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About maeve

  • Birthday 12/23/1963

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  • Location
    South Bend, IN
  • Interests
    I basically live in the world of books, computers take second place between the two. I'm always reading and actually take very little time out to get online. When I’m on the computer I tend to be writing or researching; this may not sound too fun to some, but it's me none-the-less. The more physical hobbies that I have include sewing and gardening. Yes, it's true, I'm a wild woman ;-) there's no end to my madness. What can I say, I'm technically middle-aged, I run my ass off after nine children, go to school full time, and work part time. My leisure activities tend to be well, leisurely. Not to mention the fact that there is absolutely nothing to do here scene wise. On occasion I may venture out with a group of friends and take off to the big city (either Chicago or Detroit; the prior being much closer) and take in a club or two, but that's about it. The last mention is our RPGs, in one of the games the party has recently found itself in Ravenloft, yikes we're doomed now!

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  1. I couldn't agree more. I loved, really loved, all four of the books, (Although, Breaking Dawn had its moment of disappointment for me) but I was very disappointed by the movie. I think you hit the nail right on the head when you mentioned the lack of character development and the rushed sense. It's really too bad. I think if it would have been done better I could have lived with it not being the spitting image of the book. I'm skepticale about going to see New Moon now. I may wait for it to come out on DVD. I don't know yet. On a side note, though...I just have to say that even in the book, as much as I enjoyed the book, when I got to the sparkely vampire; I couldn't help but think "cheese". Other than that, I thought the books were very well written. They were captivating and enjoyable but certainly not your everyday vampire saga.
  2. Pretty odd answer since I consider myself to be very in touch with the universal energies. *shrug* Although, as religion goes, I guess I am rather (very) anti-organized religion. If I were to descibe myself I think the label I would give would be Jungian neo-druidic shaman You Should Be An Atheist So it's not really a religion. But that's the whole point. You don't buy into the whole God thing... or you just don't care. You may feel very alone in a world full of religious people. But just remember, atheism has a long and rich intellectual history. What Religion Should You Be?
  3. I'm going to be the scary old lady that sits at the end of the block on her doorstep handing out the "good" candy to all the little kids who are brave enough to come up to me and my cats
  4. HiYa Newb... how ya' doin'?

  5. This one has everything you need for a good novel: mystery, sex, and religion Oh God! I am pregnant and I don't know who the father is! -end-
  6. I am currently reading Evelina by Frances Burney. I'm almost finished with it. Afterwards, I'm looking forward to reading whatever my little heart desires as I will be officially gradeeated! Yeah! The only thing I've been watching lately is the Angel and Buffy series. My life is dull, yes, it's true.
  7. Hmmph, well I have a neat picture to put here but I can't get it to show up. I get this error: THE FOLLOWING ERROR(S) WERE FOUND You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board. A valid format is: http://www.domain.com/picture.gif an invalid format is: http://www.domain.com/picture.one.gif Post Preview http://picasaweb.google.com/maeve63/Cats As I'm rather new to the whole putting images into any form of website (be it forum, blog...) I'm rather frustrated that it doesn't work. Can anyone give advise? It's probably not that I'm doing something wrong so much as I probably just don't know what I'm doing. I have a picture loaded in a Picasa album but I can't figure out how to make the URL workable. I've had the same problem with my blog.
  8. Currently reading Daniel Deronda by George Eliot, for the 1st time and The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman, for the 2nd time. Both are very good reads in my opinion. I have George Orwell's 1984 on the next to read list, but as classes begin Monday, my first to read list will take second place to my required reading. I don't watch TV so I don't have any current stuff on that. I do partake in the occasional movie or DVD series, but Pirates of the Caribbean(sp?) II and Buffy season VII were the last things I saw. Give me a good book any day.
  9. Black velvet ankle length skirt and my black T- "Shirt of Invisibility +2"
  10. Sitting here brooding over the thought that I need to call my insurance company because some bimbo doesn’t know how to drive. We just bought a 2001 Dodge Caravan (I do mean purchased recently) – like, we’ve had it for less than 2 weeks. We had actually just made the first payment on it like 15 minutes before we got hit. The really sad shit is we were parked. The girl didn’t even look (at all) before she came plowing out of her freakin driveway. She said, “Well I’ve never seen anyone park there before, so I didn’t think to look.” Can I choke the life out of her now? The front end is bashed in, fortunately under the headlight, but she still hit it hard enough to push the front end back far enough that now the driver side door creaks when you open or close it. I hate people.
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