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About zaphier

  • Birthday 04/08/1980

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  • Location
    Clinton Twp, Michigan
  • Interests
    pc games, building computers, camping, reading, dancing, music
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  1. I am currently rereading the Dresden Files by Jim butcher. In anticipation for the next book Skin Game.
  2. In the car : window scraper, blanket, phone charger, cds, a black umbrella, mps player cable, ninja burger card game, lunch money card game In the glove compartment: a map, scrap paper, pens, insurance card, registration, a thumb drive In the trunk: backpack with a change of clothing, tools, jumper cable
  3. Feeling good finally over a upper respiratory infection that i have been fighting for over 2 weeks. Its a nice start to my bday.
  4. What type of Horror movie are you? My Results: The Psychological Thriller Movie You are the Psychological Thriller, brimming with sickening twists and mind blowing plot. In the majority of this type of film, a serial killer is featured, one that gives the cops a run for their money while rubbing the gruesome details of their victim's murder in the face of the FBI. You almost always have a scene that the audience didn't see coming and contain some key point that makes everyone say, "Oh, my God!" at the end of the movie. While mentally challenging, you also have plenty of blood and guts for the audience to enjoy or be sickened by. Some Psychological Thriller movies would include: Seven, Silence of the Lambs, The Zodiac Killer, etc.
  5. I have been interested in hunting with a bow for a long time now. I own 2 bows, one was passed down from my uncles that they used when they were little. And the other was my grandfathers. I would love to honor my grandfather in one of hie favorite past times.
  6. Garb just told me he cant make it. I still my try to make it out.
  7. Me and Garbeldena will be there maybe around midnight
  8. Yeah you missed ME... So who else besides me and Stormknight got approached to by people there recruiting for a film shot up at city on Wednesday?
  9. Lets see here i play 2nd to 4rth. still play forth. but that's an online one using maptools. I like 3.5 the best. 4rth is better for when you cant get everyone together in the room at once. My gm moved out of stated but wanted to keep it going. But over all i like playing 3.5 more it has great character options. The game styles i like are: hack and slash, adventure, and exploration. But i love games that put a great balance of every thing in them for all players play styles. It just makes for a better game play to me. I think the story should shine. End of discussion. The group working together is great but there need to be some inter group fighting its just normal. Not ever one will get alone. It's all about the socialization if it was not there would be no game. lol no really every 1 one there to have a good time. so if i feel indifferent to this one. And as for races/classes i have really preference they all have there ups and downs.
  10. I like this idea. CC and the few others play to much new music and shit that has no right to be played on the dance floor. I would love a place that played a good balance of new and old music.
  11. You Are a Geek You love to learn, especially when it's about technology. No subject is too obscure for you. You enjoy tinkering with things to see how they work. You aren't a traditional learner either... you need to hack around to figure things out. You may have the brains to be a super rich Silicon Valley geek, but you're truly content to have your own favorite projects, subjects, and toys. For you, being a geek is not about the glory. It's about a love of digging deep and truly understanding the world. What's Your Stereotype? Blogthings: Waste Time at Work!
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