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pomba gira

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Everything posted by pomba gira

  1. An Orange Ginger Pork Roast sandwich. Was supposed to be my lunch, but the school secretary brought in some very tasty gumbo and decent spaghetti for Bosses' Day... so I'm monging my poor forsaken sandwich before dashing back to school for the Staff Lip Sync Show. It's OK... a bit dry 'cos I fell asleep and overcooked it. Kind'a bad luck with pork roasts lately.
  2. Red hair was considered quite inauspicious through much of Western history... pretty much the same as being left-handed. Hence the "allure of the forbidden", taste-of-danger vibe has attached itself to redheads.
  3. Eeeyew, could've done without seeing the incontinent marathon runner. I understand that's a fairly common occurrence in that sport, though. Yuk, makes me glad I'm a fat lazyass. Well, basic natural phenomena like light refraction are probably beyond the grasp of anyone who can't even comprehend the correct use of apostrophes and makes up words like "prodominatly". The one line about "everywhere we look, the visible spectrum is rainbows" is strangely compelling tho... like something someone from the '60s would say Me too, the implication would seem to be rather racist... or that you fail as a parent if your kids ever have fun? She's not drinking alcohol or flashing her tits, doesn't look really wasted, neither is anyone else in the shot... looks pretty innocent to me. Maybe I'm missing something, tho. Maybe the real implication is that you're a parental failure if your sons hang out with mainstream-looking white girls at spring break, instead of going to the FreakNic like good little Qs, Kappas & Alphas. I remember my MaMa warning me about white kids when I went off to college: "They have parties with bowls of drugs on the coffee table and people will put LSD in your drink when you aren't looking!" Apparently I hooked up with the wrong white kids... I'm still waiting to be invited to one of those parties. Hopefully the young brothas in the pic will have better luck. Would be better if not for the crappy 100th-gen video... but the one with the DEA agent/"Glock Leg" victim (well, "Glock Foot" in this case) is prolly my all-time favorite. He actually tries to continue the presentation after shooting himself... comes back out & takes out another gun, and the kids (upper-el age) start yelling "No! No! Put it away!". He was actually trying to sue (not quite sure who) a year or so ago, claiming the video had ruined his career and made him a laughingstock among his colleagues. As well it might. Is that Flavor Flav with the tricked-out Seville? Always hated those, looked like they took a giant guillotine and chopped off the whole rear end. And WTF are those red things on the fenders?
  4. There are one or two sellers on eBay who carry several styles of very functional but quite attractive garter belts, with six or eight garters and yes, all metal hardware. Can't remember either name but try running a search on "plus garter belt" or "crossdresser garter". I bought one once, it was very well made and everything I could've wanted... but unfortunately two sizes too small. I would definitely buy another if I were in the market, though!
  5. Woot woot! I'm User of the Day at MalariaControl.net! Ain't that spaicial! I AM THE CHOSEN ONE!!! Just curious, what other projects are Team DGN members on? Me: MalariaControl, Rosetta@Home, MindModeling@Home.
  6. Haha you're even more so than me... I have food, water, blanket, flashlights, feminine supplies, first aid kit, hand warmer packs, glow sticks, insulated bags, bungee cords and various other knick knacks in my car. All neatly packed into a storage container that takes up surprisingly little space in the back of the Sportage. But no GPS. I would like one, tho... AFA I'm concerned, a GPS isn't essentially different from a map... just another level of tech.
  7. Dunno 'bout stuff getting trapped, all I know is the one time I, um, experienced one it was a damn fine ride which I've wanted to repeat ever since (with someone other than the self-righteous little snotnose who owned the one in question). Helly intense.
  8. Whoah, that is a rather disturbing resemblance! Would be even more effective if you periodically rip off the mask... Always wanted to do the geisha thing... but all my kimono and gear cost way too much to wear to Hallowicked & risk Faygo drenching. Maybe I'll do a sexy geisha thing (scanty lingerie under partially open kimono) for the Cap City October party, only have to worry about, um, body fluids there! Now, if only I can figure out how to do a decent obi tie by then... Guess I'm really disturbed 'cos I absolutely LOVE that. I can see your point, tho, AFA the "been there, done that" aspect. As for me I'm doing a slightly betterl-planned version of my Wicked Kitty rig from last year. Rhumba panties, tail, ears, collar w/bell, jeweled whiskers... nothing special but I like it and the ears are kind of my trademark.
