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Everything posted by Soulrev

  1. Highlander Grog espresso.. It's pretty much the closest thing to cocaine that won't get you in trouble.
  2. Lol that's crazy. Some people never truly understand or appreciate how much work goes into something like that. Like, yeah, we can just build this 5 bedroom 2 1/2 bath house in 3 days, sure no problem, and pigs might fly out of my butt.. That's when you throw down the nailgun and tell them to build it themfuckinselves :D
  3. I'm about to go to work. Even though I'm not working in my career field, I'm still enjoying working at my job. My boss is awesome and we all get along very well. Hard work every single day, usually work Saturdays and Sundays, too, but it's worth it.. Still just happy to be able to get out of the house.
  4. relaxing after a good day of landscaping. This job is getting me whipped into good shape. I walked 10 miles at work yesterday then went for a 7 mile stroll to town for a bite and a beer. Not too shabby.
  5. Wait, do those things actually work? I've had some serious lower back pain going on for about 6 months now. I haven't been able to get to a doctor about it for various reasons, but I can feel a couple of small lumps in my muscles right about where the pain comes from, and as far as I can tell it sounds like I'm getting back spasms. Bending straight over is out of the question and it's gotten to where it has made it difficult to work out due to the pain. I've thought about trying one of those, but don't really have money for one. Just wondering if it's worth it..
  6. Still feeling bleh.. This cold has drained all my energy, yet I can't sleep longer than a couple hours at a time. Anyone want it? I've had it long enough if someone could just take it from me for a while that would be greaaat. :D
  7. I remember those days. My aunt used to send me in to the gas station to buy her smokes and in return I got some candy or a soda, etc.. Of course now that would never happen. Obviously any six year old buying a candy bar and marlboro reds has a serious problem. Lol
  8. Yeah, he's fine. He picked up an OWI though :(
  9. I think my friend needs to stop drinking so much. I think I should have been a better friend and stole the keys from him tonight. I think my friend is lucky as fuck to be alive. I think my friend is lucky as fuck to have a friend like me who dragged his unconscious ass from his car after he dropped me off and he got hit leaving my house. . Maybe not. I could have done more.. I just thank God he's alive and in once piece. Jesus Christ what a night.. I think that, my friends, is what we call a "waker-upper" ...
  10. Feeling sick as fuck. Caught some sort of cold, started feeling sick Saturday.. Yesterday I had a fever, haven't been sleeping well, coughing up some nasty shit. Lungs hurting from coughing so much, left eye was stuck shut this morning. I'm dying.. It's ok. Lol :D
  11. I think I'm my own worst enemy. I'm a fucking idiot, that's what I think. All of my problems I've caused myself and I never realized it. The fuck is wrong with me.
  12. Yeah any time there's a deal that sounds too good to be true, it almost always is. My friend got sucked into a scam sort of like this, and it was through some people who came to her university! They basically said she could get a "job" with them, all she had to do was clear a couple of transactions for them.. I didn't know about it before it happened but essentially what happened was they gave her a certified check, told her to deposit it into her account, let it sit for 5 days then withdraw it and send it back to them. (minus 250 for her "payment") Lols.. Lol.. Yeah, so the check was for about 2,000 dollars, and long story short, SHE owes her bank 2,000 dollars now. They not only canceled the check, but they got her to send back money via western union, before they canceled the original check . Not a bad idea for the scammers, double your money, I guess.. Fuckers. It's too bad her bank is holding her responsible for the money, but that's within their right.
  13. Sounds rough, I understand sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Just try to make a plan and stick to it, no matter how long it takes or how hard it gets. That's what I'm doing, it's painfully slow going, but progress is being made. Some days just suck more than others.
  14. Wait, what? You know something about another Carrington Event? Lol
  15. Me too. I think I fully understand where you're coming from. Life sucketh right now. Not sure yet. I may actually have to go to the Hospital. I tried making a doctor's appointment and since I'm a new patient they require photo I.D. which I don't have right now >.> So many steps, so many hoops to jump through, just so I can see a friggin' doctor...
  16. Unfortunately I know all about the fear of jail. If you're lucky enough to have made it this long without experiencing jail, I congratulate you and wish you the best. It's not hard at all to end up there, even if just for a few hours, these days. As far as something you can do, start with the State's Attorney, maybe a strongly worded business letter to a Senator/Governor/Mayor whatever. I'm not sure on Michigan's laws but research online, I'm *sure* there's someone else who might have had a similar situation with court appointed attorneys in your state. Sadly, unless you have a ton of money to pay an attorney, people who get stuck with "public pretenders" as I like to call them, usually end up getting screwed over in the end. You have to educate yourself and learn the hard way if you're broke. It's all about the money, always is. There may be nothing at all that can be done, I can't say for sure, every case is different. However it is a sad country we live in that profits off of the justice system.
  17. I feel like someone drove nails in my lower back 6 months ago and left them there. This back pain won't go away. I thought it would get better over time with exercise but now I can barely do a situp. I have these lumps in my back muscles particularly one in my left lower-back at the seat of the pain. It's just above my hip and it moves around when I rub it with my fingers. This shit isn't going away so I'm going to break down and go to the damn ER.. I've been to an off-hours clinic about it before but they pretty much just gave me Rx strength aleve and sent me on my way. I can't bend over to put socks on, or do anything. I can stand or lay down but sitting in a chair or riding in a car is torture. I'm not even 30 years old dammit, I hope to hell they don't tell me I need surgery... Given my current situation, even if I *did* find a job there's no way in hell I can work in this condition.
