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Everything posted by Saephyr

  1. Let's see I've been a video jockey, hotel manager, factory worker, shelter volunter, sell my own absinthe to freaks all day at conns who try to touch my tits and the infamous SBC/Ameritech...so what do ya think...ya think I'm qualified
  2. Phee...u r so adorable! Kellggrrll...can I be your #1 manager?
  3. When is my man going to ask the big awful question about a lifetime of misery and companionship as well as financial hell?
  4. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no. MARK me off man I'm vegetarian & I have a nore from my Mum
  5. Does it feel good when it sucks though?
  6. ACTUALLY... ( I was when I 1st saw it yea ) I just had to stare for a few minutes since I can't actually enjoy blinky lights at any one time unless they are itsy bitsy like that... Did that sound totally unstable?
  7. Paper goods are goot uuunntttt yaaah :peanutbutterjellytime
  8. Mornin' Goths and punkerooz I miss my kitten. My mans hot snuggly bod. Oh why do I lothe cleaning so much :doh
  9. Just wondering why the hell I am at home alone on a Friday just because I have a bunch of stuff to help the family do tomorrow. GAWD it sucks to get older AND feel older to boot
  10. Just got intro'd to Delirium, so I have been loving that from the early stuff for now
  11. Yuk, actually I think it's one of the worst pops ever. Do you really like caffiene or do you drink it because it's in most things?
  12. Ok so whyh is it when you confide in your mother about something that urks you regardign your significant other, just so you can vent, they give you the "jewish mother" 3rd degree bullshit talk?~! I mean damn! You should be able to just vent right? Don't they always do it to us even when we're kids and we just don't get what the hell they mean? How about something like "Oh honey they all drive us nuts but it's always worth it in the end. Just ignore it" and all that jazz you hear when you are younger
  13. Fine. Don't applaud the relationship that I once bothered you all about on a daily basis
  14. Looking up at COTN and waving to his post Also hoping that I don't end up punching out my baby cousin on Saturday and also praying really hrd for my Mum since she has surgery..she's very scared
  15. Me. I don't like cartoons ...I love em! What is your fav cartoon from when you grew up? :peanutbutterjellytime
  16. Well it's NOT Der Nister cuz the punk ain't gopt me a cd yet! So...I am playing my spooky sounds cds
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