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Everything posted by Hellion

  1. Well candyman,look up MCI Worldcom and Enron,two good examples of corporate greed
  2. Well said,what pisses me off is how the government goes and helps poor sick people in third world countries and does nothing for the poor and sick people here. WTF,another thing that so many(sheeple) fail to recognize is the beginning of fascism in this country,I hate huge corrupted greedy corporations with a passion and always will.
  3. Warren Zevon did Warewolves in London
  4. I have very little patience with most of society in this country most people suck,give it time probably won't be able to say that anymore because of these stupid bs laws forcing us to like assholes that make society suck in the first place. I have notice how we have become a hate loving apathetic society as well and I refuse to be any part of that crap. I'd rather be a realist than a sheeple,and I don't do the pc bs either. PS that is not directed at anyone on the board.
  5. The Electoral College what a f%&^ing mistake as well as The Federal Reserve (World Bank)that was a very huge bs mistake.
  6. The fascist movement by huge corporations/government grills on cars and colored tires movie remakes
  7. This word/definition describes a lot of of people in this country the same people I despise as well.PS its no one I know in person. Entitlementia. . Behaving any way in which one chooses with total disregard for public decorum. 2. (Less commonly) the belief by some members of society that they have an unqualified right to be supported by the public purse.
  8. I live down the road from this place awesome food deals
  9. I'll stick with being a realist,most if not all lawmakers are nothing but corrupt POS,I don't stand on either side nor the libtard side either. Government waste is the problem.nough said.
  10. What kills me is you can't use food stamps to buy toilet paper,though it may not be a food product,though it is a necessity,unless you want to sacrifice a sock or worse yet a shirt to Mr Hankey,it does suck when you run out out of tp and have no money to buy any because your broke and can't use your bridge card to buy any(face palm)
  11. The perfect cure for stupid/ignorant people in society,(sarcasm)only smart people with commonsense are allowed to operate this product.
  12. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=hsSFR43Z600.
  13. So So night,There seemed to be a few too many arrogant tourist idiots up there that should have been thrown out right away. The music in the ballroom was good though.
  14. I would so enjoy being able to pull the lever and turn this human garbage to ashes. IMO I hope someone ends up offing these POS that committed this sick crime. http://www.clickonde...971/detail.html
  15. Variety is a big thing with me as well as a good sound system,if something good is playing I'll listen to it,if not I have my iPod then,that's if I'm not talking to anyone.
  16. Well said!! its our POS corrupted lawmakers,and fascist CEO's who abuse technology(wiretapping,RFID chip implantsPOS dishonest bankers,etc),and our government likes to copy cat other countries government ideas and implant them here,ahh yes more of our rights taken away,seems the government fears the taxpayers more than the terrorists. Yes I have friends and relatives in the military and I have great respect for what they are doing,I just hope they come home safe.
  17. What a disgusting poor ass excuse for a crackwhore,why oh why do pieces of trash like this get give birth to kids,I hope they throw more than the book at her.
  18. I agree,I know someone who sold their soul to world of warcrack,I've never been into any form of online gaming,no thanks.
  19. B-sides of metal and other various music
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