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Everything posted by Hellion

  1. http://m.yahoo.com/w/ygo-frontpage/lp/story/http%3A%2F%2Fnews.yahoo.com%2Fs%2Fap%2Fus_gulf_rig_explosion/detail.bp%3B_ylt=AjuqqKDXguXzSNNdksKkHnWx.tw4?ref_w=frontdoors&view=today&.intl=us&.lang=en&.tsrc=yahoo
  2. I know I couldn't be this lucky http://mobile.syracuse.com/advsyra/pm_29245/contentdetail.htm;jsessionid=64415A941230D7FB197F5AE0668C4F9E?contentguid=MF5Ap5GU
  3. Know that people who are constantly shy will always be alone.
  4. Although I'll be there,I'll be invisible if I can help it.
  5. Damn that place ought to change their name to "Cardiac Arreststop"
  6. I feel that was too hot today to bother doing anything I also feel that way too many people disgust me to the point that my hatred is justified because most of society is becoming immoral and dishonest.
  7. The only time I see distracted driving being a problem people who do their makeup while driving eating a bowl of cereal while driving watching tv while driving reading the newspaper while driving that is nuts IMO Now don't forget the pedestrian who is not paying attention while walking out from between parked cars,(vans trucks) and who refuses to use the cross walk,sometimes they are looking up at the sky while talking in the phone,but they expect drivers to be able to see through objects like Superman(sarcasm) there are many other things that are more of a distraction to drivers than what I listed. One major distraction for me, is looking out for stupid people who should not been allowed a drivers license,or be allowed to walk around
  8. Most people suck now,nough said
  9. Another planet crashing into earth,like in the movie,"When Worlds Collide" from the 1950's
  10. I feel that ignorant stupid people should not be allowed to exist. aside from that a trip to Necto is in the plans tonight
  11. I get looked at weird as well for being single now as well,I can't stand stereotypical couples who think that this is a couples country and you have to be with someone to have status.very immature on their part.
  12. Wondering and thinking that the majority in the metro Detroit area are messed up in the head,GTFU. Example,you say hi to someone in person and they freak out,ok I see that a lot around the area.
  13. Good,because I will be back to work in 9 days,closer to home and more money and more potential to move up.
  14. Like i wish I'd never woken up today.
  15. High cost of living,layoffs and shit paying jobs in America.why this is happening all over,and banks don't care. I do hope the best for you,if you need help with anything let me know.
  16. This sucks I remember it was only a little over 4 years ago the I helped you bring it up to Mi from South Carolina. I really hate to see you sell:(
  17. Awesome!!haven't seen that band in quite awhile.
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