Drawing - working on a concept for a comic book - writing, used to do band promotions (local scene wise), hunting down good music, movies and muscle cars.
I used to live on Mecosta in shacktown when I was younger.. that place is always busy.. it can be 3am and people are still outside fuckin around. I was glad when my family moved out of there. I remember when the lady across the street was fighting with her man one morning. We came outside to get in the car and go to school and buddys clothes were being tossed out of the upstairs window lol He just sat outside yelling up at her :doh
I'd have to say Jesse in general cuz he always makes me laugh or smile no matter what kind of mood I'm in. Day to day would be talking to my family - My brother cracks me up and is the best little brother a person could ask for!
On a deep and spiritual level, even though I keep my beliefs to myself, I think about how this life is just a stepping stone to all sorts of possible realms and that gives me peace of mind knowing this life won't end but continues to better and greater things.
like I stated in the other post - I wouldn't do it unless your used to token on a general basis- that stuff can have some bad effects - I've seen a kid fall right out cuz he couldnt handle it. We got it from a smoke shop and we haven't touched it since we seen that.
Most of the time I feel totally comfy with posting things - sometimes I have to re read and reread just because I think faster then I type - (same with my mouth so if I mumble my apologies) But there are some who are out to hurt people. No one on DGN seems to be like that though so thats a big relief. I think this forum has the maturity level to handle a "private board" that you don't really have to make private - just say that as a topic. But yea I'm like Troy in that instance.. Don't want to come off as a cry baby type cuz I hate those kinds of people too. But a lot of people on this board have ligit reasons/problems that aren't so minor and possibly it would be a help. It's just all in how one words their issues if they can be taken seriously or not.
So is there any plans in the making for a chatroom? God knows this place needs one. Maybe then we can weed out the anonymous and get them more interested and envolved!