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Everything posted by Soulrev

  1. Yeah, unfortunately the general population regards anything on the news as "It must be true". It's sad because my mom has succumbed to this thinking. She has been a loyal Fox News Channel fan since 2000. I was even suckered into their lies at first. Now I understand if I hear about it from Fox, or ANY news network, it's probably semi-truth laced with lies and biased opinions, to make you think a certain way. Ever since I first noticed it with Fox, I've seen it with EVERY other news network out there. Fox is just really bad about letting their "hosts" express their own opinions in such a way to convey it as "fact" when in "fact" it's a bunch of horse shit. I don't understand how people hear something from 1 person or source, and they assume it to be gospel and, if you question them, they say "Nonsense, it was on the news, everybody knows that.. " .. Well, sure, it was on the news. But did you bother to cross reference ANY of the story? Or are you just going off of what the news lady told you this morning? I say it starts with school. They teach you in school to learn and believe all the things in their books. However, they don't teach you to question authority. No, nobody in a position of authority wants you to question them, thus they will not teach you how to question them. Critical thinking? Not in OUR schools. Just as an example my 4th grade teacher threatened to send me to the principal's office because I argued with her. That year there was a solar eclipse, she claimed that we couldn't look at it because the UV rays emitted during a solar eclipse are more harmful than looking at the sun on a regular sunny day. I argued that her logic was wrong, that the sun doesn't magically get brighter because there's an eclipse. I said it's because the sun appears darker, people think it is doing less harm, when harmful UV rays are still shining in our eyes, unknowingly causing damage. I swear this is a totally true story. She got so upset and red-faced because I "Questioned The Teacher". Of course, being in 4th grade and not really knowing any better, I shut up and let her "teach".. But now that I'm older, I'd like to have a nice long discussion with her if I ever saw her again.
  2. Yeah, it doesn't make sense to us, either. I haven't put the pieces together yet myself. I think it has something to do with "bringing the troops home". Probably a political move so they can say "See, there's no more troops in Iraq! We just have civilian contractors there now, aren't we so good to our troops?" .. .. Or I could be wrong, as I said I've yet to figure this out. The biggest problem aside from putting soldiers out of work, is the fact that the Military has been doing their thing for quite some time now. They know what they're doing, and they're good at it. Now you're theoretically replacing the old guy with years of experience with the proverbial new-jack who has no clue what's going on except for what they've been told. Then, you're trying to make the old guy work WITH the new guy, and it's just not working out. That's essentially what is happening here.
  3. Yeah I was thinking about getting back in myself until these last few years. Watching it go from something I would like to be a part of to something I would like to run far away from. Yeah her job is safe for now she's a part of 3/29 FA 4th ID so they have a fuckload of work for her to do. They have a lot of paladins that need parts. And apparently she has found other units on AKO that want her MOS but so far most of them suck. Like for instance, Fort Polk was one of them. Yeah. Like we want to go back to Louisiana anytime in our lifetimes. That's where I was stationed, fuck that haha.
  4. Yes I forgot to mention that. What he said is true, they are getting rid of MOS's (Military Occupational Specialty) and replacing them for incompetent contractors. I would say independent contractors if that were the case, but these are incompetent. Mostly. It is also true that they get benefits that make working for the Postal service look like Burger King. In other words, unnecessary expenses. Somehow the government thinks it's a better idea to pay some civilian jack-off to do a soldier's job, and pay them more for it. I say if they're going to do that, why even have military? Just let some corporation defend our country. It'll be fine I'm sure. They are really messing with the military and it's funding and everything, and it's causing a lot of problems. For instance, out here at Fort Carson in Colorado, they spent a shitload of money for an automated gate system that doesn't even work. So before, (and still to this day until they get it to work), when you approach a gate at Fort Carson, there is an armed security guard and/or armed soldier there, doing a visual inspection of the car, checking ID's carefully, and performing random car searches. With the automated system, you simply put one ID card (the driver's ID) into the scanner and it opens the gate and you go through. They also have cameras that are supposed to take a picture of you and they will already have a picture of you to make sure you are the one driving the car. Well that's all fine and dandy but what about the passengers? What if we have another fuck-ass Major who decides he hates America and wants to come on post with an arsenal and start shooting everyone? How the fuck is the automated system going to prevent that? It's not. It's a huge safety risk for everyone who lives on Fort Carson. Back to my original point, Fort Carson spent millions on this system, and it's not even up and running yet. It's been installed for 6 months now. So there's one prime example of how shit is going wrong in the Military today. No, let's not cut all these unnecessary expenses for stupid shit, let's just cut the most important thing, our soldiers. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. It's like having a gun with no ammo. PS - I hear ya on scrambling for reenlistment. My wife is currently scouring AKO looking for job openings in other units in America and overseas. Luckily she's a 92A and that job hasn't been outsourced, yet.
  5. Well, you can't be totally surprised. I knew as soon as Obama took office there were going to be troop cuts in the next 4 years. I figured it would start this year, and apparently I was correct. I just hope you've taken as many college courses while you've been in as you can. I've been hounding my wife about this for the past 4 years and she has done nothing. Now, if she does get barred from reenlistment this year, she's going to have to, like you said, either change her MOS, or get out. And if she has to get out now, well, I guess she can get her job back at Burger King... Yeah it sucks, I know. And for those military who voted for Obama, you basically voted yourself out of a job. No offense. I doubt Obama will see many votes from Military this election, seeing how he has given us the lowest annual pay raises since Vietnam era, there were 2 occasions where we did not get paid on time, and now this.
