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Everything posted by Saephyr

  1. I can't remember... so it couldn't have been wonderful...or maybe it blew my mind... Do you know?
  2. Wanting to bring Steven some Tradional Medicinals tea to calm his cough down before he gets really sore !~ poor thang I'm about to watch a cd called Loverboy with Kyra Sedwick from tthe Closer. She;s a real nut in this one.
  3. I could NEVER do such a thing.. I'm not sure you're human Is Phee a human male or what?
  4. It was once in the top three, yes but I believe that D.C. is the murder cap in the NATION and as far as rape it believe we dropped down into the 10's area finally but don't quote me on that one.
  5. Grrrrrrr why do my dasy alone have to be so awful and cruddy as far as weather goes dammit
  6. I TOO understand the techer blues my friend! My sib is a lit/history AP teacher so yeah I get to heaqr all kinds of BS when I drop her a note or something I mean, piss off I wanted to say HELLO not get graded ya goof
  7. BUBUBUBUBUBUBUT TROOOOOOOOOYyyyyyyy! Who would be Saephyr if not me?
  8. I have to say this cuz it's just true for me. Until I started to chat here by force from my couxin Angelbeast, I'm sure you all remember, I was very suprized! I got immidiate acceptance and relief from the every day buttheadds that make me wanted to make me kill them or blast MINISTRY or very old ADAM ANT in their faces until the faint! I have always gotten a lot of compassion when I needed to talk about something sad and even something terrific! I'm down for the mission statement BUT... what a totally dorked out photo....HOLY *$@#! ROFL
  9. Can't... still gonna have a BYOB at my place instead of the other idea I had. I tried to do something good See ya Oct 14 or you'll hear the stories later!
  10. According to Troy, I am violating the geneva convention during my usual replies. on my PMs just to be able to tell what was written by who is usually the point there.
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