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Everything posted by t1m3k1ll3r

  1. You should only play industrial music made before 1994 on this night \m/
  2. The turnout hasn't been real huge, which is why I'm trying to spread the word on here. Haven't been in a few weeks, but last time, was maybe 30 people? And only a handful were dressed 'goth'. The music has been awesome though, and last time he had the big screen up and was vj'ing music videos.
  3. Anyone going to come out this Weds and check it out? No cover all night. Lipsticks 37235 Groesbeck (just north of 16 Mile/Metro Parkway) Clinton Twp 586-466-6140 8:30PM-2AM 18+ no cover $1.50 domestic bottles all night $4 Long Islands all night Food available till 2AM
  4. Yo Skinny Puppy fans, I’m really happy for you, I’ll let you finish, but AFI and the Used has one of the best shows of all time. One of the best of ALL TIME! *shrugs* *hands the mic back* *swigs hennessy*
  5. Only problem with that is there will be a dead floor, I love to hear new music as much as anyone, but even I'm not going to hit the floor when a song comes on I don't know, I'll just listen to it. Whenever the floor clears, people get upset. Once in a while a new song will catch on immediately, but it's rare, usually takes a while. Anyway, I'm curious to see if anyone will request some old school stuff that hasn't been played before, or at least in a very long time. I'll have all sorts of obscure requests, if I can make it out.
  6. The same songs they've been asking for the past 15 years
  7. Jizzcore (it's real, just listen to Caustic)
  8. As far as crime goes, it can happen anywhere. Going to Club Sin or anywhere else, anything could happen. Hundreds of people go to City Club each weekend, and many cars have been broken into there. It can happen anywhere. I had my car broken into several times, and the worst was in Bloomfield Hills, not a bad area at all. As far as what night to hold this event, well, Monday would be competing with Necto, but there could be people closer to Detroit that would come out that might not be able to go to Necto. At the same time, there's nothing in this scene for Sundays... It's hard to say...
  9. What about the dress code? I wouldn't mind checking it out for the music, but it says "fetish dress code", not my thing.
  10. The pre-party is tonight! The big event is tomorrow! This is a weekend not to miss!
  11. Good to see a lot of people excited for this!! Doors at 8, still tickets left at the door!!
  12. Anyone going tonight? DJ Scary Guy spins the tunes, $1.50 domestic bottles and $4 long islands all night, free before 11.
  13. Updated with artwork. So who has their tickets yet? Only $12 to see this legendary act for their first Detroit area visit!!
  14. Finally, Project Pitchfork in Detroit!! That's going to be one epic weekend with Imperative Reaction on Sunday too.
  15. Someone missed my sarcasm throughout. Not really what I meant, or maybe it was, I have no idea now. Just trying to help spread the word on a new night. Not trying to steal anyone away from any other events. I don't work for them either, if anyone wants to know why they chose weds over another night, go and ask them. Can we stay on topic here?
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