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Everything posted by littlepinkkitty

  1. Well that's not very nice. I happen to collect uggs. I love them. They are super cozy.
  2. Hi i know this an old thread...I have addiction experience. NA meetings are free. People need rock bottoms and ultimatums. A lot of ppl are there for weed. You are more important then a bag of weed. It is a hard decision. A lot of ppl had to walk out of my life before i realized i had to stop doing drugs. I almost lostmy job. NA meeting got me clean and I still am and i love it. No pills no weed no alcohol. He can do it! Encourage him!
  3. I used to post in this thread all the time! All woe is me type stufff...... but good news i found me a good man. I love him soooo much. I actually gave up on dating after some serious fiascoes. People used to tell me i would find some one when i least expected it....they were right.
  4. BAck on DGN have not been in the hizzy forevs!

  5. Well i dated some one for 6 yrs. I was happy for only a few of them. We started dating when i was 17 and i got with him becuase i wanted a boyfriend like all my friends. I wasnt in love with him like he was with me but in the begining we had a good friendship. I stayed with him for so long cause i didnt want to be alone. I had some one who was always there for me even if he wasnt always nice and supportive. Atleast he was there. I hope that doesnt make me sound awful. In the last bit of our re;ationship we lived together and that was terrible. He was mean and only wanted to play video games. He was always a gamer. Thats all he did. He wouldnt pay attention to me unless he was yelling at me to get away from the TV. I had to wait for him to leave me. He wouldnt go when i tried to leave. I moved out and we barely saw each other and finally he ended it. It was scary because i was alone. I fell madly in love with some one after him. I wanted so bad fo it to work. I tried to force it. He turned out to be a jerk that i couldnt let go of for so long. I still think of him....that story sucks i think about it and my guts hurt. I felt like he was saying he wanted to be with me to get in my pants. He wouldnt be with me at an exclusive level and that really hurt me. Theres more to it but i still get so fucking mad at him. All i think about is "why wasnt i good enough for him to love me?' I want him out of system. He contacted me a month ago and i had the hardest time ignoring him but i didnt want to be left a crying mess again....why the fuck do i miss the guy?
  6. Some people have crippling depression. Some people use them to get through a rough patch and thats ok. One issue is that benzos are highly addictive and can cause dangerous withdrawls. Family doctors give them out all the time ( physical doctors not mental health ones) My mom has been through evey drug there is for mental issues. I think they over medicated her for a long time. I grew up with her on them. I dont remember her ever being normal. There is definite weight gain. Not every one has some one to turn to or talk to. Being isolated can a drive a person crazy. Atleast on drugs you get some what of a buzz or you go to sleep to help pass the time. If you do feel you need to be on meds sometimes you have to try a few to find the right one. You have to work with your doctor.
  7. curtis stone i forgot to attach his fine photo....yummy
  8. Curtis Stone is so sexy...he can bring me breakfast in bed any day
  9. butter knife....i love toast...then again i love steak what show are you embarassed to tell people you watch?
  10. you guys are awesome. Thanks for showing love. I have a feeling that i need to lower my standars but that worries me. I kinda just want to stop worrying and stop trying for that walking into the moonlight holding hands type thing to just happen. There are a lot of men in this world and one of them has to be right for me. No more frogs....
  11. i am a fucking idot. I feel dumb and rejected.
  12. got stood up i just wanna cry forever i hate this
  13. Never ever get my hopes up again because i always get let down....
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