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Everything posted by jynxxxedangel

  1. Canadian radio plays some awful shit. Not all of it is awful, but a good 30% of it, is. I can't decide which of these three evils is worst; American radio, with the ads...Canadian radio, with its weird mixture of 90s-ish indie/folk/progressive jazz/random-ambient-noise-bullshit-music/badly sung songs in French...or complete silence. It sucks, having a PC with no sound.
  2. Sad, lonesome, and a little lost. I feel like sleeping the days away, until I can be with HW, again. This 'months of being apart' stuff is becoming unbearable.
  3. I'm laughing about that pollster guy's name, mentioned toward the end of the article-- "Bernie Porn." Ye gads, what an awful surname!
  4. If y'all think the spray tan is bad, just remember those orange tanning pills that people took, back in the late 70s/early 80s. They made everyone look like The Thing.
  5. There are actually self-tanners that don't make you look orange. That Mystic Tan stuff is AWFUL. Personally, my skin tone is so blotchy, I need to use a bronzer to even it out. As for the real sun and tanning beds-- that shit will make you look OLD. I haven't had a real suntan in 18 years or so...and I look ten years younger than the broads I know, who tan all the time.
  6. Wow...who are all these new people?!
  7. Just buy two pair of the regular size, and tie them together down at the bottom of the tongue. I would use a Carrick bend knot.
  8. I'm curious to hear HW's take on this. It'll be a few hours before he gets home from work. I've been waiting to discuss this topic with him since last night.
  9. Did you know that the same studio director (Will Vinton), who made the California Raisins commercials, put this film together? The 'Satan' sequence is but a small clip from the full feature film. See here.
  10. Accomplished. Cleaned about 16" of snow and ice off the car, and shoveled the same amount off the walk, and out of the driveway (16" X 25' sq.). In some places, it had drifted up (or was pushed up by the plough) over two feet. Some of it was frozen solid, and I had to chip at it with the shovel. All of this, I did by myself. This frontier-woman shit is getting hella old, though. I feel like 40% Paula Bunyan, 40% Paula Deen, and 20% glamourpuss.
  11. Peanut butter Snickers. I miss them.
  12. MINE! MINE! MINE!!!! :-P

  13. Try Leo's Coney Island. They have a pretty good pot pie, made with phyllo dough.
  14. "Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours." --Ayn Rand
  15. ...is good in Irish coffee...and on pumpkin custard pie....and right out of the can...and then the awesome little treat of nitrous oxide at the end of the can.
  16. I didn't mean to sound morbid, dear. Read between the lines.
  17. Yeah, I can't get into FB, either. I'm going through withdrawals, because it's pretty much my only source of deep social contact and entertainment. I'd like to know why my account goes down for "site maintenance" at least twice a week....it seems fishy. Also, I am feeling a bit disappointed, due to a lack of levity around here, as of late. No reason to be so heavy! As for me, I guarantee that my ghost will be around to laugh at my own funeral, provided that someone is light (and merciful) enough to crack a few jokes. Until then, I will continue to be the first to laugh at my own mistakes and shortcomings....and you all are welcome to join me....and I won't get bent about it, I promise.
  18. My friend's room mate. She is a nasty, dirty, lazy, self-centered, cheating, lying, full-of-shit "thing." Someday, it's all gonna come right back in her face, for how she's treated everyone.
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