  6. Yeah it's not just your tattoos man. It's because the Army is over strength now. They're trying to kick people out as much as possible before they start cutting down on ranks. For example, here on Fort Carson if you want out of the Army just get a DUI.. First offense or not, doesn't matter.. DUI, and you're out no excuses. They're cracking down on shitbags before they have to discharge good soldiers.. The tattoo policy is just another "excuse" to thin out the ranks, though a shitty excuse I will admit, but that's what they're doing. Nobody wants to get out right now because of the economy, so this is how they're handling that.
  7. I'd say it's more like 20+ years ago.. Closer to 25. In the Army we called it the "Nintendo Generation". The kids who never went outside, never played sports, just played Nintendo.. I won't lie, I was a part of that generation I was physically inactive most of my life until early 20's..
  8. This actually isn't news at all, to me. Juggalos and/or anyone with a Hatchetman shirt/sticker/tattoo, etc, are considered "Gang Related" here in Colorado by local and state authorities. I've also heard of other cities across the US have been profiling the same way. I think it's rather ridiculous, most "juggalos" I've ever met aren't bad people. They say that racism and prejudice are on their way out of our society.. I disagree. Especially since our government is filled with more prejudice than anything else. That, and it's in our nature. People will always be "classified" by other people or figures, for the way they look, the way they dress, the way they talk, or the color of their skin. With no prior knowledge of the individual at all. This move by the FBI just gives law enforcement further excuse to harass innocent people and violate their 4th amendment rights. Pretty soon *everyone* will fall into some sort of "threat" category, and we will no longer have constitutional rights at all. We're losing them already, just look around you for 5 minutes. It's only going to get worse.
  9. Anyone else anticipating this release? They pushed it back again, was supposed to come out last month but now release date has been set at 11-11-11. http://haujobb.bandcamp.com/album/new-world-march I bought the single, can't wait for the album to come out.
  10. This is VNV Nation? Eugh.. Sounds like their last 2 fails I mean albums.. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge VNV fan but they've lost their direction a long time ago.. Half expect Lady Gaga to cue in at some point in this soundbyte..
  11. We had 3 earthquakes yesterday in Southern Colorado. One around 8 am, one around 5:30pm that was about a 4.3 and a 3rd at 11:45pm was a 5.5. I felt the one at night, it shook our whole apartment building in Colorado Springs. Felt like a rollercoaster ride for about 5 seconds.
  12. Umm yeah whatever they released is a fake. Download the .pdf from the White House website and open it with Adobe Illustrator. It's been photoshopped to hell. After opening it, right click on the image and select "Release Clipping Mask". You can then move all the layers they left open. Don't believe me? Do it yourself. It's just more BS to get everyone to argue over this, and not the fact that our dollar is falling through the cracks by the day, and unemployment.
  13. No, I was going to say, we only got an 800 dollar deposit today. I was a little upset because I thought this was avoided, but after posting, I went on the MyPay website, and it explained that we're getting paid for the 1st through the 8th right now, and the 9th through 15th will be deposited on the 15th.. Whew! I was gunna say, 800 bucks that covers rent how the hell were we supposed to make car payment, insurance, pay loans, and have food for the month? But all was in vain, should be ok now
  14. Professional Sports. Senators, Governors, etc, anyone who puts on a suit and tie and is employed by the government who makes more money than someone who puts on a uniform and carries a gun and risks his/her life for the government.
  15. ROFL @ the basic training video. Haha look at the road guard in the back not even marking time he's just wiggling his knees and swinging his arms haha silly privates..
  16. No, they were elected to give us the illusion they run the country, to give us the illusion that we have freedom and control, when in reality, we don't.
  17. Haha you better believe it! We did Sponge Bob Squarepants, The Wheels on the Bus, and I'm sure there were others I've forgotten about. Hahahaha.
  18. I can hear that. Just depends on your unit I've been with units that are like "OH NO YOU CAN'T sing THAT cadence anymore!" So to spite them, we made a cadence out of "The Wheels on the Bus" and sang it every time we marched past HQ :D
  19. A Soldiers Poem The soldier stood and faced God, Which must always come to pass, He hoped his shoes were shining, Just as brightly as his brass. "Step forward now, you soldier, How shall I deal with you? Have you always turned the other cheek? To My Church have you been true?" The soldier squared his shoulders and said, "No, Lord, I guess I ain't, Because those of us who carry guns, Can't always be a saint. I've had to work most Sundays, And at times my talk was tough, And sometimes I've been violent, Because the world is awfully rough. But, I never took a penny That wasn't mine to keep... Though I worked a lot of overtime And I never passed a cry for help, Though at times I shook with fear, And sometimes, God forgive me, I've wept unmanly tears. I know I don't deserve a place Among the people here, They never wanted me around, Except to calm their fears. If you've a place for me here, Lord, It needn't be so grand, I never expected or had too much, But if you don't, I'll understand." There was a silence all around the throne, Where the saints had often trod, As the soldier waited quietly, For the judgment of his God. "Step forward now, you soldier, You've borne your burdens well, Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets, You've done your time in Hell -Author Unknown
  20. Warrior to warrior - Don't let it get to you. In your heart you know what you are doing is right, and as long as that is so, nobody can tell you any different. You have what they don't. Love for your country, love for freedom, and the backbone to do what has to be done to protect it. I signed up after the Iraq war started. During a time of war. Not many people can say that. Civilians will never understand us, no matter how much they think they know, until one of those assholes spewing garbage about us puts the uniform on themselves, then they don't matter anyway. Who cares what everybody else thinks. That's why the military is a family. All branches, not just each individual branch, are one. We've all stepped up when nobody else would, put our asses on the line because we love our Nation and want to do the best we can to protect it. We stick together, we die together. We watch each others' back, and we complete the mission. Do not let media or ignorant people stop you, because you are better, and you know it, so hold on and stay modest. Hooah.
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