  9. Certainly not me 'cos I feel the same way. Tokagemaru & I would both love to be part of a triad. Like HH, I don't believe that humans were intended to be monogamous. I think polypods tend to be weighted toward the female mainly because most men don't have the emotional flexibility and strength for that kind of sharing. Whether it's because males just aren't wired that way, or cultural conditioning, who can say. Only culture I can think of where polyandrous marriages are common is traditional Tibetan, where several brothers would share a wife... and like traditional monogamy, that tradition evolved as a way to deal with inheritance issues and had nothing to do with what really suited anyone involved. I would define polyamory as a bit different from "just" swinging. I think of it as the relationship T. & I have with two other couples, where we are good friends, care for each other, and share more than a purely sexual relationship. However we don't actually live together or have a "committed" thing, so we aren't a polypod with either couple. Polyamory is fairly common in the swinger community- we know quite a few pairs/groups of couples who have been in this kind of relationship for 10+ years. Definitely a different thing altogether than the "notches on the bedpost" style of swinging.
  10. I don't like either the Jovan or Coty Jungle Gardenia... gotta be the original Tuvache. Certainly worth trying tho- is that a department store brand where testers would be available? Ah, never mind- I see it's by Coty. Thanks for the tip, my vintage bottle of Jungle Gardenia is going in the fridge right now!
  11. Maybe it's a purse? Or an annoying little rat dog carrier?
  12. For everyday I wear Somali Rose oil or Lolita Lempicka. Special occasions, Pink Sugar, Je Reviens, Cast a Spell. When I was younger my trademark scent was Jungle Gardenia... I was heartbroken when they stopped making it. I have a bottle I bought on eBay that I'm jeaously hoarding even tho it's starting to go a bit off. I love gearheads... that motor oil smell on a guy who's been wrenching is hellaciously sexy to me!
  13. Don't do the sword thing but I love knives! I used to rock those Gerber survival knives until I ended up with a CCW case due to some gung-ho MSU campus cop on a visit to the circus. Right now my everyday purse knife is a little Gerber pocket knife with the sharpest blade I've ever owned, and a clever little pair of Fiskar scissors.
  14. Sausage Bread I've made this for potlucks at Cherry Lane and it gets monged down with a quickness. I'm sure it would be even better made in a full-sized oven that actually has numbers on the dial so you know what temp you're cooking at! 1 loaf frozen bread dough 1 lb bulk Italian sausage (or bulk breakfast sausage with 1 tbsp fennel seed and a dash of garlic salt mixed into it) 2 c. mozarella cheese 3 slices American cheese 1 medium onion, chopped Thaw & rise the dough according to package directions. Cook the sausage and onions in a large skillet. Drain the fat off the sausage. Roll the dough out on a floured surface, to about 10x18". Layer the other ingredients on the dough as follows: cheddar, sausage mozarella, and a little more cheddar. Roll the dough up jellyroll-style. Pinch a "seam" together firmly across the face of the roll, and pinch the ends shut. Make sure the pinched edge is on top. Bake on a cookie sheet at 350 for about 45 minutes. Slice into rounds when done. It will slice better if you let it rest for 10 minutes first. Last time I made this I used grated sharp cheddar instead of the American cheese, I liked it even better that way!
  15. Just about everything bees produce has amazing health benefits. They're wondrous creatures and we'll be truly fucked if they really do all die off. The one thing I wonder about bird's nest soup is, who the HELL first decided it would be a good idea to make soup out of dried swallow saliva? Maybe they saw an animal like a pig eating one... but then again pigs don't usually hang out on steep cliffsides too much. Never had sheep's head but my aunt served a cow's head once. I'm told it's a Mexican Christmas dish; auntie was working with some migrant worker's education project at the time (she was on the state board of education and also worked for MEA for many years) and one of the organizers made it for her. It was actually quite tasty... very sweet tasting, tender meat... much more flavorful than I usually find beef. We didn't eat the eyeballs, though.
  16. The few times I've eaten shark it wasn't anything to write home about... basic large-predator fish like swordfish or marlin, but with kind of a gamy overtone to it. It wasn't bad, just nothing really special. Maybe it wasn't fresh enough... or maybe they didn't soak it in milk as I've heard you're supposed to do (to get the ammonia out). Who knows.
  17. I THOUGHT something was weird! Duh!
  18. Just about any kind of seafood but especially calamari (preferably fried tempura style), salmon (sockeye, not that silver crap), shrimp, and whitefish. Sushi, esp. nigiri tuna, salmon, eel, and salmon roe Lamb... chops, shanks, leg Duck Cherries. I can polish off truly embarrassing amounts. Fried chicken Ben & Jerry's ice cream (Turtle Soup, Cherry Garcia, Visualize Whirled Peace) and sorbet (Jamaican Me Crazy, Berried Treasure) Peaches and nectarines (fresh and in season only, can't stand that Chilean rubbish) Chocolate covered cashews or macadamias... and just plain CHOCOLATE Tom Kha Gai soup Bacon (but only thick cut slab bacon with the rind on) Beef tongue Good food is second only to good sex in terms of bringing us close to the divine!
  19. Has razor-sharp wit and a very lovely wife!
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