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Hellion last won the day on August 11 2010

Hellion had the most liked content!

About Hellion

  • Birthday 06/24/1970

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Relationship Status
    Single - not looking
  • Location
    Somewhere on the Eastside
  • Interests
    Pretty much like going to rock/metal concerts
    Enjoying the original goth scene,making gothic jewelry
    Horror Movies,Extreme fetish shows,of course City Club.

    You Can't Bring Me Down
    Suicidal Tendencies

    What the hell's going on around here?

    First off-let's take it from the start
    Straight out-can't change what's in my heart
    No one-can tear my beliefs apart, you can't bring me

    You ain't-never seen no one like me
    Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
    Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me

    Never-fall as long as I try
    Refuse-to be a part of your lie
    Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me


    Who the hell you calling crazy? You wouldn't know what crazy was
    If Charles Manson was eating fruit loops on your front porch....

    Time out-let's get something clear
    I speak-more truth than you want to hear
    Scapegoat-to cover up your fear, you can't bring me

    You ain't-never seen so much might
    Fight for-what I know is right
    What up-you got yourself a fight, you can't bring me

    Stand up-we'll all sing along
    Together-ain't nothin' as strong
    Won't quit-we ain't in the wrong, you can't bring me


    Bring me down-you can't bring me down!
    Bring me down-you can't bring me down, no!
    Bring me down-you can't bring me down!
    Bring me down-you can't bring me down, you can't bring me down!

    Tell them what's up Rocky!


    Bring me down-you can't bring me down!
    Bring me down-you can't bring me down, no!
    Bring me down-you can't bring me down!
    Bring me down-you can't bring me down, you can't bring me down!

    So why you trying to bring me?
    Well you can't bring me down...No, no, no, no
    Can't bring me down....No, no, no, no, no, no
    Can't bring me down....No, no, no, no, no, no
    Can't bring me down....No, no, no, no, no, no
    So why you trying to bring?
    Well you can't bring me down

    Just cause you don't understand what's going on don't mean it don't make no sense
    And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good
    And let me tell you something;

    Before you go taking a walk in my world
    You better take a look at the real world
    Cause this ain't no Mister Roger's Neighborhood

    Can you say "feel like shit"?
    Yea maybe sometimes I do feel like shit
    I ain't happy 'bout it, but I'd rather feel like shit than be full of shit!

    And if I offended you, oh I'm sorry...
    But maybe you need to be offended
    But here's my apology and one more thing...fuck you!

    Cos you...can't...bring...me...down!

    Bring me down-you can't bring me down!
    Bring me down-you can't bring me down, no!
    Bring me down-you can't bring me down!
    Bring me down-you can't bring me down!
    Bring me down-you can't bring me down, no!
    Bring me down-you can't bring me down, no!
    Bring me down-you can't bring me down, you can't bring me down!

    Can't bring me down!
    Can't bring me down!
    Can't bring me down!


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  1. in my honest opinion,every CEO of that POS fascist corporation should be put in front of a firing squad,along with all their POS lawyers as well.beware that Monsanto is trying to trademark the human body as well.
  2. Until the singleism and other stereotypes stop on here maybe I'll come back,besides I got bored on here after a lot of the really cool people left.aside from that I too busy at work,sleeping,drinking and concerts.here and there I'm on Facebook,but even that is starting to get boring since everyone now believes in just hanging out online only. Why I destroyed my sim card in my phone,and quit calling anyone, and just use it as a web browser and mp3 now.we will see if this site survives another year,only time will tell.living online and never socializing in person is not my kind of lifestyle. Though I do miss DGN back when I joined several years ago.
  3. Let the greedy corporate fascists fail and fall,I hope these protests get in the millions and go worldwide as well,Goldman Sach's and The Federal Reserve are beyond immoral evil.
  4. Ebola virus,nasty shit here http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/spb/mnpages/dispages/ebola/qa.htm
  5. http://m.yahoo.com/w/ygo-frontpage/lp/story/us/455408/coke.bp%3B_ylt=AgGZ19DWEHRlSt0HQ1zMfZex.tw4%3B_ylu=X3oDMTF0dDhxYnVhBGNwb3MDMjQEY3NlYwNtb2JpbGUtdGQEaW50bAN1cwRwa2cDaWQtNDU1NDA4BHBvcwMyNARzbGsDaW1hZ2U-?ref_w=frontdoors&view=today&.intl=US&.lang=en&.tsrc=yahoo And I mean different.
  6. Way too much fun last night Now back to sleep
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