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Everything posted by Hellion

  1. This is similar to the copy cat bs,ever notice how our POS government likes to copy laws from other corrupt countries and impose them on us. of course the sheeple don't seem to mind. good thread
  2. This is very depressing :(I do hope for the best for the people of Japan I also unfortunately remember The Union Carbide disaster in 84,and felt the same way.:(
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flA9y5Lw-Fg&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  4. Id get the hell out of this fascist nation thats full of media sheeple.,put my money in a Cayman Islands account and try to better my self in Australia,where I can enjoy my freedom.
  5. It was not a good idea to have CC advertised in Metro Times,and Real Detroit,I remember never seeing any of that wannabe douchbag trash going there when I started going 12 years ago.
  6. I have no problem giving someone a ride,though a little gas money would be appreciated.
  7. Well look what happened to our freedom of speech/opinions,fuq this fascist corporate bs nation. Only the media PC pos sheeple will except losing rights/freedom and liberty for comfort and the patriot act. It would be so nice to have the "real" America back again.
  8. I remember the one episode,where this couple were shrunk down and they lived in a model of a small town,but did not know it,and they could never find the person who was giggling through out the episode. Also Night Gallery was awesome,hosted by Rod Serling as well.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MP9KcRML48
  10. A few rotten apples in the Vietnam War doing wrong things unfortunately made the good honest soldier look bad. I have several friends and a few relatives in the military that I have great respect for,they are very good people who are doing the best they can.
  11. Anyoe remember American bricks,I had a set that came in one of those cardboard cylinders back in the 1970s They were awesome as well,just not as advanced,but still fun. I like this guys model he built
  12. IMO throw this human waste in the Detroit river and forget about it. People have been sued for saying I hate you to someone else. Also telling a sue happy person that they are infact sue happy will get you sued it has happened Yes these are the kinds of human trash that our society breeds,it's time to exile all of them to a remote island far far away.
  13. More corruption exposed http://www.offshorealert.com/Documents/storyfibg.htm
  14. That was unfortunate of what happened yesterday,yeah there are some crazy radicals out there Now if this idiot had done this at the federal reserve,what would the reaction be?especially if this happened to some CEOs of big oil and big Pharma,and the bankers on wallstreet?(hypothetical question)and before anyone pulls that assume bs,I don't condone violence,good thread Scar My Machine. IMO most people suck now
  15. Yup,and I bet Bankers and CEOs of corrupt greedy corporations are also on several peoples hate lists, I'm not surprised this happened.
  16. Well said The two main problems Iv'e seen on here is slandering and made up bad vibe hatred against others. Those two things piss me off and why I rarely go on here. I just stick with Youtube now.and yes I see a lot of ignorant posts about others on that site as well. society = epic fail.
  17. A Non wallet sniffer I also hate and I mean HATE!!! anyone who plays the made up"bad vibe hatred games" bs as well this country is full of that trash. Why I want nothing to do with most women in America,their personalities disgust me to no end. PS this is not directed towards any ladies that I am friends with,its directed at the ones I hate or don't know.
  18. Doesn't bother me,being single,I work a lot anyway.
  19. Here ya go,hope your all happy!!! http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/26258909/detail.html
  20. Hope your day starts out good:)

  21. Thinking that I'm thinking too much
  22. Exausted looking forward to having 11 days off from work
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