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Everything posted by jynxxxedangel

  1. Excited, overwhelmed, and more than a little nervous about flying (especially with my kitties). Jynxxxie doesn't like commercial passenger planes.
  2. As most of you old-schoolers know, Chris (Head Wreck) and I have been hand-fasted since April 4th of 2009. He is from South Wales, UK, and I've lived here in the Metro-Detroit area for most of my life. We decided that it would be best for me to move there, instead of him applying for citizenship here in the states. He has a good job, and a wonderful family. As for me, I don't have much to offer, in the way of comfortability or resources. Therefore, I have tied up most of my personal loose ends, applied for a marriage visa (which finally came in the mail, last week), and am headed away from the country of my birth, to begin a new life with the person I love. Details: Chris will be arriving here to help pack up and sell off/give away all of the stuff I won't be taking with me, on Monday, March 21st, at 1:30pm. He and I (and my two kitties) will be flying out of Detroit on Wednesday, April 6th, at 6:50pm. I won't be able to return to the states to visit until 2 years after we are legally married (as per UK immigration law). Thanks again, to everyone who contributed their letters of personal reference for my visa, helped us with running errands, and everything else we have required assistance with! It is because of you, that we will finally be able to live our "happily ever-after." We have lots to do here, to prepare for my big move---but we're going to try and schedule at least two social events, during his stay & before our departure. We're thinking about doing a group dinner date, and possibly throwing a going-away/anniversary party. We will keep you all posted, by way of this thread.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSCJJkFgt_w
  4. I really need a giant flamethrower. Where's my ACME catalog?
  5. I had to approve your request, luv. :^P

  6. I guarantee this will be going to the Supreme Court, at all of our expenses....but for such a worthy cause, I won't complain.
  7. I feel like this "big move" needs to get UNDERWAY, DONE, and OVER WITH, before I totally lose my gourd.
  8. How am I going to move an entire household overseas, in two months' time?!
  9. Completely misunderstood, and my feelings belittled.
  10. I'd tell that spoilt little so-and-so to KICK ROCKS, or get her ass HOME.
  11. Disappointed, disheveled, slightly-drunk, and ALONE.
  12. I've come to one conclusion, after having read many years' worth of political discussions on this forum; conservative 'frieks' are oddballs....and I am one of them. This is why I rarely get into these debates, because my democratic friends really don't like my rather-conservative points of view....and it causes great resentment. Therefore, I won't be saying what I really have to say, here. Besides, the ladies' opinions tend to get ignored withing the melee of flying testosterone! LOL! Am I the only female on the board who's noticed this? I will say this much, though; I can't think of but a handful of politicians, who really have working-class Americans' best interests at heart.
  13. Crawling into the bottom of a bottle of Canadian whisky, and not coming out, until the pain and loss are gone. Have fun having fun, everybody.
  14. Hopeful that Head Wreck will be able to make it here, in January.
  15. There is Halloween-type stuff mixed in with my Xmas decorations....
  16. Welp....if you're going to college, or just living on their dime in general, you're pretty much screwed, as "living under dad & mom's house rules" is usually the condition that comes with those situations. However, if you're NOT going to college, you have a job, you have some money put away to get your own place, and you're not under any sort of parole or legal guardianship (due to mental/physical illness), they have NO legal right to force you to move away, against your will. P.S. What's wrong with being a country girl? I grew up in the country, and actually prefer rural areas to the city-- and I'm a pretty happenin' chick!
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