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pomba gira

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pomba gira last won the day on March 23 2010

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About pomba gira

  • Birthday 03/16/1962

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  • Location
    Lansing, MI
  • Interests
    Anime/Manga & Japanese culture in general, sex, gothic style, herps & felines, the Lifestyle, the Dark Carnival, industrial/metal music, makeup, Prodigies/Human Oddities, transforming education thru technology & pop culture, making & adorning things, Adult Swim, being a muse, better living thru technology, extreme online time-wasting, collecting too many things to go into here, reading (mostly sf, fantasy, anything Sandman-related, offbeat historical stuff)... that's way more than anyone wanted to know, right?

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  1. Have a Happy Birthday ^_^

  2. I am wondering what it means that a woodchuck, a family of turkeys, and a sick mouse all crossed my path during my walk today.
  3. "The Compleat Guth Bandar" by Matthew Hughes. Hughes is the heir apparent to Jack Vance and I am busily reading everything of his I can find. Just started Neil Gaiman's "American Gods".
  4. Troy staggered up to me at City Club and gave me a card, I guess around '03 or '04
  5. Good morning Tyger! Good morning Slogo! Good morning Rev! Good morning Jynxxie!
  6. Happy Birthday :D

  7. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  8. Sending out random hellos. Hello :)

  9. smiley face alert :)

  10. Hi Sweetie, I just got your message. I will text you later today. Hugsie!!!!

  11. Addams Family. They always seemed like such a loving, supportive family. Not to mention that a threesome with Morticia and Gomez would be teh hawtness.
  12. but seriously... I am thinking that my Dragonball Z live wallpaper is the pinnacle of grooviness... but unfortunately it sucks down some serious juice on my new Droid phone.
  13. I am thinking those Cherokee must be really horny sons of bitches!
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