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Soulrev last won the day on February 16 2023

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About Soulrev

  • Birthday 02/16/1985

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  • Relationship Status
    In a Relationship
  • Location
    The Mountains
  • Interests
    U.S. Army. Hooah.

    Fuck all that shit.
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  1. Chris Evans, was that the shorter bald guy that used to bounce at City? I used to hang out with him a lot back in the day. How's he doing, anyone heard from him lately? If this is the same guy I'm thinking of. He was always the coolest bouncer at City in my opinion. He always took time to talk to me even if he was busy AF. Real down to earth, friendly sort of guy.
  2. ❤️ Thanks Tron! You're better at remembering my birthday than my own family most years! 😄 Much love to you and my fellow DGN'ers! Hard to believe I'm pushing 40, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. The older I get, the better life gets! Edit to add - And holy CRAP next year will be my 20 year anniversary of joining DGN. Actually I think this year would be my 20 year anniversary, because DGN was rebuilt sometime around then and I think my join date was closer to 2002 or 2003, if I remember correctly. Wow time FLIES!!
  3. Hey the wife brought me some frozen White Castles for lunch! Not the same as fresh, but save the roadtrip, these do just fine! Definitely noteworthy🤠
  4. *Jedi Mind Trick* - "You will give me your White Castles" Now there's something I could drive 1,200 miles for!
  5. Hey man thanks for the happy B-day! Yeah I have been in Colorado for about 10 years off and on. Originally came out when my ex-wife was stationed here in the Army back in '09. Spent a few years living in Colorado Springs with her, ended up separating, I went back to Chicagoland for a while and got tired of that cesspool. came back to CO in 2015 and worked for a Porsche/Euro racing shop for a couple years before I (officially) ended up in the cannabis business. First was medical marijuana, now onto hemp. CBD, CBG, industrial hemp is much less red tape and easier to sell. And still early enough in the industry where mom and pop organizations can still enter the market without millions of dollars in investments as per medical marijuana.. Yeah city life just isn't for me, anymore. Born and raised in Chicago, spent the better half of my life in the city, now I'm enjoying my life out in the middle of nowhere with a great view of the entire front range in Colorado, and 80 acres of fenced off ranch land to do whatever the **** I want 😄 So yeah I'm doing very well these days! I hope everyone else is doing well! I do miss the days of City Club and all the nonsense we used to get into back in the day. Seems the whole world is so much different now... Much love to all my fellow DGN'ers out there, wherever you may be!
  6. Yeah, it doesn't even take the lottery to do it if you're really inclined to do so. There are some nice plots of land all across the country that sell for cheap, if you spend the time to search for them, they're still around. In most places, the further you are from society, the lower the price of land. We are 50 miles from the nearest municipality, and approximately 30 miles from the nearest gas station that people say is in the middle of nowhere ;D It took well over 10 years and counting to achieve my goal, but I did it with a lot of hard work and a little saving. The biggest thing to figure out is how to make the land pay for itself and support you and your family at the same time. We tried medical marijuana and didn't find much success because here in CO marijuana is so cheap people give it away due to the influx of growers, dispensaries, and investors with millions of dollars. Mom and Pop marijuana businesses are no longer a thing in Colorado. So here we are, switched to hemp and life is much, much easier. If you can figure out some sort of crop or even livestock to help support your off the grid lifestyle, and earn a profit, then you will definitely succeed.
  7. Can you grow your own? It's not hard at all once you know how to do it, and I can teach you if you want. Spring is coming soon so now is the time to buy some seeds or clones to get ready for outdoors, if you have a spot to grow. If not, indoors is fairly easy and can be done affordably, as well. Edit to add- oh I just noticed you're in Ohio, so maybe not, but indoor stealth grows are super easy now-a-days, especially with LED lights.
  8. Are there still DGN bumper stickers available somewhere out there? I wouldn't mind having a couple. One for the car, one for safe-keeping/scrapbook type thing.. Would have to be mailed as I'm nowhere near the state of MI right now 😄
  9. I love my birds! We have a whole mess of chickens, ducks, turkeys, and guinea fowls! No need to buy eggs, here! We've got an 80 acre ranch and a growing list of livestock, among other self-sufficient amenities. Hooray for off the grid life!
  10. Yeah we're hitting a high of 58 today according to weather.com. Usually it's warmer than they predict, as well, so might actually hit 65 today, gettin' ready to go do some outdoor work, gettin' ready for a big hemp season this year! Growing Black Label CBG strain, 100% thc free hemp. Hopefully this one is the cash-cow. 2021 hemp markets looking excellent
  11. Wow sounds great! Lol. Yeah we have fairly mild winters here in Colorado (as long as you're not in the mountains) But yeah we went from sub-zero temps a week or two ago, to 70 degrees last week, and temps ranging between 30-50 in between. Usually a lot more sunny days, here, too. Thanks again for the birthday wishes guys!
  12. Thanks Tron! How's my D-town peeps doin? I'm still chilling (literally) in Colorado. #1 Colorado Hemp Farmer right here folks! Love ya! Thanks for the birthday wishes!
  13. Hey!! Thank you! I still exist! The big 3 5. Halfway to 70! Man I feel old.. Still alive and kicking in Colorado. Now I am a professional cannabis cultivator and love my life! Hope all is well in D town I miss the old days. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes after so many years! Wow I feel like I kind of grew up on DGN. Almost 20 years since I first joined this message board. Wow time flies!
  14. Hey buddy! Are you still in the springs? My ranch is about 50 miles from town east of the Springs.. You doing correctional work still? My wife/ex wife who I need to track down for a divorce, works at the Cheyenne Mountain Reentry Center.. Fuckin bitch lol. Anyway if you're still around hit me up man I have a huge ranch now.
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