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Everything posted by Soulrev

  1. Yeah, I can't stop listening to this album. It's great. I can't wait to go to another VNV show. Talking to Ronan at City Club was a really awesome experience, too. And, a few months later I saw him in Colorado Springs, and Denver, two nights in a row, and he remembered me from Detroit.
  2. Yeah, I've been through more in my 28 years on earth than most people have in their entire lifetime. More than I care to talk about, but I have personal proof of divine intervention, that nobody can try to tell me otherwise. Nobody is as "lucky" as I am, and still lives to tell about it. I don't know why, even to this day, but someone was looking out for me, telling me it wasn't my time. I'm thankful for that, yet scared as hell. They say what does not kill us makes us stronger, well, just what in the hell am I being strengthened-up for?
  3. People like you and I are few and far between, these days. I was reading a little bit (though just a tip of the iceberg I'm sure) into your situation from your previous posts. Sounds a lot like what I have been through. Long story short, after 5 years of marriage, my wife decided she wanted nothing to do with me, or OUR son, and abandoned us 16 months ago. My life has been in a downward spiral ever since. This, I believe, is the first time I've revealed that fact to anyone on this board. But, for me, at least, things seem to be getting better. I didn't die after I tried killing myself over the whole ordeal, and I'm eternally grateful for that. I still have my health, my son whom I love very, very much, and I still have opportunities ahead of me. It could have been a whole lot worse. And still I have my good days, and my bad days. But, the good days outweigh the bad, ANY day.
  4. Even though this wasn't directed at me, I found solace in your post. You are right. That kind of hit home for me. I think you and I are in the same boat. Even though shit really sucks right now, I'm sure things will pan-out for the best.
  5. Incredibly alone. Lost. Hurt. Biding my time until I can get out of here, move on with my life and concentrate my energy on something productive.
  6. I think I'm tired of society, the world always trying to tell me what to do. I think it's time I go my own way and make my own path. I know I do this alone, and I am scared. I wish I had someone to share it with, but I only have myself, and for that, I only have myself to blame.
  7. I miss when my life was easy. When things weren't so fucked up beyond repair. I miss having a partner who would stand with me no matter what. Those days are gone. I'm done with that. I am going to take care of myself, fuck everybody else, I have too many of my own problems to deal with. Starting next week I'm moving off the grid. Well, not completely, but out of the grid where I'm at. Starting anew, all old connections severed. My soul needs this. I just miss the days when I hadn't a worry but where I was going to party next. I tried to grow up so fast, I forgot to enjoy the time I had, when responsibility was trivial.
  8. If you haven't heard this album yet, it's f*ckin amazing. Check it out on YouTube if you please.
  9. So just seeing what everyone is doing for Halloween. Anything going on at CC? I'm considering making the trek out there for a night. I need some time on a dance floor, it's been too long.
  10. Oh man, you guys have no idea how much I could use a hug. Life has been so fucked up for me for the past 16 months. Unbelievable if I told you. Let's just say I'm glad things are finally making a turn for the better.
  11. convicted. Down, but not out. A long way to go, and a short time to get there..
  12. Until people realize that voting really doesn't matter these days, and there is a revolution in this country, this shit is just going to keep getting worse. Damn the right/left paradigm. "Our two party system, is like a bowl of shit, looking at itself in the mirror" - Lewis Black
  13. Yes, what she said.. Has anyone heard anything from any of these people? I haven't talked to Mark "Gaf the horse with tears" in a long time, and Titus and Waterlily just disappeared all together.. I remember when Angelbeast started that other forum and a few people left here and never came back. What about KitKat? Anyone remember the titles of any of his books? I wanted to check them out.
  14. ! ! ! Wow I haven't seen him in a long time, either! Come to think of it, I haven't seen you on here in a while, either, FC! Good to see both of you again I hope all is well! Back to topic, Troy, let me know if there is anything I, or anyone else, can do to help! Thanks for your hard work and dedication to the community over the years. I can't believe I've been posting here for over 10 years now, time flies!
  15. Oh and the little black kitten is her evil offspring, Fat Blackie. Unfortunately, he is now deceased. RIP Blackie, we miss you :*(
  16. George A. Romero's . . . Night of the Living Thorbot Hehe.. The gray one on the right is my cat, Thor. A Female. Yes her name really is Thor. She is half miniature siamese and vicious as hell. Thus the name Thor. We call her Thorbot, too, after this picture was taken. I call this photo "Thorbot, powering up!"
  17. Yeah, I heard that after book 5, books 6,7,8 and 9 are a little bit slower, I heard that Terry Goodkind made those 3 or 4 books as sort of a recap to the first 5, so readers could start reading the series around book 6 and not be lost as to what happened in the first 5 books.Then the last few books pick back up and are just as good as the first few. Like I said, I am on book 3, so I don't know much about the entire series, but I'll get to it When I finished book 2, I ran out and bought books 3-12, so I could continue reading without delay
  18. Yeah Spybot Search & Destroy took care of it. It's adware this one in particular is called "Browse to Save", even said it when you mouse over the links.
