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Everything posted by littlepinkkitty

  1. aww the good that happened today is i have an interview with a talent agency this week and a gig in a independant film....my modeling career is making may....yayatleat i have my looks and personality
  2. today i am having that no one will ever love feeling......
  3. I love a good snuggle. The best is right when I wake up and i turn over to seee if they are awake and then we snuggle and fall back asleep. oy the single life leaves the other half of my bed cold.
  4. Darling you are a great friend. The best thing to do is listen abd encourage healing. Her shrink will help her but she still needs her pals to be there for her to vent to. I remember watching my friend stare at a sandwich with this hateful stare. She lost her period for years but is healthy now. It took work with professionals. Just hold her hand when she cries and tell her you are there for her. That means more then you know to her.
  5. seriously though.....i need a cuddle buddy right now. I miss having one. Just someone to have pillow talk with. EH!
  6. I want one of these sexy ufc guys....all muscley and strong......oooohhh lawdy!
  7. triple decker turkey sandwich on rye with beef bacon.....yum!
  8. I have ahd friends with anorexia and one was hospitalized. There is usually in underlying issue that is brought out by doctors. WIth a lot of women its a control issue or a self esteem thing......that has been proven by years of study and i have learned that from my friends. They have to seek medical help because it is a mental disorder before that turns into a physical one I agree with torn Asunder she needs to go to a doctor. Its good that you care abut your friend so much. Sometimes the best friends are the ones that tell us we need help.
  9. the most important person to have a crush on is yourself...I am trying to figure out how to whisper sweet nithings into my own ear right now
  10. i have a crush on everybody because you are all too sexy!
  11. i miss having someone to say good night to.....
  12. there is a boy i like......i am going to visit him in 10 days....hope it goes well
  13. i miss the last guy i dated...... why wont he love me?
  14. I have my lonely days......having one today. But then i have my good days. zi need more of those
  15. y'all are terrific! I am deciding whether or not to find a date for new years so i get a kiss at midnight....tee hee
  16. Conclusion......he dumped me....only he says we have been friends with benefits even though i was under a different impression. He still wants to be freinds with me and said i can call him if i need to talk but i am not calling him ever. We started a couple and then were gonna slow down and he says friends with benefits! What an asshole! I cant belive i would go pick him up at 2 A.M. so he could sleep here. I feel so stupid but I am happy that its ending because i want someone who is going to give me 100% and call me back for fuck sake! I am hurt because i care for him deeply but i am not going to dwell on this one. I am gonna hang out with friends and family and worry about me for once.
  17. i know if he calls saying "can i come over" and i want to see him why cant I? I dont play games. At the same time i need to not let men i like walk all over me. To me if i cant be honest and be my true self and say what i am feeling then thats a problem. I dont want to be with someone who is gonna be scared off because i have strong feelings for them and show it. I dont call over and over. I dont even call every day. I am ready for a serious relationship and dont want bull shit. It is a unique situation with him but i dont want to wait around anymore.
  18. No. But my aunt keeps telling me not to make myself too available. She says to let him chase me. I cant deal with it anymore i am gonna find some one else to take me out. I am not going to sit and wait around for im to call or come over fuck him. I care about him but i cant put myself through this misery anymore its not worth it. He is a busy guy with all the grad school apps he is doing but it takes two seconds to send a text. We are not a couple so i can date whoever i want and i am gonna find me a good man who takes my calls and has time for me. If it ends up working out with this guy i like then okay but i should keep my options open. I want a boyfriend for fuck sake! A good jewish boy.
  19. I am not that brave. I always assume hes mad at me or sick of me and then i am terrified he will never call me again. I feel forgetable..... i know i like him more then he likes me and that spells disaster for me. People make it seem like everything i say to him has to be scripted or i will scare him. I have to be patient.
  20. waiting sounds like a good plan.....agonizing but good
  21. when the heart is involved it makes it harder....... stupid feelings
  22. And what would the proper text be to send that wont scare him away but to get why he didnt call?
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