It was also other comments and words she was using that made it seem like she wasn't only doing it around her friends. I dont want to get into a media influence discussion. But some parents allow their kids to dress and act way too old for their age. if you go into a kids clothing store some of the clothes in there are extremely innapropriate for kids to be wearing. The skirts are too short and sometimes the tanktops are too small. Also that girl only brought a bathing suit, towel and a lunch. She wasnt hiding anything with her. i would make them all check their stuff before going home and i would help them. At eleven i highly ten or eleven i dont know if she could go into a store on her own and buy that stuff on her own. Either way it really bothers me that she wanted to look "sexy" or "hot" at her age. She should be playing jump rope and not working about adult things like that.