If crickets aren't captive bred, they can carry many parasites and other microorganisms. Crickets are very VERY dirty-- I have to clean their habitat cube EVERY DAY. They shit all over the place, it's really really grody. They SOOO remind me of cockroaches, and it really creeps me out every time I have to get one out for my spiders! Crickets are really creepy.
I dread having any feeder crickets escape into my house-- I would not be able to sleep at night. I'd have to turn loose one of the spiders to have any piece of mind!!
P.S. Finny, it's absolutely NO use..my phobia is very deep seated, and it comes from a few experiences that I do not ever want to repeat!! I wasn't ALWAYS scared of the water, but a few things have happened to turn my heart. The sight of a shark, even in an aquarium, makes my hair stand straight on end. I think my reaction to them is more a relenquishing of my invincibility, than a fear..the knowledge that I don't stand a CHANCE against a shark or other large or socially-organized aquatic creature in its own element.
Unfortunately, my experience of the ocean and lakes has not been anything like what you see on The Little Mermaid! I've almost been eaten alive by nesting male bluegill (honest!), bumped by something LARGE and UNSEEN while wading out on a sandbar in Florida in the middle of the night in the ocean, covered in leeches, tangled in seaweed and almost drowned, and THEN there was the snapping turtle incident..I won't even go into the details of that one, it was TOO weird to have really happened.
I'm quite happy to observe water crathurs from a glass bottom boat, or at Sea World!!