  19. Well, I'm running Spybot Search & Destroy, and going to bed. Have a good night all. I'll let ya know what I find and if I fix the problem, in case anyone else might have this problem in the future. It's been affecting my PC performance, too. Since I noticed these little ads spawning everywhere, this PC has been laggy as hell. Sometimes, so laggy, that even the mouse jumps across the screen at times, making it rather frustrating to do anything. G'night. -B
  20. Yeah I just did some searching around and found out it's a common issue with a lot of people recently. It's called Text Enhance adware. Norton 360 doesn't detect it. A lot of the times it can be found in "Programs and Features" list in Windows Vista. I haven't found it yet. I am going to run some anti spyware/malware and see if that solves the issue. Apparently it doesn't matter what browser you are using, but from what I've seen it looks like people using Chrome are getting this problem more often than others. I use Firefox, personally. Here, let me take a screenshot and show you what I mean, for those of you who may have the same problem, but this is what I'm seeing. -
  21. Hmm, no I think it's just me, actually. I just thought about it, and checked a website that I made myself.. It's doing it on my website, as well.. Odd, Norton 360 hasn't detected anything related to this on my PC. Any ideas how to get rid of this annoying crap?
  22. HA! See? ^^^^^^^ it took "for tires" and made it into a link! I think it does this randomly, so a couple hours from now when I check this post again, it might change to a different word and make a different random link.
  23. I've noticed, lately, that there seem to be a lot of random word links on DGN. I was wondering if it's just me or if anyone else sees them, as well? I'm talking about how random words on the forums get turned into a link, and when you mouse-over it, an ad somewhat relevant to the word pops up. I find it quite annoying, sometimes being led to believe that the link is actually something useful, only to be let down by some stupid advertisement for tires. If this is some sort of ad system that's saving DGN money, then I won't complain. Just wondering if it's something with the site, or some sort of adware on my PC.
  24. So, I was in Barnes And Noble a month or two ago, and this series of books caught my eye. I picked up the first book of the series, went off to a corner and started reading it for a few minutes. After about 10 minutes and 25 pages into it, I decided I had to buy this book. The first one is called "Wizard's First Rule" . . . This series is a set of 12 books, each between 700-1,000 pages each. It's definitely an "epic" series. I am about halfway through book 3, and so far, these books are the best I have ever read. That's saying a lot, if you knew how many books I've read in my time... Basically, the main character, Richard, who is a woods guide in the small town of Hartland, comes to find out he's more than just a simple woods guide. His best friend since he was a small boy, an older man by the name of Zedd, reveals to Richard that he is special. After the brutal murder of Richard's father, Zedd names Richard "The Seeker of Truth" and gives Richard a magical sword, called The Sword of Truth. Come to find out, Zedd is actually a very powerful wizard, who had been hiding in the Westland area of the world, where Richard lives. Now, there is no magic in Westland. It is separated from the rest of the world by a great, powerful boundary that nobody is able to cross. All of the magic, wizards, sorceresses, etc. are located to the east of Westland. However, Zedd, who had been in Westland since Richard was born, had magic, but never revealed his secret to anyone, until now. There is an evil wizard far off to the east, by the name of Darken Rahl, who is trying to take over the world. Richard learns that, as the Seeker of Truth, he is to stop this evil wizard. I could go on, and on, telling more of these books, but I don't want to spoil it for any of you, if you choose to take them up for a bit of "light reading" heh heh heh... But, I will quote the book descriptions from the back of the books. Ok, here goes. Book One, "Wizard's First Rule" - "A legend begins. In the aftermath of the brutal murder of his father, Richard Cypher encounters a mysterious woman, Kahlan Amnell, in his forest sanctuary. She seeks his help . . . and more. His world, his very beliefs, are shattered when ancient debts come due with thundering violence. In their darkest hour, Kahlan calls upon Richard to reach beyond his sword - to invoke within himself something more noble. Neither knows that the rules of battle have just changed . . . or that their time has run out. This is the beginning. One book. One Rule. Witness the birth of a legend." Book Two, "Stone Of Tears" - "The veil of the underworld has been torn. And Darken Rahl, from beyond the veil, has begun to summon a sinister power worse than any he has wielded before. Armed with the Sword of Truth, Richard Cypher, now become Richard Rahl, must learn to control his own new-found power, or the world will spin into darkness unending. The Sisters of Light promise help. While Richard journeys to their forbidden city, his beloved Kahlan sets out for Ayindril, citadel of the old wizards, in search of Zedd and the help only he can lend. War, suffering, torture, and deceit lie in their paths. So, also, does their destiny. . . " Book Three, "Blood Of The Fold" - "Richard Rahl and Kahlan Amnell stand against the forces which besiege the New World - forces so terrible that when they last threatened, the wizards of long-ago sealed off the Old World from the New. Now that barrier has been breached. The fanatical Blood of the Fold, sworn enemies of magic, roam the New World, unwitting pawns of the sorcerous evil at the heart of the Old. To save their world, Richard and Kahlan must become one with the power of their love - and their Truth." Praise for Terry Goodkind, a New York Times #1 Bestseller - "Mr. Goodkind's compelling prose weaves a magical spell over readers" - Romantic Times BOOKreviews "Outstanding . . . Characters who actually behave like adults. Highly recommended." - The San Diego Union-Tribune "Few writers have Goodkind's power of creation . . . a phenomenal piece of imaginative writing, exhaustive in it's scope and riveting in it's detail." - Publishing News So, I highly recommend these books to anyone looking for a good story. Also, there was a TV show loosely based off of these books, called "Legend of the Seeker". Remember, loosely based. The show is nowhere near as good as the books, obviously, but still not bad to watch. You can watch all 48 episodes for free, on Hulu, at http://www.hulu.com/watch/48323#i0,p0,d0
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