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Everything posted by Soulrev

  1. Dude everything you just said in your first paragraph is exactly what I would have said LOL
  2. As some of you know I have a military background and was formerly enlisted in the US ARMY. Well my wife still currently serves and she just left last week for Iraq. She will be in the southern province at Camp Adder. Apparently there is not much going on down there as far as enemy activity so I'm hoping this deployment will be a safe one. I would just like for those of you who believe in some sort of higher power to please say a prayer for my wife, PFC Amber Warner, and any other members of G co, 3-29 FA 4th Infantry Division based out of Fort Carson, CO. who are now deployed for 12 months to Iraq. Thank you and God Bless. -B
  3. I really wish I coulda been there you guys suck Lol
  4. Oh and Glenn today just retouched this topic. In fact I am listening to this right now. Funny he quoted the same Bible quote as someone else tried using that viewpoint. I'm not defending any one person's view but perhaps if you are so inclined to tear apart everything he said, you should be watching his show right now, because he pretty much just clarified everything. Just saying you should check it out if interested. If not, I don't care.
  5. Nothing. Nothing until November. In the mean time I'm getting ready for the cap & trade bills and of course immigration reform. I'm sure 2nd ammendment rights will be touched on at some time during this occupan.. err I mean presidency..
  6. I would beg to differ on the fast food portions thing. I know for a fact Burger King's Whopper and McDonald's Big Mac are not as large as they used to be. In fact, in the past 10-15 years I would say all foods portions have gradually gotten smaller. Ya know, with all the lazy ass Americans, we've gottz to diet! Fuck excersize and stuff! We're lazy! -=shakes his head in shame=-
  7. Get the fuck out of town. Who really thinks ANYONE deserves *ANYTHING* without working for it? I've earned every God Damned thing I own, including healthcare. What is with people these days? I'm so fucking sick of all you lazy ass people who think you're entitled to everything under the sun just because you're an American. Guess what? The ONLY thing ANY human being is ENTITLED TO is OXYGEN! Anything else is ***YOUR*** responsibility. Nobody deserves free handouts from the government. If you are recieving aid from the government it is a PRIVELAGE and not a RIGHT. Your basic rights as per the government have been laid out on paper for years. Yet everyone seems to think they should get free (to them, of course) healthcare from the government. Everyone wants this. Everyone wants that. GO FUCKING EARN IT! Sure, I've taken aid from the government. Federally guaranteed student loans, that, guess what, I HAVE TO PAY BACK! Oh noes! My point is, (and this entire post is not directed towards any one person or group of persons here) - Americans need to get the fuck over themselves and deal with their own problems just like I've dealt with mine for 25 years. I guess taking responsibility for your own actions and your own future is a thing of the past. Americans want Big Brother and that's what we're getting. Someone to hold our hands and tell us it will be alright while we wave big American flags around and be so happy to be socially and economically equal to the rest of the world. Big Free America is the thing of the past, you lazy fucks wanted it, you got it. That is all.
  8. The funny thing is how people say "I'm goth, I don't 'conform' to society" yet, they'll proudly announce how liberal they claim to be and blah blah blah. For people who tend to stay away from mainstream, I sure know a lot of goths who jumped on the biggest mainstream liberal Obama boat I've ever seen. Yeah, I'm not a goth, if u were to classify me as anything I'd be closest to a rivithead. I'm not down with crying and tree hugging shit either. I like war and military. Don't care if you don't.
  9. Yeah Gaf pretty much hit the nail on the head. It would be great if removing guns from the picture would solve the problem but it really won't. I've always agreed with Switzerlands policy. I mean think of it this way- if u KNOW someone owns a gun and knows how to use it, you're going to be less likely to want to step foot in their house to rob them. That's just the way I would think. I've been known to be a shady character in my time so criminal activity isn't anything foreign to me lol. Gotta know how to think like one if u wanna stop one..
  10. Dude, no. Why would you want the government and crooks to be the only ones who own firearms? They placed all these checks and balances to make sure THE PEOPLE are protected, not the country. Protected from oppression same as with "seperation of church and state" (even though that phrase is not written in the constitution), is placed there to keep the government from forcing religion upon you. ie- england pre-revolutionary war, oppressed for not converting, etc. Same with firearms. It allows the PEOPLE, who, really run this country, to be on equal playing grounds if "shit ever hit the fan" - so to speak..
  11. Ha. Hahahaha. Yeah there are some corrupt fucks out there. I know. I'd say the biggest (most popular) reason people stay on is -- FREE MONEY! w00t! My dad is collecting unemployment and he really needs it. I know for a fact he's been trying like hell to find a job after being shit-canned from his company he worked at for 36 years. So yeah, he needs it. Now my friend who collects unemployment and spends literally all of it at GameStop and on Weed, no, he does not need it. Neither do the other dozen people I know who have unemployment benefits and abuse them. There are so many ways to get away with it, too. So, with that being said, I kinda don't blame the guy for not accepting this. I mean sure, unemployment is ridiculous right now, everybody is looking for work, but like I said, I kinda see where this guy is coming from. It seems to be the question of "Where's the money going to come from" that has so many Democrats turning their heads away. From what I see, the Democrats quick solution to EVERYTHING is "Let's throw 10 million dollars at it that should fix the problem". Well, that's fine and dandy, until it gets out of control and they start passing ludicrous spending bills that MY grandchildren will pay for with their tax money.
  12. Damn. That sounds like a really good show. Too bad I won't be there. Oh well. They will be playing about 3 miles away from my house here in Colorado Springs, in April. And apparently they will be playing in Denver the next day so I shouldn't complain, but everything tells me the Detroit show is gunna be so much better...
  13. fuck that! I want a German-Italian-Bohemian-Cherokee history month!! Damn it! Heh..
  14. Hey you know what? When is it anyone else's responsibility to teach any history? The way I see it, nobody is responsible for teaching anything. All the responsibility lies within the one who is learning. Teachers can teach till their blue in the face. It's all in vain if you don't WANT to learn it.
  15. That's messed up. My son will go to school on post so long as my wife is still in the Army. Public schools suck so bad anymore.
  16. Nyeahhh I guess I can see your point but there's still more than enough time for a worthy opponent to come forward. And yeah to he'll with Mitt Romney that guy disturbs me, too. Why is it that most politicians seem as if they were from another planet? Some of their ideas make my head spin. What the fuck does it take to get these uppity rich old fucks out of Washington and get some real Americans in our government offices? People who don't come from millionaire backgrounds, people who have and have had real problems that every day average Americans face.
  17. So what, you really think Obama is the ace of spades in the 2012 election? Is that the whole point of your argument, Isle? I'm not ridiculing you, I just want to know if that's where you're going with this. Well, you may be right but I think it's a slim chance. Although, having spent nearly all of my time hanging out in the poor south side neighborhoods of Chicago in 2008, I did notice one thing. I never heard so many people say "I've never voted in my life but I'm voting for Obama just cuz I wanna see a black man in office". That's not a lie, that's truth, I heard it day in and day out before he was even the official democrat candidate.
  18. I think what happened in Massachusettes is obvious enough. Obama and the democratic agenda isn't going over so well with the general public. That's just what it looks like to me, I don't know...
  19. Yeah if people would stop all this asshattery of left vs right and sit back and look at what is really going on and what really matters right now. Not global warming, not healthcare. National security and economic recovery should be the only two top priorities right now and while I state that as my opinion, I am sure there are many, many more Americans who would agree with me.
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