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Everything posted by t1m3k1ll3r

  1. I think Foetus & Lydia Lunch's version of Don't Fear the Reaper was the gothest! If we're going back that far, how about even farther to 1956 with "I Put a Spell on You" by Screamin' Jay Hawkins. Dude rose up out of a coffin on stage, you can't get anymore goth than that! But I'll go with Bela Lugosi's dead overall though, for serious, as far as actual gothic-labeled music goes.
  2. Endif - Peeling the Layers (from the excellent Materia Fria compilation)
  3. Got my cards today! They look great, high quality. Will pass these out soon, starting with Luna tomorrow.
  4. Just made a post about it in LJ under the MIgoth community. http://www.livejournal.com/users/migoth/ Will be adding something to myspace as well.
  5. Weird, wonder why it's not going through, might just be my slow connection. I'll be at the club tonight, maybe you can just bring some and save the postage
  6. Skinny Puppy - Tony Montana This song rules!
  7. I re-submitted my address. I mentioned DGN on my LJ, and will repost on LJ & Myspace to spread the word.
  8. Prayer Tower - Halo album. Awesome old school industrial/elektro.
  9. The new 16 Volt record! This is the best work they've done since the first two albums.
  10. I filled out that form but didn't recieve any cards, but my internet connection lately has been shaky, and been a few days since I checked the mail
  11. Personally I like the second one. Maybe there can be an option to pick which one you want to see as default?
  12. I'm going, as its DJ Joe Darque's last night as resident DJ unfortunately. The end of an era, let's make it a memorable one
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