  18. Yeah just keep in touch with them and do your best to pay something. I know it sucks and you're right what they are doing is not legal, but then again there's a lot of things that our government does that isn't legal. For instance, where in the constitution does it say you have the right to bear arms (as long as you register them)? The constitution says nothing about gun registration, but it happens anyway.. I could go on all day, but glad to hear things went semi-well for you. Maybe call an attorney and ask for an opinion on this matter, they may tell you they can or cannot help you.
  19. Having dealt with the legal system myself I can tell you that it is something you should try to take care of. It's total bullshit, I know. It's up to the judge to decide if you make enough money or not, and how much you must pay your court appointed attorney. At least in Indiana. I can tell you out here they have a charge called "Failure to Pay" which they can issue a bench warrant for. My best advice is to talk to them and explain your situation, go before the judge or talk to his/her clerk and bring your bank statement, any bills you may have, etc, and try to reason with them. If they still insist on charging you, make whatever payment you can afford. Even if it's 5 dollars a week, if you are making an effort to pay, you will be fine. Good luck and I hope this helps!
  20. Well, to be honest a lot of my problems I created myself, as a direct result of depression/ptsd (her and I are both veterans, she still serves) but it just seems I've gotten myself in one hell of a hole I can't dig myself out of. It's not so much that I lack motivation, I keep myself as busy as possible and with a 4 year old that's not hard. I work out, try to eat right, but some days it's just really tough. Today is a better day, but it literally varies day to day. I play a lot of Guild Wars 2 in my free time, will have to check out LoL, I've heard a lot about it, but never played. And yeah a huge majority of my, our, problems are financial problems. I'm an automotive technician so finding work shouldn't be that hard. I graduated from WyoTech and it just so happens I saw my toolbox partner from my Drivetrain class is now working for Chip Foose on "Overhaulin"", so it's nice to see someone is doing well. I've thought about hunting him down on facebook and asking him to hook me up with a job! Haha, but I don't want to be that guy.. Biggest problem like I said, I get a pittance from her in support of our son and to pay a few bills, but I can't hardly save a dime. If I could just get transportation so I can go get a job, I'd be good. Or even if I could save up some cash to move somewhere in a city where a car is not required, that would be great. I'm well qualified, just not in a position to do *anything* and being held back drives me nuts.
  21. Yeah and not to mention I've tried to just "get over her" and "Move on" but it's not that easy. Especially since the first person I ended up meeting and actually having feelings for, just tore my heart out and threw it into a blender. It just never ends.
  22. So my life for the past .. 2 years.. has been living hell. I don't feel like going into the details of it right now but I don't know what to do anymore. My wife (whom I have been separated from for 2 years) seems to want nothing to do with me or our son. Since we separated I've been staying back in Indiana with my folks. Things went from bad to worse over the time I've been here. Now, I have no job, no car, no license.. I can't find a job because I have no car, can't find a car because I have no money. She has been inconsistently sending me money to support my son and barely pay bills we have.. I feel like I've been ice skating uphill all this time. Add to that extreme depression ever since we separated, the fact that she doesn't even come to see me or our son when she does come back home to visit her parents and stuff.. His birthday, in September, instead of sending a card, or calling, or sending a birthday present, all she did was send me a text message saying "Hey, tell Gabriel I said happy birthday and give him a kiss and hug for me" ... Really?? He doesn't even know you so why do you care? It's all so depressing, and I thought I've hit rock bottom in my life before, but I don't know what to do anymore. I've been sitting around for months trying to keep busy around the house, trying to figure out SOMETHING but all I come up with is empty hands.. My folks literally live in the middle of nowhere so trying to get a job without a car is impossible. Friends that I do have either can't or won't help. The ones that won't, are pretty much off my friends list. The ones that can't help, feel really bad for me, because I have never been in such a position before. I was always the one who had their shit together, who helped THEM out when they were in need, and expected nothing in return. It's all driving me the the point where I just want to give up. I'm not saying this is all her fault, because a lot of it was my own fault. Over these 2 years I've had time to reflect on our 5 years of marriage "together" and I know I made a lot of mistakes. I was irresponsible with our money, and selfish. She just bottled it up and never said anything. We should have sought marriage counseling, she brought it up.. Instead, like an idiot, I just got really upset and left to go live with my folks. Things haven't gone as planned. I was supposed to come back and work and save up some money so we could get back on our feet.. Just never happened that way. I let my emotions and depression get the best of me. I've made some big mistakes, I'm not going to lie. I just wish now she would give me the chance to show her that I'm trying to make a difference, I'm trying to be a better man,. But at this point.. would it even matter? And even if it did, how the hell do I dig myself out of this hole I'm in? My bridges are burned and nobody has a rope to throw me. That's why I just feel so ... lost.
  23. damn, and I thought I had bad luck. Well, just goes to show, it could always be worse. Wish you the best of luck from here on out!
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