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Everything posted by nodrew

  1. Neuromancer by William Gibson Hocus Pocus by Kurt Vonnegut Both are really good so far.
  2. A Perfect Circle - Weak And Powerless
  3. a Jim Morrison biography. I'd give the exact title, but it's currently in my car.
  4. YuRiPa Fight No. 1 - Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi
  5. Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi - YuRiPa Fight No. 1
  6. Nine Inch Nails - The Hearts Filthy Lesson (alt)
  7. A) the Green Party (they're kind of an insect *eh*) Q) When playing follow the leader, are you the leader, the follower or both?
  8. You Speak My Language - Collective Soul
  9. Eat alot of Tartar sauce, really fast.
  10. Threw a broom through the spokes on my brother's bike when he was a kid (and I was too) whhheeeeeeeeee *goes flying* Favorite Drummer ?
  11. Destination Moon - They Might Be Giants (also appropriate, TMBG always is )
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