Meh, I guess I'd be going with Vampire goth as well. Not that I wear fangs, my natural teeth are already long and pointy. But then I could also go as Xyber goth, but not entirely as the only bright things I'd be wearing is my fake hair. ;P
Add that to the bondage skirt, black shirt, knee-high boots and armwarmers...... it's more like looking at a black tower with a funky lamp on top. ;P
Hey hey hey!!
What about "Perky Goth"? oo;
Goodness..... forgetting about the hyper and energetic types, eh?
Then again, I agree with Circe, the "Comfortable Goth" thing is good too.... ;D
Yeah, due to the fact that I'm always misjudged as a naive, little girl, I have to have my sister go with me. If she doesnt go, I dont go either.
Or, the last night........ =_=;;
People tell me I should become a tattoo artist, just because they think my tattoo art kicks ass. It's an idea, but not my ideal job. However, it'd be fun. ;D
I have plans to get so many tattoos that it's not even funny. However, I have plans to get my first tattoo for my 19th birthday and it's a toss-up between getting an 'ohm' done on the back of my neck or getting the "Mutterfly" tattooed somewhere on me. I asked permission from the artist of the drawing earlier today and she said she'd feel very flattered if I got it tattooed, but she wanted a photo of it when it was done and I said she'd get one. I SO want to get Mutterfly done, but it's a matter of figuring out where to place it as most of the other spots on my body are reserved for a different tattoo. I'm thinking of getting it done on the upper part of the forearm on my right arm or my left ribcage (( which will hurt like a bitch )). Or maybe somewhere slightly on my butt.....i dont know.
Lookit da perdy Mutterfly!!
I love that picture and I finally get the chance to show it. ;D