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pomba gira

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Everything posted by pomba gira

  1. Always loved chopines... those also remind me of very stylized Japanese geta either way I like 'em
  2. Wow, how could I forget Prince? Ever seen that Elvira chick out of costume? You'd never in a million years guess it was her. Petite little girl-next-door type with mousy brown hair and B cup breasts. However, I'm sure Vampira was every bit as striking at all times.
  3. It happened again today... we had the second half of first aid training, and the instructor starts talking about latex allergies. Of course all I could think about was the latex allergy gimp episode and I just cracked up laughing. I got some weird looks... especially from the guy next to me when I tried to explain what was so funny.
  4. Oh gawd... we had first aid training after work yesterday, and every single thing the instructor showed or talked about reminded me of something on the show. I couldn't stop snickering... I'm sure my colleagues all thought I'd finally lost it.
  5. Wonder if hubby had just taken out a major life insurance policy on wifey? That reminds me of a vid I saw years ago... shot at Yellowstone or somewhere like that... doofus tourist is feeding Doritos or something to a bear while wifey tapes and repeatedly squawks "Be careful, honey!"... doofus tourist runs out of Doritos and starts to walk away... bear expresses its displeasure by knocking DT silly and proceeding to eat parts of him. All captured in glorious '70s vintage Super-8 by a fellow tourist. The moral: if you absolutely MUST ignore all the posted warnings in your local national park and leave your vehicle to feed bears- buy a really BIG bag of Doritos.
  6. So I spent an embarassing length of time watching this as I graded papers last night. The basic premise is they re-enact actual deaths by bizarre misadventure... then have medical & other experts explain the actual physiological mechanism that caused the death. With added comments about how long it took and whether the victim felt what was happening. My favorites from last night: extreme dumbass tries to push jammed branches into a woodchipper with both feet (with predictable results); extreme dumbass couple decide to fool around inside a giant helium-filled basketball, are too giddy to find the zipper to get out, and asphyxiate; horny sub dumbass is zipped into latex suit, has allergic reaction, and succumbs to anaphylactic shock as oblivious domme abuses him. The re-enactments are delightfully over-the-top... they really play up the extreme dumbassedness of most of the victims. Then they end each episode with a "they walked away" type survival story, I guess so no one can accuse them of being unrelievedly morbid. The vignettes have wicked funny titles i.e. "Kill-do" (nympho masturbates with carrot and suffers air embolism) and "Chippin' Dale" (woodchipper dumbass's name was Dale). This one's a definite must-see if you like this sort of thing... hey, there's even one with furries!
  7. Hm... #1? I mean where the hell do you even GET opium? Only opiate I've never done, if it were readily findable I damn well would've had to try some at some point! Me, #3 is the lie. I did live on a farmette once where one of my chores was goat herding... but I never let any of 'em get my jewelry! I actually was on Jeopardy in 1999. I came in 2nd & won a trip to South Africa. Gimp you are correct, Rainbow Gathering is a giant-ass annual hippie event with smaller regional ones thru the year... the last place you'd expect a shootout. This one however was in the wilds of Kentucky and we got caught between two local bootlegger gangs having a dispute. and wow, I think there is a "Goody Nurse" who gets a mention in the book Tituba...
  8. Hmm... 1 or 3... I think 1, sounds like an "I knew a guy who..." tale. Me: 1. I was once caught in a shootout at a Rainbow Gathering 2. I was a contestant on Jeopardy 3. One of my favorite pieces of jewelry was eaten by a goat
  9. Hopeful. Closer to content than I have been for several weeks.
  10. Now I really feel old- I have no idea who any of Tits McGee's crushes are!
  11. I have always stayed on good terms with my exes. But then I haven't had many bitter, acrimonious partings. A couple were angry with me for a while... but that passed and things ended up being comfortable. Just because you weren't meant to be with someone is no reason to hate them IMHO.
  12. I love all these old threads that I missed first time around being resurrected!
  13. Jack Wild aka "Jimmy" from H.R. Puf'n'Stuf and The Artful Dodger in Oliver Obligatory crush for little black girls in the early '70s High school crush... when I first saw her I realized I really, really liked girls. Yeah there are better pix of her (wish I could find the one from CREEM w/the Camp Beverly Hills shirt)... but I like this one 'cos I had pretty much that exact same dress and wore it to many, many disco cabarets in the late '70s. With the matching fringed shawl. And Candies nubuck mules. ...I've seen few threads that so precisely pin down everyone's age!
  14. 1. praying for OMG's family 2. wolfing down chicken wings and fries (dammit, they forgot my cole slaw!) 3. wishing I didn't have to attend the CPR training session in 15 minutes. Nothing like a 12-hour work day, especially when most of it is taken up by 5th graders who have decided to behave like little imps of satan.
  15. I always say "Thank you" and "Have a blessed day" to service people (cashiers, receptionists, etc). Seems pretty basic to me but so often they seem surprised to be acknowledged like that. And I try to compliment people whenever possible... let coworkers know when I think they've done a good job... little things like that. Once I made my 2nd hubby move a dead squirrel out of the road so the crows could feast undisturbed... I must admit tho, that was equal parts altruism and desire to get on the Crow Tribe's good side
  16. Those Victorians took their perversions way seriously... in what other era could a woman make a fortune by inventing an auto-flogging machine?
  17. MOVIE POPCORN!! I went to a movie for the first time in a couple years last week... I forgot how absolutely scrumptious that stuff is. Nothing like it... they must mix some kind of opiate into the butter goo.
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