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Everything posted by Saephyr

  1. American Justice on A&E, since you really don't need to see it to enjoy it I just listen from the PC and dig it. YEY! I need a frikin birthday drink man. I'm gettin' outta dodge!!!
  2. I found the place ! Whooooooo hoooooooo! http://www.leatherup.com (hope I typed that right) Now these are for boots you understand cuz the pair I already own are in the women's selection but, they are old and I got thme back in like 94' so I think it's time to change my 'steppin out' boots to a different style since I don't hit the mosh pit anymore...why not get something a bit nicer?
  3. NOooooooooooo Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Gonna lock the doors and be alone with my man FINALLY
  4. I'm looking for a fem version of like Harley zip ups myself...wonder if they still exist?
  5. NOTE: Could Nienna and Shade look any more adorable together?
  6. Well I like Skittles and I wasn't ever a big POISON fan no so the combo sounds kinda gross. What kind of finger food do you like when you party?
  7. Just finished eating my ice cream but unlike SOME women that are just fartoo thin for my own good...I can tell I ate it by 10pm tonite when I go to bed and look at my huge tummy
  8. now those r u baby! Find any very cool boots lately?
  9. Shhhhhhhhhhh you might wake yourself
  10. It's not a wonder why I adore these fruity and nutty folks now is it? {{{hugs}}} *for Kellyyyyyyyy & for Brenda's kiddos
  11. I am being sad I gained back 6 pounds and if I don't fast b 4 my birthday I can't enjoy some yummy beer and stuff man! I hate this being fat junk! Also I'm checking out who never got tickets from my emails for the darn jam in October
  12. The movie 9 to 5 on the tv set! I love this one!
  13. I'm a spokesmodel for Absinthe America.com and a fabulous significant other to Don as well, I will be training for a new job VERY soon and I can't wait! Have you got any goals that you are wanting to begin to put in play?
  14. Thanks Remy , you did maske me feel special
  15. Take the "spoon" away or else
  16. Whoa I sense a blending of the races in the relm of coPHEE here...won't that caue the Nazi Coffe Brigade to come a callin'?
  17. the music channel on cable called SOUNDSCAPES..it's really very nice!
  18. Pharoh was celebrating my birthday (27 AGAIN in case you're wondering), and we had fun but I wasnt exactly fubar when we left. I got my Racer hugs, Remy hugs, Bean hugs, Kelly hug, Brut hug, hand kiss from Crank, hugs from Rambo, my man actually danced with me when they played an actual request he wrote down! Got to cuddle DBK's pillow, wasn't in a dress up mood so I went old punk, Manic & I had our legs spread op n way to ofar to be ignored but we had to be so we'd get there sqafe DAMMIT! Earl came to see me! Bean flattered me all nite, WHOA meds r kicking in..gotta drop
  19. Didn't she look HAWT Belle? Gads we were all looking fit and yummy that night I must say. I forgot to get you a bday drink but I ran out of money hun...I'm sorry
  20. I'll pass Paradox, I'd rather pull the ones out of BS place myself. So ... where do I get directions to Medeas place..just need the address and I'll look it up...it's posted isnt it. Im doing what I'm getting done to me it's so odd.
  21. Falling asleep posting...having a severe migraine...being w/o my damn car again cuz she's ill
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