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Everything posted by Hellion

  1. Being stubborn on quitting cigarettes I have up to the middle of June that is.
  2. 26 years later and there is still litigation from the Union Carbide disaster in India,considered the worlds worst industrial accident,they are still trying to find this a-hole who is on the run to this day link http://www.safe2use.com/ca-ipm/00-06-26.htm
  3. Not too long ago,less than a month 29 miners died in an underground explosion now this Oil drilling accidents prompting new safety rules AP - Fri Apr 23rd, 2010 11:32 PM EDT NEW ORLEANS - Federal regulators did not need this week's explosion aboard a state-of-the-art rig to know the offshore drilling industry needed new safety rules: Dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries over the last several years had already convinced them that changes were needed. The U.S. Minerals and Management Service is developing regulations aimed at preventing human error , which it identified as a factor in many of the more than 1,400 offshore oil drilling accidents between 2001 and 2007. What caused Tuesday's massive blast off the Louisiana coast is unknown. On Friday, Coast Guard officials suspended the three-day search for 11 workers missing since an explosion rocked the Deepwater Horizon , saying they believe the men never made it off the platform that erupted into a giant fireball. Coast Guard Capt . Peter Troedsson said he spoke with all the workers' families about the decision to suspend the search before announcing it to the media. "I'm a father and husband, and I have done this a few times before. It's never easy. Your heart goes out to these people," Troedsson said. The Coast Guard says it will resume the search if any ships in the area see anything, but the workers' chances of survival had seemed slim well before Friday afternoon's announcement. "The time of reasonable expectation of survivability has passed," Rear Adm. Mary Landry said. The 11 missing workers came from Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Neither the Coast Guard nor their employers have released their names, though several of their families have come forward. Scott Bickford, a lawyer for the family of missing worker Shane Roshto, said Roshto's wife, Natalie, had been staying with other workers' relatives at a hotel in suburban New Orleans but returned home to Liberty, Miss., on Friday morning. "Natalie has pretty much accepted the fact that her husband is not coming back," Bickford said. Karl Kleppinger Sr., whose 38-year-old son, Karl, was one of the 11 missing workers, said he doesn't blame the Coast Guard for calling off the search. "Given the magnitude of the explosion and the fire, I don't see where you would be able to find anything," said Kleppinger, of Zachary, La. Steven Newman, CEO of Transocean Ltd ., which owns the rig, said Friday night that 8 of the 9 missing Transocean workers were part of the crew that operated the platform's drills. The other 2 workers were employees of a BP contractor. Newman said the company would continue to assist investigators in determining the cause of the blast. As the search was ending, oil company crews were trying to clean up the environmental mess created by the Deepwater Horizon , which finally sank Thursday. The other 115 crew members made it off the platform; several were hurt but only two remained hospitalized Friday. The most seriously injured worker was expected to be released within about 10 days. The rig was the site of a 2005 fire found to have been caused by human error . An MMS investigation determined that a crane operator on the rig had become distracted while refueling the crane, allowing diesel fuel to overflow. Records show the fire was quickly contained, but caused $60,000 in damage to the crane. An MMS review published last year found 41 deaths and 302 injuries out of 1,443 oil-rig accidents from 2001 to 2007. An analysis of the accidents found a lack of communication between the operator and contractors, a lack of written procedures, a failure to enforce existing procedures and other problems. "It appears that equipment failure is rarely the primary cause of the incident or accident," the report said. As a result of the findings, the MMS is developing new rules that would require rig operators to develop programs focused on preventing human error, an area that received relatively little attention in the past. The agency, which has yet to implement the new rules and is currently reviewing public comment on the proposal, also suggested audits once every three years on programs to prevent human error. BP PLC , which leased the Deepwater Horizon, opposes what it says are "extensive prescriptive regulations." "We believe industry's current safety and environmental statistics demonstrate that the voluntary programs implemented ... have