.. The board has been quite active this evening. Eating again (I'm in the process of quitting smoking). This time, it's black beans and rice, smothered in Colby-Jack cheese, Daisy sour cream, and Dave's Insanity hot sauce. I'm also drinking a big glass of mango nectar. Still watching YouTube. I'm addicted. Eat your heart out, Howard Hughes.
  6. Make sure he knows it's a native species, and harmless. If it were to get loose, it would be no problem.
  7. A spider makes a terrific library or classroom pet!!!!! Phidippus audax are diurnal spiders, so she would remain awake and active during the day, while the children are there. This little girl is always ready to eat, too (spider eating=entertainment)! She will take at least two flies a day, at the moment. I think the kids would get a huge kick out of a pet spider.
  8. Would you like one, greyhalo?? I have a spare decent-size juvenile female P. audax, and an extra Kritter Keeper. All you would have to do to maintain her is: give her flies or small crickets, lightly mist one side of the cage every once in awhile, and pick out the dead bugs from time to time with long tweezers. The easiest and coolest pets EVER!!
  9. The Coty Wild Orange Blossom is AWESOME!! It smells just like the real living flower. It's so light, it's barely noticeable.
  10. So you're dressing up as me?? How flattering! I'm still thinking the "trashed Courtney Love" disguise will be a good costume for myself, this year. All I would need to do is wear a lot more make up and sleep in it the night before, add some phony chin hair, drink a few more pitchers at the bar than usual, and let a boob flop out every so often, and I think I could pull it off.
  11. Stress-eating, and watching classic cartoon episodes on YouTube.
  12. If I Can Find A Clean Shirt, by Waylon and Willie (dedicated to my friend JC) If I Can Find A Clean Shirt Come on now, Willie, Don't look at me that way. I know you like a paperback book, 'Cos I've read every page. I know what you're thinkin', And I don't think you're thinkin' at all. This is old Hoss that you're talkin' to: The one with the perfect recall. No I ain't goin' down on the border with you tonight. Drinkin' tequila, taking chances on our lives. All the women are crazy, they like to party 'til daylight. On second thought, if I can find a clean shirt, I might. Wait a minute, Waylon, I ain't said a thing about that. Sometimes I just like to wear my spurs, And my old Mexican hat. But we sure had fun the last time, That we were down there. And when we woke up, you had that weird tattoo, And somebody had curled my hair. No I ain't goin' down on the border with you tonight. Drinkin' tequila, taking chances on our lives. All the women are crazy, they like to party 'til daylight. On second thought, if I can find a clean shirt, I might. All the women are crazy, and they like to party 'til daylight. On second thought, if I can find a clean shirt, I might.
  13. The dragonfly, I'm not sure..I'd need a better photo to ID it. The first spider is most likely Hogna carolinensis, or common Wolf spider. The second spider appears to be an Araneus diadematus (Cross Spider), or Argiope species. People call Argiopes "Writing Spiders," because of the interesting accents at the centers of their webs. These accents are actually ultraviolet beacons, to attract insects. There are many large spiders which weave orb webs native to Michigan.
  14. LMFAO, because I just came across a person whose actual name is "Kermit." At last-- something befitting of a chuckle, rather than a rant, today..!
  15. Highwayman, by The Highwaymen I was a highwayman, along the coach roads I did ride, With sword and pistol by my side. Many a young maid lost her baubles to my trade. Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade. The bastards hung me in the spring of twenty-five: But I am still alive. I was a sailor, I was born upon the tide. And with the sea I did abide. I sailed a schooner round the Horn to Mexico. I went aloft and furled the mainsail in a blow. And when the yards broke off, they said that I got killed: But I am living still. I was a dam builder across the river deep and wide; Where steel and water did collide. A place called Boulder on the wild Colorado, I slipped and fell into the wet concrete below. They buried me in that great tomb that knows no sound: But I am still around. I'll always be around,. And around and around and around and around. I fly a starship across the Universe divide. And when I reach the other side, I'll find a place to rest my spirit if I can. Perhaps I may become a highwayman again. Or I may simply be a single drop of rain; But I will remain. And I'll be back again, And again and again and again and again..
  16. Feeling great pain, due to a toothache caused by my teeth being set on edge. I think I need to begin wearing a mouthguard and earplugs to bed. Some of my neighbors have no concepts of proper noise levels, or of common decency.
  17. White embellished boy-beater with pink Caddy convertible print, and "Las Vegas" in rhinestones at the top; white bullet bra, white spankies, white marabou Frederick's of Hollywood bedroom mules.
  18. Incredibly irate. Got woken up to the Mexican folks next door BLASTING rap music, (THUMP-THUMP-THUMP-THUMP) at ten minutes to 9am this morning..it's still thumping, and with each thump, my level of anger escalates. People need to realize that others around here work during the evenings, and graveyard shifts. I'm also not happy with the folks across the street's dog. It has THE MOST horrible, annoying-sounding bark, and worse yet, it's CONSTANTLY barking. This thing sounds like the canine equivalent of Patty or Selma-- a hoarse, raspy, dry bark, INCESSANTLY, over and over and over. I'm about ready to lob a bag of fuckin' Ludens' at this decrepit-sounding, barking dog.. If y'all can imagine, I am NOT a happy camper.
  19. For all those who have ever been under the impression that Opilionids (Harvestmen) have fangs and/or are poisonous, check this out: target="_blank The jaws are actually like tiny crab's claws, and they use them to macerate their prey, rather than to invenomate. The juices are then sucked up through a proboscis of sorts. This common arachnid's method of feeding is very similar to that of a Solfugid, also known as Camel Spider, or Sun Spider. Equally cool is how they can shed their legs, and close off the remaining wound with special muscle flaps.
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