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Everything posted by littlepinkkitty

  1. i feel you girl...I am sitting on my bed alone crying....i hate who i am...i used to have all these unhealthy habits ad they are looking really good right now. I hate myself.
  2. He texts me every night now....its so wierd. I know what he wants but damn boy. He's in another state too.
  3. Its been a year since we were courting and the funny thing is we talked online for like 2 hrs today and he wants to skype later. He's in another state for grad school right now. What he doesn't know is that two other men also called me to today. I still care about him but I don't focus on only him if he doesn't only focus on me. I'm single so I can talk to who I want. I don't initiate the conversations with him or wait around for him he has to work on my time if he want s to talk to me. If we end up together in two years ok but i am not gonna sit around I am done with that. A lot of guys want to go out with me and I am sure he knows that. He's special to me but I am putting me first.
  4. I have to disagree with you on this one. Violence is never fixed by more violence. It only begets more violence. You can't expect a kid to just have a backbone. They are kids we are the ones who teach them how to handle tough situations. Some kids are naturally tougher then others and those kids are sometimes bullies. Every kid is different. In one of my own bullying experiences i told a teacher and was punished for tattling and then made fun of for it. Parents should raise thier kids to not be jerks and have manners. Teachers at school should react swiftly to incidents in the school systems. The suicides are absolutley devastating. The stories awakened something in our counrty and more schools are having anti bullying campaigns. I also wanted to thank everyone to writing on your own experiences in this topic. Its nice to now that I wasn't the only one who was teased and bullied.
  5. So I am sure you have all heard stories in the media about kids and teens being bullied to the point where thay feel like the only way out is suicide. The most recent story is of a Rutgers university student jumping off the George washington bridge after his room mate posted a video of him being intimate with another man. http://abcnews.go.com/US/gay-teen-suicide-sparks-debate/story?id=11788128 This story made me really angry. So many kids and teens are bullied every day. I thought of myself as a kid. My mom sent me away to summer camp one summer. Coming from a family that didn't have a lot of money I didn't bring a lot of outfits to wear. I was also the kid who was insanely skinny with big thick glasses. I was was never a shy kid and I tried to make friends with the othr girls but I made few friends. I had this one shirt that I loved it was a collared shirt with red and white stripes. I didn't care how it looked on me. I liked because it reminded of a farmer. I pictured myself picking veggies everytime i wore it, someething i still like doing. One day in the art room i had the shirt onand the most popular girls were at the other end of the table giggling in my direction. I was so desperate for the friendship i actually started giggling too( I had no idea why they were giggling). Then one of them Rachie came up and said "you're shirt is ugly" I couldn't believe that. I loved that shirt. I replied "This is my favorite shirt" All of them started cracking up. "That ugly thing is your favorite shirt!" Rachie said. I felt felt so small at that point. That same summer they wrote on a picnic table in permanent marker that i was ugly and hated me. They also took my blanket and hid it in a hole somewhere. They were rarely punished. I know I wrote a lot so if you skimmed through its okay. I have been bullied more beyond what I wrote. I would really like to hear some of your stories because i feel we as a people can come together and look out for kids and adults who aren't treated nicely. Sometimes it takes one voice to save someone.
  6. Its refreshing to see that people here appreciate pale skin. I get made fun of a lot. I love the pics you guys are posting! Here is a woman that proves that pale is pretty too!
  7. That conversation scares the living hell out of me i avoid it....all my friends are getting married and having kids and i cant even get a boyfriend.....it sucks.
  8. i have come to the conclusion that i dont get men at all. I have no clue when a guy likes me as opposed to just wanting to be fwb's. I like some one now and he took me to a movie just us and it was awesome. He is someone i have known for my whole life and are families know each other really well. We recently strated hanging out again and its getting romantic .....he calls me babe. I am so bad at dating....argh!
  9. some one told me to buy a body pillow so i am not so lonely at night and can cuddle with it......
  10. i like someone.....i think he likes me.....eeeeek
  11. i Dont mean to sound all mushy and junk.....but i want to fall in love. I am seeing a lot of my friends getting married and i watch them at the chupah (altar) staring into each others eyes being so in love. I want to be happy for them..... i am a guess but at the same time i wonder when it will happen for me. I want to find the one already and i am getting so impatient about it. I go on dates that lead to nothing. I fall for guys who want sex but no relationship. Why can't men be more honest with me. I want a boyfriend already.....hmmmmph I'm lonely
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