been and continue to be very successful," said Richard Morrison , a vice president with BP America Inc. in a September letter opposing the proposed rules. Environmentalists say that while new technology touted by oil industry executives continues to improve, people still have to oversee those devices and human error remains a widespread problem. "You can't outlaw human error," Richard Charter, a senior policy adviser with Defenders of Wildlife, who has been involved in drilling issues for 30 years, said of Tuesday's explosion. "It's one of the sidebar issues now emerging for the Horizon incident — these are common incidents and this was just a bigger one." Opponents of President Barack Obama 's plan for more offshore drilling, particularly off the East Coast, say the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon should be taken as a warning to slow the fervor to "drill, baby drill." "I would hope it would serve as another wake-up call on this issue that there is no such thing as safe oil drilling," said Sara Wan, a member of the California Coastal Commission , a state regulatory agency. "Once that oil starts leaking in the ocean, that damage is irreversible. You just look at what happened with Exxon-Valdez — they're still feeling the effects of it. There's no real way to clean it up." Obama showed no sign of budging Friday. Spokesman Robert Gibbs said the president still believes increasing domestic oil production can be done safely, securely and without harming the environment. "I don't honestly think it opens up a whole new series of questions, because, you know, in all honesty I doubt this is the first accident that has happened and I doubt it will be the last," Gibbs said. On March 31, Obama called for new offshore drilling in the Atlantic Ocean from Delaware to central Florida, plus the northern waters of Alaska . He also wants Congress to lift a drilling ban in the oil-rich eastern Gulf of Mexico , 125 miles from Florida beaches. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Friday that the Obama administration's drilling plan would assess potential risks and benefits of any offshore site before drilling is pursued. No new lease sales are planned before at least 2012. An undetermined amount of oil has spilled from the Deepwater Horizon. The sheen appeared to cover an area about two miles wide and eight miles long Friday afternoon, said Petty Officer Ashley Butler of the Coast Guard. BP, which is taking the lead in the cleanup, said it has activated an extensive oil spill response , including using remotely operated vehicles to assess the well and 32 vessels to mop up the spill. Rear Adm. Landry said no oil appeared to be leaking from a well head at the ocean floor, nor was any leaking at the water's surface. But she said crews were closely monitoring the rig for any more crude that might spill out. About half a dozen boats were using booms to trap the thin sheen, which extended about seven miles north of the rig site. There was no sign of wildlife being affected; the Louisiana coast is about 50 miles away. Strong winds were blowing generally from the south as a cold front approached from Texas . The passage of the front late Friday or Saturday was expected to shift winds to the north, which could push the sheen away from the coast. Crews were trying to contain what spilled and prevent any threat to the coast's fragile coastal wetlands — nurseries for fish and shrimp and habitat for birds. The Marine Spill Response Corp ., an energy industry cleanup consortium, brought seven skimmer boats to suck oily water from the surface, four planes that can scatter chemicals to disperse oil, and 500,000 feet — 94.6 miles — of containment boom, a floating barrier with a skirt that drapes down under the water and corrals the oil. U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson called for a congressional investigation of safety practices at offshore oil rigs . Nelson, a Florida Democrat who has led opposition to offshore drilling, said he asked the U.S. Interior Department to investigate and provide a comprehensive report on all U.S. drilling accidents over at least the last decade. "The tragedy off the coast of Louisiana shows we need to be asking a lot more tough questions of big oil," Nelson said. "I think we need to look back over 10 years or so to see if the record denies the industry's claims about safety and technology." __ Associated Press Writer Noaki Schwartz reported from Los Angeles . Associated Press Writers Jason Dearen in San Francisco , Mike Kunzelman, Cain Burdeau and Alan Sayre in Louisiana contributed to this report. Texas City had it bad in 1947 Union Carbide in 1984 Do you think some of these could have been prevented?
  4. Wonder if they will try to charge 4 bucks for anyone that wants to go outside to have a smoke then come back in,they will lose a lot of business.
  5. I'm used to going outside to smoke anyway,don't want my place smelling like a damn ashtray,although bet a lot of bars that are up north,U.P. in the middle of no where won't enforce it. but here is one thing,since this was never brought up. FYI,someone goes outside to have a cigarette and they have to leave their drink inside,someone else spikes it, yeah that will be a big problem,since most places where you could not smoke inside,won't let you take your drink outside,unless they have one of those decks/patios.just a word of caution.always keep a 100% eye on your drinks.
  6. Thanks a lot for the info Marc,yeah it still kills me when people esp on Myspace post their cell numbers and addresses in statuses and bulletins,they might as well post their SSI number as well.I keep everything low key.
  7. That does explain why the POS government is building a lot of prisons nationwide,tax payer prisons that is. (sarcasm)still would not surprise me.
  8. Why should I or anyone else be subjected to someone elses stank,there is a difference between a work smell and a refuse to shower smell(lack of hygiene),I worked with someone who refused to shower and other employees complained about his BO as well. I just avoid stinky people alltogether
  9. Nothing surprises me anymore Worker punched after confronting man about odor AP - Wed Apr 21st, 2010 6:10 PM EDT BELLINGHAM, Wash. - Police said a Cost Cutter store employee was punched in the mouth after he confronted a customer about his body odor . Police spokesman Mark Young told The Bellingham Herald that police went to the store after a report of a fight and found employees holding down a man. The newspaper said customers apparently complained while the man was in the store Sunday, and the employee decided to discuss it with him when he returned the next day. Young said the store employee was not going to ask him to leave the store, but only approached him to share the complaints. Young said the man snapped and threw a bunch of batteries and punched the worker, causing a minor injury.
  10. If Goldman Sach's goes under I really don't G.A.S.(my own opinion for myself) I still wonder how many sheeple(no one on DGN) believe that fascism is ok
  11. I avoid the news/media(2 FOX,4,7,) as much as possible,although I do listen here and there to WWJ 950 AM for the traffic report on the 8's,gotta know that an idiot driver jacked up the freeway,so I know ahead of time and take a different route to get to wherever I'm going. The weather outlook,if they ever get it right,LOL!! The Osgood Files,always worth listening too,mostly the history part. The construction report and "This Day in History"really cool. everything else I just don't bother.
  12. Hopefully in the future they can design a plane engine that is resistant to volcanic ash,also volcanic ash is extremely harmful to the lungs. Years ago Iceland stopped a volcanic lava flow from destroying a city,by pumping water on it from the ocean,it actually worked,there might be a video of it on YouTube,it occured in the 70s,amazing footage.unfortunatley this video does not show the actual lava being diverted,this is footage of the city of Heimaey during the volcano eruption. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VX9e9ei6v3s&feature=youtube_gdata
  13. Watching the Wings game and enjoying Jagerbombs at FTs bar
  14. Nothing against anyone here but judging someone on their ignorant actions,( directed at unfit politicians) is not racist or bigoted.actions speak words. some of the issues I agree with and some I don't agree with. I agree with what Reaper and Marc posted,as well as some others on here carry on.
  15. Tax Nazi's/piss poor government is the main problem,imagine if all the businesses left this country,you would have to either order food from a third world toilet nation(e-coli soil),or grow it yourself. If I could find the video again,it showed a Taco Bell completely run by computers no humans present at all. any way to prevent people from finding work.
  16. House rules existed when I used to live at my moms place,they did not exist when I was away from home at a friends/other relatives,at work,only at the house,then they were non existent again after I moved out.
  17. IMO I think any business that outsources work to a third world country that they either get taxed to hell or all the CEO,s be forced to move/live in that country where they moved their business.just a thought. your opinions and answers.
  18. Calling someone a crack-r is racist as well,where is that considered ok. other than that lets see how far the Tea Party Movement goes.
  19. I have seen people do this weird kind of dance called "The Heel" at City Club,they say its a great workout.
  20. Be thankful that you did not have to deal with this.I feel bad for the families,yes this is a very dangerous line of work http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100410/ap_on_bi_ge/us_mine_explosion
  21. I have no problem with room mates I do have a problem when they impose/get into my personal life,that will piss me off,stay out of my personal life,and things will be fine.
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